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Displaying results 3031 - 3060 of 22826 in total
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan J Ely, University of Southern Indiana; Milad Rezvani Rad, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
required for developing students’ essential skills [2].Although students who used ChatGPT in project-based, reflective, critical thinking, and research-related writing assessments have faced some challenges and shortcomings, they managed to getsatisfactory results with proper training and input. Therefore, the success rate relies on the level ofstudents’ understanding of ChatGPT usage and expected output. However, there is always a riskassociated with mastering this technique that can alter the balance of risk and reward for students[3].Methodology:This case study involved the introduction of a new module regarding Artificial Intelligence inengineering classrooms by looking at the use of generative and non-generative AI in anengineering technical
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nyna Jaye DeWitt, University of Georgia; Animesh Paul, University of Georgia; John Ray Morelock, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
Classroom Observations Section C: After Classroom Observations The observer meets with the instructor to hear The observer meets with the instructor to hear their reflections, discuss new ideas or their reflections, discuss new ideas or questions, and provide constructive feedback questions, and provide constructive feedback with a focus on highlighting strengths over with a focus on highlighting strengths over areas for improvement (at least three times as areas for improvement. many strengths as areas with room for improvement).Section AThis initial step in the peer observation process is meant to orient the observer to the course. Thismeans reviewing the course material and understanding the classroom
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Asefeh Kardgar, Purdue University ; Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD)
Engineering Education, 2024Effectiveness of Using Animated versus Static InfographicsABSTRACTInfographics are a popular way to convey information in various contexts. They come in twoformats, static and animated. A recent study aimed to determine which format was moreeffective in getting the audience to reflect on the information presented. The study usedsecondary research methodology and found that both formats were effective in conveyinginformation, but animated infographics were more impactful in terms of comprehension,retention, engagement, and memorability. The study suggests that future research should usestatistical and experimental approaches to validate these findings.Keywords - infographics, animated infographics, static
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alfreda Samira James, Stony Brook University; Marianna Savoca, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University; Catherine A Scott
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
expectations of any would-be employer across all sectors,including academic employers. While graduate students entered the program with STEMresearch experience, they acknowledge low levels of career knowledge and career readiness.Building a team of supporters is a feature of career design and embedded throughout this project.CAR 551 promotes a design thinking mindset while supporting participants in exploration ofoptions, forming networks according to interests and skills, and constant revision. Yet, careerdesign principles have the potential to disrupt well- established comfort zones in students aboutthe use of STEM skills.Project organizers created an end-of-semester celebration/reflection to normalize career designand encourage participants to
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leana Santos, University of Connecticut; Davis Chacon-Hurtado, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
Paper ID #44299Board 32: Designing a Graduate Course in Sustainable Transportation andHuman Rights with a Student-Centered ApproachLeana Santos, University of Connecticut Leana Santos, is a fourth-year Ph.D. Candidate in structural engineering at the University of Connecticut. She is a Harriott and GAANN Fellow. Alongside her current program courses, Leana is pursuing the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction offered by UConn’s Neag School of Education. Her current research is centered on the impact of pyrrhotite oxidation on concrete deterioration, reflecting her dedication to understanding and mitigating
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitra Varun Anand, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Curtis Abel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ahmet Can Sabuncu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
competenciesacross a spectrum of engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical,and computer engineering. Such a holistic educational approach is intended to arm students withthe analytical and problem-solving prowess essential for the engineers of tomorrow [7-8].Building on a preceding work-in-progress study focused on results from the pilot course offering,this paper dives into two offerings of the course over a two-year period, focusing on competencygains assessed through Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) instrument. The analysishopes to uncover advancements in competencies that are pivotal within both engineering andentrepreneurial mindset realms.This study reflects our findings from the initial two iterations of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew J. Ash, Oklahoma State University; James E Stine, Oklahoma State University; Erin Dyke, Oklahoma State University; John Hu, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
understanding; and backward design. Culturalrelevance emphasizes the need to understand students’ linguistic, geographic, gender, racial, andgenerational, among other cultural, knowledge as assets that can be leveraged for curriculum andteaching [3]. Concept-based understanding prioritizes inquiry-based learning and application andtransferability of knowledge versus rote memorization of information or discrete skillacquisition. Backwards design provides an accessible structure for planning assessment andlearning activities in ways that center conceptual understanding and student inquiry [4]. Teacherskept reflective journals, analyzed science and mathematics state standards frameworks, and*1 This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4: Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Crismond, City University of New York, City College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning, and changes in the module’s design over thethree semesters, with rationales behind those decisions. Prominent among the instructionalstrategies was the use of various formative assessment approaches to adjust instruction whileproviding evidence of student progress in using design practices and engineering concepts in aninformed way. Tasks included: Triad Sorting, proposing and applying Design Rules-of-Thumb,Small Group Discussions, Interviews, using Contrasting Cases and reflecting on design practiceusing an Informed Design Rubric. These approaches were used in a context where human-centered designing and “design with us, not for us” was emphasized. Design thinking was introduced and elaborated upon in a variety of ways
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 17
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo David Koretsky, Tufts University; Amanda Clara Emberley, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; John Galisky, University of California, Santa Barbara; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Exams as growth opportunity X critically. When they're getting information Extend examples to new problems X X from the teacher, they don't have to think Having students take roles X critically about it because the teacher said Learning from peers X X it. It must be right, you know. More problems are better X XTo operationalize this resource, Avery More time on topic = more learning X Negotiate confusion Xprovided class time for students “to set up the Reflective thinking of
Conference Session
DSA Technical Session 7
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saquib Ahmed, The State University of New York Buffalo State University
Tagged Topics
Data Science & Analytics Constituent Committee (DSA)
developed for accurate counting of grapheneflakes on transparent bulk substrates using optical reflection microscopy measurements [3]. Theuniversal optical conductance model matches reflection data for graphene flakes up to ninelayers thick. However, achieving maximum sensitivity at the desired wavelength necessitatesprecise control over oxide thickness and oxide index of refraction. Another proposed methodutilizes transmission or reflection optical microscopy to determine the number of graphenemonolayers on various substrates [4]. Image modification through software analysis yields a 3Dmodel of few layers of graphene on any substrate. However, this method relies on classical, time-consuming techniques like AFM and Raman spectroscopy for
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Helen Choi, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
mechanisms designed to address harms of the technology. Impact as measured byhuman and planetary well-being is also included.The student component of the framework concerns students' interactions with the technology athand. Instructors first consider the suitability of the technology in terms of its efficacy in helpingstudents reach learning goals; they then examine whether their students have equal and sufficientaccess and proficiency to use the technology. Instructors also consider whether the use of thetechnology promotes students' well-being and dignity, as well the sense of community in theclassroom.The self-reflection component of the framework asks instructors to consider whether thetechnology suits their teaching objectives and methods and
Conference Session
Pedagogical Issues in Computing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Jane Grigg, Clemson University; Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Catherine McGough, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
in class, butdo not have the capability of capturing, archiving and annotating student Ink and audiocommentary in a way that allows detailed analysis of cognitive processes and error types thatwas needed for our research.The digital Ink software (MuseInk ©) has a playback function that allows students to replay theirentire problem solution which facilitates review of and reflection on their work. It is believedthat this functionality will help students become more aware of mistakes they made in theprocess, the strategies they used, and how they organize their work in order to identify areas forimprovement. There is also a means for identifying important features within the work byassociating tags at specific points in the solution. This can
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Willie K. Ofosu, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre Campus
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
based on theradiation patter.Figure 1 shows E- and H-field patterns present in the electromagnetic radiation, anddemonstrate some irregularities in the patterns, and helps the students to relate theory to theexperimental results observed. Had this experiment been performed in an anechoic chamberwhere reflections are eliminated no irregularities will be present. This demonstrates to thestudents the effect of reflections from objects that are present in the laboratory setting.Figure 1. E- and H-fields of a Half-wave (λ/2) DipoleFrom this, the students get to appreciate reflections from objects such as buildings in a reallife application of radio transmission. For this example, students can place objects at differentlocations in the
Conference Session
FPD X: First-Year Design with Projects, Modeling, and Simulation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naomi C. Chesler, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Cynthia M. D'Angelo, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Golnaz Arastoopour, University of Wisconsin, Madison; David Williamson Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
in developing theepistemic frame of many professions, especially those that require innovation, is some form ofprofessional practicum7,8, which is an environment in which a learner takes professional actionin a supervised setting and then reflects on the results with peers and mentors. Skills andknowledge become more and more closely tied as the student/learner learns to see the worldusing the epistemic frame of the profession. Cornerstone and capstone design courses inundergraduate curricula are examples of professional practica in engineering.Prior work has also shown that epistemic games—learning environments where students game-play to develop the epistemic frame of a profession—increase students’ understanding of andinterest in the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ingrid St. Omer, University of Kentucky
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
largest presence in the US),the demographics highlighted below will reflect the makeup of the U.S. Army. For FY 08: Female 16.3% White 61.1% Black 21.1% Hispanic 11.9% Asian 03.3% Other 02.6% High School Diploma 82.8%These demographics suggest that approximately one-third of the potential target populationcould be underrepresented students. It is our intention to use the cohort model, and supportcourses (supplemental instruction and peer mentoring) to attempt to address the needs of thesestudents. We believe that a veterans’ transition course
1999 Annual Conference
Suzanne Mildren; Karen Whelan
Innovative Teaching Practices for Successful Implementation of Integrated EngineeringPrograms". It is out of this project that the theme for this paper has arisen.This paper aims to discuss how teamwork has been woven into the culture of engineeringeducation, beginning with first year, within the University of Ballarat. It will provide anoverview of what was initially planned, discuss how and why the initial plan evolved, activitieswhich were successful, those that were not so and the way forward. While the paper will seek toaddress some of the broad issues raised across the three partner institutions, it will concentrateon activities and reflections from the University of Ballarat, as the primary project partner.II. Cooperative Learning and
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Rockaway, University of Louisville; D. Joseph Hagerty, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
reviewed the four target areas in need ofimprovement and defined their mission as “Ideas to Action: Using Critical Thinking to FosterStudent Learning and Community Engagement.”[2] The concept of critical thinking has beendefined many times over the past forty years, but generally includes activities focused on keyabilities: to question; to acknowledge and test previously held assumptions; to recognizeambiguity; to examine, interpret, evaluate, reason, and reflect; to make informed judgments anddecisions; and to clarify, articulate, and justify positions [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16]. It isevident that the approach developed by the QEP team reflects the determination that criticalthinking is defined by mental activities and standards that
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanical Systems: What's New
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nashwan Younis, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
the development of stress concentration as well as reinforcing the Saint-Venant’s theory. The paper introduces the visualized photostress images in improving Page 15.1352.3the understanding of SCF near notches/edges.PhysicsThe optical method of reflected photoelasticity is utilized to achieve the goals about someof the above learning outcomes. Most engineering students learn the fundamentals ofoptics in a physics class. They are introduced to the geometrical and physical optics andmost likely will not use the knowledge learned in the rest of the curriculum. A quickreview of the fundamentals of polarized light is linked to the principal strains.In a
Conference Session
Faculty Set the Preliminary Standards for Co-ops
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Joseph, Pace University; Mabel Payne, Consultant
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
setting. Tasks have to accurately reflect the workplace environment and encourage students to draw upon their formal learning and use it to interrogate the workplace practices. Assessment that that encourages broad capabilities rather than more narrow learning objectives should be employed by educators to ensure that students actually learn in work place.Experiential learning is an inclusive phrase for many types of work based related learningexperiences8, 13, 38 including cooperative education. The first cooperative education program inthe United States of America dated back to 1906 at the University of Cincinnati9, 39. However
Conference Session
Assessment & Continuous Improvement in ET: Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Walk, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Engineering Education, 2010 Student Surveys of Course Knowledge and Skills: Improving Continuous ImprovementAbstractThe emphasis on curricula and program accreditation has moved from certification of teaching toconfirmation of learning. Commonly adopted outcomes and assessment methods reflect theobservations or opinions of the evaluator on the quality and quantity of learning demonstratedthrough various measures such as projects, presentations, or testing. Students achieveknowledge and skills objectives through the various learning opportunities, in other words thelearning tools, offered them. Instructors must have knowledge of student preferences,perceptions, and responses to the tools offered the students in
Conference Session
New Research & Trends for Minorities in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Freeman, Pennsylvania State University; Anita Persaud, Pennsylvania State University; Drey Kharem, Pennsylvania State University; William Rothwell, Pennsylvania State University; Edgar Yoder, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
racial preferences. The legalramifications of race-based access to college admissions, retention services and resourceshas been reflected in several court cases and anti-affirmative action propositions in the Page 15.884.2states of California, Washington, and Texas, with others considering this alternative 8, 20,10 .There is clearly a need for race-neutral solutions that will enhance the education of allstudents and also bring about the diversity reflected in the population of the US. Asadditional non-racial barriers are identified and removed, a more equitable number ofunderrepresented students may attain access to the engineering profession. This
Conference Session
International Forum Poster Session & Welcome Reception: Sponsored by Quanser and Cypress Semiconductors
2012 ASEE International Forum
Christina Kay White, University of Texas, Austin; Joules Webb, Transformation 2013 Texas STEM Center
Tagged Topics
ASEE International Forum
way thatwe face solving the NAE 21st Century Engineering Grand Challenges, which are notably linkedto our interactions with the world‘s citizens.HSTEAP Professional Development Design and CurriculumUpon assessment and reflection of prior years of HSTEAP professional development, LSU‘sOffice for Diversity Programs leveraged the strengths of the program and included newapproaches to evolve the program to further enrich engineering education. Three priorities andstrengths of Year (YR)1 and YR2 professional development and curriculum were to 1) exciteand empower teachers and students through high quality, design- and project-based STEMeducation 2) attract diverse student populations to the STEM fields and expand the STEMpipeline, and 3) provide
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Tom Gally; Steve Chadwick; Randy Shaffer; Milton Cone; Jim Helbling
. Enthusiasm was high all through the semester. Thefinal grades divided between A’s and B’s as might be expected from the select studentpopulation. The end-of-course student evaluations were generally favorable. Table 1 shows theresults of the surveys completed by 20 of the 25 enrolled students.My instructor Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree DisagreeMethods and materials helped me learn 55% 25% 20%Examinations/assignments reflect the 30% 40% 10% 15% 5%materials covered in classChallenged me to think critically and to 70% 20% 10%express myself
Conference Session
Manufacturing Laboratory Experience
2005 Annual Conference
Sheng-Jen Hsieh
. It contains instructions needed for constructing aladder logic program, such as:• Examine On ] [• Examine off ] / [• Output energize ( )and timer instructions such as TON (Timer-On Delay), TOF (Timer-Off Delay), and RTO(Retentive Timer On Delay).The program template is on the bottom right of the screen. The templates reflect six commonprogram structures (Figure 2). Instructions may be placed in series, parallel or hybridarrangements.The control system window is in the upper right of the screen (Figure 1). This window showsinput devices (such as switches) on the left, the PLC in the middle, and output devices (such as alight and a motor) on the right. The input and output devices are interfaced with the I/Oterminals of the PLC.Students use
Conference Session
2005 Annual Conference
Eric Wiebe
researchers are primarily making use of two basic types of technologies: “bright-eye”and “dark-eye” trackers7. Bright-eye trackers use an infrared light shining into the eye to createtwo reflections, one through the pupil and off of the back of the retina and one off of the surfaceof the cornea. An infrared-sensitive camera records these two reflections, using image processingtechniques to size and locate these two reflections in the image at a rate of 30-60 Hz. The relativeposition of these two reflections is then used to tell where the eye gaze is. The retinal reflectionlooks large and bright in this video image, thus its common name. Dark eye trackers use asimilar image processing approach using visible light and often visible landmarks other than
Conference Session
Accreditation and Related Issues in ECE
2004 Annual Conference
Hue Van Tran; Steven Reyer; James Friauf; Owe Petersen; Katherine Wikoff
leader reflects upon his or her leadership style, use ofmotivational techniques, and methods of handling conflict.Together the courses of the curriculum are intent on setting the standard that communicationoccurs in many forms and settings.The Electrical Engineering program’s stated communication goal is that” its graduates will havedemonstrated proficiency in oral and written skills and effective teamwork skills.” The issue ofcommunication instruction, particularly in the form of writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC)practices, has been covered extensively. Some articles regarding this topic appear in thebibliography at the end of this paper1-7. However, most scholarship in this area has focusedprimarily on writing as the principal form of
Conference Session
Assessing with Technology
2005 Annual Conference
Jonathan P. Mathews; David Morales
online learning: greater flexibility maypromote greater procrastination with concurrent negative consequences. Procrastinationis especially prevalent among novice online learners, specifically the male traditionalcampus-based undergraduate student. This paper investigates the relationship betweenperformance and procrastination for campus-based “traditional” students enrolled in afully online, large enrollment (300+ students a semester), general education class.Procrastination was rampant with 40% of students typically starting the weekly lesson(s)on the due date(s). Procrastinators had reduced grades (6% lower or an average “A” to“B+/A-” transition) for weekly reflection activities. Males were more susceptible tonegative consequences in
Conference Session
Sustainability Issues
2005 Annual Conference
Peter Bosscher; Jeffrey Russell
must then start doing that.If we seriously believe that the goal of education is not just to equip students to live lives but alsoto inspire and energize and marshal them to support the community, that the goal is to contributeto their moral and spiritual formation (which is the only plausible motif from which values arise),then we have to reflect on how we can make responsible use of these a-rational factors, and howwe can make responsible use of reasoning from principles to applications of principles.Developing the latter would, for one thing, require much more praxis-oriented scholarship thanthe scholastic model calls for.It’s clear that from such reflections as these take us beyond curriculum into pedagogy, aboutwhich we as a community
2024 South East Section Meeting
Gafar Abbas Elamin P.E., The Citadel; Nathan John Washuta P.E., The Citadel; James Righter, The Citadel; Kevin Skenes, The Citadel
students who workedacross a variety of disciplines and collected efficient and systematic data from posters. Theyreported that the students’ feedback provided informed reflective instructional practice toenhance the capstone project teaching and assessment process.The Course Grading SchemeAt the Citadel, the senior capstone project takes the form of a two-semester course sequence. Thefirst phase is offered during the Fall semester and the second during the Spring semester. Eachcourse is graded separately and contributes three credit hours to the fulfillment of the mechanicalengineering degree. During the first phase of the project students identify, define, select conceptdesign, perform engineering analysis, prototype, finalize their detailed
Conference Session
Track 3: Technical Session 2: Using a Collective Impact Approach to Establish a Center for Equity in Engineering Focused on Graduate Education: Lessons Learned from Phase I
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Teirra K Holloman, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Natali Huggins; Julia Machele Brisbane, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Michelle D Klopfer, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; David B Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tremayne O'Brian Waller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jeremi S London, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
faculty and graduate students. 12 [Discuss the center team, their roles at the university and how they contribute to the center]We have spent the last year or so working to translate the collective impactapproach to this particular context.Phase 1 Activities❏ Team Meetings❏ Audit Trails❏ Backbone Activities❏ Reflection Activities❏ Advisory Board Meeting❏ Mini Projects 13 This is a list of the different types of activities we have engaged in to establish the center’s infrastructure and learn from our initial efforts.Example Activities ★ Audit Plan