, and environmental engineering help to providesome of the solutions to the underlying problems associated with bad weather such as resilienttechnologies [35, 36, 37]. Together, engineering and nursing offer a V-shaped solution to a betterfuture which supports the economic success and health of local communities. Students in thecourse are exposed to the additional policy benefit of improving conditions of immigration anddrug trafficking that impact the U.S., which is an example of a systems engineeringconceptualization of sustainable development and life-cycle assessment.MethodsInstitutional context. Founded in 1870 in Rolla, Missouri, the Missouri University of Science andTechnology, or S&T, is a technological research university offering
ofstakeholder awareness skills and identify the area(s) of development (gaps). The results provide us withinsights to develop effective teaching strategies to address these gaps.Study participants were tasked to complete a scenario-based assessment proposed by Grohs, et al. [1] thatfocuses on systems thinking and problem-solving as engineers by responding to a scenario that addressedtechnical and social contexts. The activity focuses on participants’ responses to a given scenario and theprompts intended to guide respondents in a systems-thinking approach. Data were collected electronicallyand analyzed using qualitative coding methods by applying the assessment tool rubric to evaluate studentresponses using systems thinking constructs from the framework
7 17 300 30 G 2 3 6 20 210 4 1 S 10 200 Targets/Waypoints 5
balanced strategy for success. While it may be evident to develop short-termtechnological solutions, it is equally crucial to incorporate long-term structural and functional solutions intothe planning process. This holistic approach ensures a more robust and sustainable outcome for the project[2].Based on Gibson et al.'s analysis of data from Anderson Consulting (1993) [1], the goal developmentrepresents a small part of the total lifetime cost of a system (less than 1% in a typical software system), yet"it results in a critical commitment of recourses." When the first 8% of the project budget is spent, 80% ofthe cost of the project/system is determined.Competitiveness in professional practice requires engineers to participate in and accomplish
Paper ID #41979Decolonizing Stakeholder Analysis for Engineered SystemsDr. Shamsnaz Virani Bhada, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Shamsnaz S. Virani, Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, earned her Ph.D.in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Alabama, Huntsville. She also holds a M.S. in human factors engineering from Wright State University, Dayton.Sarah E. Stanlick, Worcester Polytechnic Institute ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Decolonizing stakeholder analysis for engineered systemsAbstractIn systems
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