Paper ID #32896Teachers Navigating Educational Systems: Reflections on the Value ofFunds of Knowledge (Fundamental)Dr. Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an assistant professor in the Department of Integrated Engineering at the University of San Diego. His research has contributed to the integration of critical theoretical frame- works and Chicano Cultural Studies to investigate and analyze existing deficit models in engineering education. Dr. Mejia’s work also examines how asset-based models impact the validation and recognition of students and communities of color as holders
professional developmentprogram positioned the importance of the inclusion of engineering content and encouragedteachers to explore community-based, collaborative activities that identified and spoke to societalneeds and social impacts through engineering integration. Data collected from two of the coursesin this project, Enhancing Mathematics with STEM and Engineering in the K-12 Classroom,included participant reflections, focus groups, microteaching lesson plans, and field notes.Through a case study approach and grounded theory analysis, themes of self-efficacy, activelearning supports, and social justice teaching emerged. The following discussion on teachers’engineering and STEM self-efficacy, teachers’ integration of engineering to address
empiricalstudy of art classrooms as a way to describe “the kinds of thinking developed by the arts [thatare] important in and of themselves, as important as the thinking developed in more traditionallyacademic subjects.” According to Hetland et al. [4], the eight Studio Habits of Mind include:Developing Craft, Engaging and Persisting, Envisioning, Expressing, Observing, Reflecting,Stretching and Exploring, and Understanding Art Worlds.Hetland et al. [4] define the eight Studio Habits of Mind in the following ways: Develop Craft- Technique: Learning to use tools (e.g. viewfinders, brushes), materials (e.g. charcoal, paint); learning artistic conventions (e.g. perspective, color mixing) Studio practice: Learning to care for tools
Consumer Affairs, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Marketing Education Review.Dr. Gbetonmasse B. Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gbetonmasse Somasse is a faculty member in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he also directs the Cape Town Project Center. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a Master in statistics. His research interests are in applied econometrics, development economics, program evaluation, and higher education. In higher education, he is interested in student motivation, experiential learning, and critical reflection to promote active and more intentional learning. Previously, Somasse was a
their playground equipment models and test their designs with miniature wheelchairs. All initial designs have room for improvement; groups iterate and continue testing, trying to improve their designs. Day 8: Design Challenge - Peer Feedback How can we improve our designs by giving and receiving peer feedback? Student groups self-evaluate their own design and design process, then pair up with other groups to offer feedback, help troubleshoot, and brainstorm solutions to common issues. Day 9: Design Challenge - Final Test & Review What can we learn by looking across all our design attempts? Groups reflect on their design attempts, and the teacher facilitates a whole class discussion comparing across designs. Student groups complete their
concept or how to proceed, students reflected thatEOEs stepped in to help them figure out how to move forward, providing encouragement andsupport throughout. Their comments suggested that the goal of the EOEs was to ensure thatstudents were successful on a project, even if they had failed attempts along the way. Studentsfelt supported by EOEs throughout the design challenges and perceived that EOEs worked tomake the experience as positive as possible for them.Table 5. Sample Student Statements Related to Fostering Student Agency, Understanding, andProject SuccessSub-theme Student StatementsStudent Agency They [EOE] didn't do it for me. They gave me some directions so then I could figure it out... not every
. 2. Provide documentation of their design decisions in the form of written reflection, sketches, and evidence from data. 3. Build a prototype as part of their solution (a simulation, drawing or a physical object) 4. Present their solution to others.The Committee then recruited a broad range of experts including those in education, engineering,health care, and counseling services to help define the parameters of the challenge and the formatby which it was delivered. The problem needed to be narrow enough for students to grasp andaddress in a short period of time but broad enough to foster creativity. The resulting challengefocused on physical locations and the nature of human interactions in those
theirown ability to teach engineering content. Or a teacher may provide different kinds of verbalsupport for students to engage with certain engineering practices based on their perceptions ofstudents’ abilities to engage in engineering practices in different classroom contexts (Lilly et al.,2020). Teachers’ beliefs can then affect the effectiveness of teachers’ implementation ofinterdisciplinary curricula and the opportunities that students have to engage in certaininterdisciplinary practices (Askew et al., 1997). In classroom practice, teachers draw upon their own privately-held PCK&S to make bothplanned and in-the-moment instructional moves. PCK&S is a kind of reflection in action (Schön,1983) where teachers monitor student
the concluding session rank the students andthe student groups are presented with cash awards reflective of their ranking.Graduation, Awards, and Final Remarks Session The NSTI program ends with a graduation ceremony and closing remarks meeting. In this meeting,Dr. Yusuf Mehta, CREATES’ Director, concludes the program by providing the students and ceremonyattendees with final remarks on the program’s success and lessons learned. It is also an opportunity forstudents to discuss their experience with the program administrators and their parents.LONG-TERM IMPACT ON CAREER CHOICES OF COHORTSOutreach Findings To evaluate the extent to which the goals of the program were achieved, parents of NSTI programgraduates were contacted by
; interactions with city construction-in-progress teams(engineers, managers) and city leaders (councilman) and staff.Friday: Field trip to university’s aviation and flight control center adjacent to the suburbanairport. Final presentations and check out.Each day, students had classroom time to work in small teams and individually. The aim of theseclassroom sessions was to help participants reflect on their transportation related experiences andinteractions with experts to further develop and articulate their understanding of localtransportation and construction industry and related careers (West, 2018). All meals, breakfast,lunch, and dinner, and snacks were provided.Data Collection and MethodsA pre-post survey was developed (NAE, 2008, 2013) to elicit
other teachers as they taught in ways designed to foreground students’ funds ofknowledge and home languages. For over one year, they participated in ongoing professionaldevelopment in which they reflected on student work or transcripts of their own teaching anddiscussed and identified ways for better supporting Latinx students who were receiving ESLservices. MethodsFor the trimester reported in this comparative case study, we observed each teacher daily for aminimum of four instructional units. These instructional units were each comprised of oneengineering design challenge and ranged from a few days to a few months in duration. Thisstudy also draws from four interviews per teacher, which were designed
example diagram of this bi-factor CFA model is depicted in Figure 1.This general factor needs to be parsed out when evaluating the structural validity of the sixsubstantive scales because an acquiescence factor (response bias or general attitude) has beenwidely reported in psychological research with self-report measures (Paulhus & Vazire, 2007).Some respondents have a general tendency to endorse all the items highly across measurementscales, whereas others have a general tendency to provide lower ratings across the board. It iswell documented that self-ratings of many psychological constructs reflect this general factor,including personality (e.g., Messick & Jackson, 1961), interests (e.g., Tracey, 2012), and affectand perceptions at
Bennett, New York Hall of Science Ms. Bennett currently serves as Director of Creative Pedagogy at the New York Hall of Science, respon- sible for developing and implementing new initiatives that reflect NYSCI’s core pedagogical approach known as DESIGN, MAKE, PLAY —a child-centered approach to STEM learning that inspires curiosity and playful exploration, builds confidence with new skills and tools, and fosters creative problem solving and divergent thinking. Drawing on 30 years of experience in informal and formal education, she helps translate this approach into practice by creating professional development experiences for our young mu- seum facilitators and K-12 educators, developing apps to stimulate STEM b) Live broadcast. The Live broadcast is done through the social networks of the Municipality of Lima-Peru. While the facilitator presents the activity, the group members read the chat and comment/respond /interact with the participants (Figure 2). Figure 2. Live transmission example Closure of activity. After participating in the activity, the group members share their reflections and attend to the participants' questions and communications through the Facebook Live chat (Figure 3). Figure 3. Close of the live transmission with the members of the
.” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(2), 4-13.[12] Cunningham, C. M., & Kelly, G. J. (2017). Epistemic practices of engineering for education. Science Education, 101(3), 486-505.[13] Jonathan D. Hertel, Christine M. Cunningham & Gregory J. Kelly (2017) The roles of engineering notebooks in shaping elementary engineering student discourse and practice, International Journal of Science Education, 39:9, 1194-1217[14] Wendell, K. B., Wright, C. G., & Paugh, P. (2017). Reflective decision‐making in elementary students' engineering design. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 356- 397.[15] Kelley, T. R., Capobianco, B. M., & Kaluf, K. J. (2015). Concurrent think-aloud protocols to assess
National Science Foundation grant #1849430. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Brophy, S. Klein, M. Portsmore, & C. Rogers, “Advancing engineering education in P‐12 classrooms,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 369-387, 2008.[2] S. Purzer, J. Strobel & M. E., & Cardella, M. E. (Eds.). (2014). Engineering in pre-college settings: Synthesizing research, policy, and practices. Purdue University Press[3] N. V. Mendoza Díaz, & M. F. Cox, “An Overview of the Literature: Research in P-12 Engineering Education,” Advances in Engineering
careers andpathways. Phase I and II were done in collaboration with teachers participating in the teacher PDsessions, while Phase III entailed specific breakout sessions just for counselors. Participantsattended at least one synchronous session (approximately three hours) per week, including anintroductory kickoff meeting with the project team and collaborative sessions with teachers.Counselors were given opportunities in these sessions to undertake activities in teams.Discussions were held to share experiences and reflect on their learning of engineering.Asynchronous sessions afforded counselors with opportunities to work on engineering projectsindividually, read relevant literature, and construct mind maps demonstrating their understandingof
moreclosely with industry partners in order to meet their workforce expectations and develop curriculathat align with the workforce of tomorrow based on cloud computing job roles.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1801024. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Fayer, A. Lacey and W. Watson, A. “BLS spotlight on statistics: STEM occupations- past, present, and future,” U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic, 2017. [Online]. Available:
well as thediscussion that occurred as the participants discussed each action research presentation.Additionally, some participants submitted a final report using a template provided by NationalAlliance for Partnerships in Equity, where participants shared information on their actionresearch issue, strategies applied, number of students reached, results, reflections, goals for nextyear, and other additional information (see Figure 2 in Appendix A). Additional data have beencollected throughout the project that will provide added content for analysis in the future,especially as it relates to the findings from this preliminary study. These data include student andschool team surveys, focus group interviews, and artifact collection and review
).[26] V. Venkatesh, S. A. Brown, and H. Bala, "Bridging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide: Guidelines for Conducting Mixed Methods Research in Information System.," MIS Q., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 21–54, Mar. 2013.[27] M. Friedman, "Use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance.," J. Am. Stat. Assoc., vol. 32, no. 200, pp. 675–701, Dec. 1937.[28] J. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, "Quality in Interpretive Engineering Education Research: Reflections on an Example Study.," J. Eng. Educ., vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, Oct. 2013.[29] J. Saldaña, The coding manual for qualitative researchers., 3rd ed. SAGE, 2015.[30] H. W. Marsh and R. G. Craven, "Reciprocal Effects of Self
with OMSI, Marcie is a founding member of the Informal Learning Leadership Collaborative (ILLC) and engages with her community as a facilitator for conversations about race and activities for personal reflection. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Engineering Awareness at Design Challenge Exhibits (Fundamental)IntroductionEngineering in communitiesAn increasing number of federally funded projects have focused on encouraging youth andfamilies to exercise engineering skills (e.g., GRADIENT [1], Engineering is Elementary [2], andHead Start on Engineering [3]). This trend, paired with the increasing popularity of designchallenge-based