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Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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Software Engineering Division
course ends (e.g., as peer tutors or project mentors), • help improve the course (e.g., by creating new active-learning exercises over the material, or scoping out new technological developments that could be incorporated into the course), and • keep you in contact with current industrial practice (e.g., by serving as a scrum master or training others in the practice).This way of looking at a course reflects a subtle, but important, difference in devising courseprojects. The question is not, How can I specify projects that will familarize students with thecourse content? but rather, How can I design projects that will help students find their role inpromoting their own learning and that of their classmates? This
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bruce R. Maxim, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Thomas Limbaugh, University of Michigan - Dearborn
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Software Engineering Division
willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bruce R. Maxim, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Gail Luera, University of Michigan, Dearborn
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Software Engineering Division
activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project activitiesinherent in real-world software development encourage students to improve their written and oralcommunication skills11. To this end, the investigators included small group online activities withthe expectation that students would provide written or oral summaries (either live online or usingvideo) of the strategies used to complete
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kyle D. Feuz, Weber State University; Linda DuHadway, Weber State University; Hugo Edilberto Valle, Weber State University; Richard C. Fry, Weber State University; Kim Marie Murphy, Weber State University
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Software Engineering Division
format. For example, in a face-to-face format, collaboration and pairprogramming works well. Some instructors have even been successful implementing distributedpair programming in an online course [5]. However, in a flexible schedule, online format (Flex),the implementation of these activities is particularly challenging. In the Flex format, studentsstart the course at different points in the semester, work at their own pace and may not beworking on the same module at the same time. The asynchronous nature of the class makes itparticularly difficult for students to interact with each other. We propose the use of discussionboards within the learning management system to help create peer-to-peer code sharingexperiences in a Flex class. In this
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derek David Riley, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Software Engineering Division
fixes over SPL (maintainability) goals.In this work we investigate a couple of research questions including: can incorporating SPL intoan undergraduate software engineering course sequence improve student learning outcomesrelated to writing maintainable, reliable, and reusable code? We are also interested in answeringthe question of whether incorporating SPL can improve the quality of documentation created bystudents. To work toward answers to these questions we present a case study of the two-semesterdevelopment of an SPL in a senior-level undergraduate software engineering course sequenceusing a real-world mobile application. We present key strategies for motivating positive learningoutcomes including an adapted Scrum process designed to
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Bruce R Maxim, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Jeffrey J. Yackley, University of Michigan, Dearborn
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Software Engineering Division
more willing to meet with instructorsoutside of class [22]. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place,but learning can be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning 3activities [23].Several best practices have been identified for making using of active learning. Prince reportsthat students retain knowledge better when lectures are interspersed with brief periods ofactivity [15]. Simply adding the use of clickers during lecture classes is not perceived as activelearning by students [24]. Butler says that using active learning breaks during lectures can helpstudents retain the concepts being studied [25]. Prince [8] also suggests
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tamaike Brown, State University of New York at Oswego; Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego
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Software Engineering Division
model the learningoutcomes for the course remain the same for all who enroll regardless of the mode of attendance. Our HyFlex SQA approach consists of lectures (in class, with video recordings), face-to-face activities, as well as group assignments, group projects, and exams all facilitated through anonline campus management system. During the lecture period, the instructor delivers content inthe form of lecture slides and writing on a whiteboard. This poses significant challenges for theinstructor, as the learning outcomes have to be delivered in different modalities, but with the samequality. This is particularly difficult in SQA courses, as these require instruction in formal methodsas well as systematic justification of engineering
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, Western Michigan University; Luiz Fernando Capretz P.E., Western University; Sachin Narendra Pardeshi, R.C.Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur
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Software Engineering Division
founder head of the innovation Center. Dr Waychal earned his Ph D in the area of developing Innovation Competencies in Information System Organizations from IIT Bombay and M Tech in Control Engineering from IIT Delhi. He has presented keynote / invited talks in many high prole international conferences and has published papers in peer- reviewed journals. He / his teams have won awards in Engineering Education, Innovation, Six Sigma, and Knowledge Management at international events. His current research interests are engineering edu- cation, software engineering, and developing innovative entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. He was chosen as one of the five outstanding engineering educators by IUCEE (Indo-universal
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University; Stefan C. Christov, Quinnipiac University
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Software Engineering Division
scenarios, described in more detail in section 5.Students need to develop communication skills. Communication skills include the ability to read,understand, and express concepts from the technical and professional literature, the ability toclearly and accurately present technical information to a variety of audiences in written and oralform, and the ability to effectively and efficiently work in a team. Communications skills areconsidered a component of students’ learning that will benefit them in the workplace, and oneplace to learn such skills is through software development projects [7,14,18]. Traditionally,software development courses have focused on writing skills (e.g., [20]), but typically littleattention has been paid to how other
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ingrid Buckley, Florida Gulf Coast University; Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University
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Software Engineering Division
interleaved.Advantages: 1. Students had more peer support and could problem solve technical issues with other teams. 2. Students had access to software testing tools and resources. 3. Students received an in-depth understanding of the software product because they were im- plementing it.Challenges: 1. Students struggled with programming-related skills. As a result, too much time was spent on implementing the application. 2. Some team members preferred to avoid the technical work and only contributed to the writing of the reports. 3. Students struggled to meet the statement and branch coverage requirements for testing.Approach 2: Capstone Group Project - with the development and testing phases interleaved.Advantages: 1. Students were
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Software Engineering Division
reflection enhances learning in any learningsetting [20], but within service-learning, it is imperative to connect the different elements of thelearning and engagement experiences and allow students to process their experiences. Traditional modes of reflection include journal writing and group discussions [16-19].Journal writing provides a safe environment for students to express their thoughts and feelingsand group discussions present an opportunity to express one’s views and to learn from otherpoints of view. Students can also reflect on the impact they have by answering reflectionquestions or responding to question prompts. When designing service-learning projects, they canbe set up analogously to traditional design projects but with an
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce R Maxim, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Stein Brunvand, University of Michigan-Dearborn; Marouane Kessentini, University of Michigan-Dearborn
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Software Engineering Division
appropriate software engineering tools in the development of a software product5. Manage the completion of a software project for an external customer6. Participate in several peer design walkthroughs, including the presentation and critiquing of each other’s designs during class time7. Participate on a multi-disciplinary design team to design and implement a software project8. Write a complete design document for a software system9. Write a management plan for a software project that involves time and resource estimates, personnel scheduling detail, and the determination of its production costsCIS 375 meets twice a week for 2 hours each class period for 56 contact hours over a period of 4months. The topics covered in this course are listed in
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ben Tribelhorn, University of Portland; Andrew M. Nuxoll, University of Portland
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Software Engineering Division
much more apparent. We require the student teams to meet once per week outside of class but we find that they often voluntarily meet more frequently. Certainly the leadership team (CTO and team leads) meets even though it is not required. • Students get taste of being a mid-level manager (the “CTO” role). They are elected to this position by their peers and not allowed to write any code while they are in the role. Even so, they quickly realize that it’s a lot of work. This is much more of a true leadership position than just a team lead. The CTO selects sprint goals and team composition. “I was class CTO” looks good on a resume too. • Progress is faster. Having one team of 20 isn’t four-times faster
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James R Vallino, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Bryan Basham, Software Alchemy (with RIT)
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Software Engineering Division
audittrail available in the tools used for these activities—Github/git, Trello, and Slack, respectively. Inaddition to peer evaluations that are done mid-project and end-of-project, the instructor uses thisevidence to make individual positive or negative adjustments to team grades based on anindividual student's contribution. The mid-project peer evaluations are mostly consideredformative and do not affect the student's grade immediately. The instructor provides feedback toeach student individually at that point. After the end-of-project peer evaluation, the instructorwill compute the individual adjustment factor for each student, if needed, and apply it to theentire project grade for the student. Our experience is that after the first peer
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University; Zachary Michael Steudel; Joshua Craig Hunter, Baylor University
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Software Engineering Division
, development, and consultation firm. She joined the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University in 1997, where she teaches a variety of engineering and computer science classes, she is the Faculty Advisor for the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), the Director of the Computer Science Fellows program, and is a KEEN Fellow. She has authored and co- authored over fifty peer-reviewed papers.Mr. Zachary Michael Steudel Zachary Steudel is a 2021 graduate of Baylor University’s computer science department. In his time at Baylor, he worked as a Teaching Assistant under Ms. Cynthia C. Fry. As part of the Teaching Assistant role, Zachary designed and created the group project for the Computer Systems
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stefan Christov, Quinnipiac University; James Walker, Michigan Technological University; Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University
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Software Engineering Division
• Conduct status reports and peer reviews • Submit status reports • Demo project • Submit final work plan and demo project • Conduct a team postmortem • Conduct and report a team postmortem14-15 Final Report, Presentation/Demo, and Project Packaging Final Report and Presentation/Demo • Package project code and documentation for next team • Give a comprehensive presentation describing project • Submit a final report and make a final development over the semester and demo the project in presentation/demo to a general audience its final state. Table 1: Team Software Project Course
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eli Tilevich, Virginia Tech; Simin Hall, Virginia Tech; Peeratham Techapalokul, Virginia Tech
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Software Engineering Division
custom block. In Scratch, the custom block construct reifies procedural abstraction; it mimicsthe functionality of a procedure in text-based languages, having a unique name, parameters, and abody of statements. We discovered that not only could absolute beginners be effectively taught areal software quality concept (i.e., code duplication), but they were quite receptive and apprecia-tive of this knowledge. The majority of the study participants showed an inclination to keep usingautomated quality improvement tools in their future programming pursuits. This discovery is animportant contribution to the understanding of the mindset of introductory learners, with respectto their attitude toward not only learning how to write code, but how to do it