propositional logic are among the concepts underlying testing; • provides examples for data structures: testing tools need to represent graphs, the axioms of abstract data types such as a stack can guide testing; and • supports programming education in various aspects: students become better programmers as they o become tool literate; o learn about topics as testing and debugging presented as SECs; and o reflect on quality of source code as well as of programs.Such a positive view is supported, e.g., by McCauley and Jackson who write: “an early andconsistent emphasis on software engineering concepts creates a student culture that values theprinciples and practices of software engineering” 15. Also
study. Note that Likert scale items allow for both agreement and disagreement.Table 3 below contains sample survey items for the three aspects under study. The “H6” itemrelates to student motivation (aspect 1), the “SE2” item relates to perceived software engineeringlearning (aspect 2) and the “G2” item relates to impact on major and career plans (aspect 3). Thesurvey items are worded so that the positive outcome, Ha, will be reflected by student agreement(“agree” or “strongly agree”) with each statement. ID Item H6 Working with an H-FOSS community to develop a project has increased my interest in computing. SE2 I am comfortable that I could participate in the planning and development of a real-world software project. G2
grading.In 2005, Higgins distributed a survey programming students who tested the tool CourseMarkerafter a transition away from Ceilidh.69 The surveys showed that over 75% of students appreciatedfeatures only AATs could provide such as multiple attempts. Specifically, most students felt thatmultiple available submissions encouraged them to work for a higher grade.In 2007, Nordquist wrote on the tool Autograder, used for a beginning programming section andthree secondary sections.3 Twenty-five out of 47 students volunteered to answer an anonymousonline survey. This survey used a 1 to 5 Likert scale, and the responses reflected an overallpositive response to the automatic grading tool. When asked, “Other things being equal, giventhe choice between