tolearn how to implement his ideas.Most of the buyers in the Robotics Division were ex-engineers and were in their 50's. Whilethey were engineers, many of them felt Megamation was causing Robotics to migrate too faraway from their technological strengths and were not shy about voicing their opinions. It wasclear to Butch that these " whining wienies" as he called them, simply weren't "on the team"and he was in the process of driving them out of the company or, as a last resort, terminatingthem when they could "not meet their numbers." The disadvantage of terminating themimmediately was that Robotics always had to provide an attractive severance package inexchange for the employee's signature on a document that promised they would not sue
education coalitions.The faculty perspective is provided by Dr. John S. Lamancusa. He is a co-principal investigatorfor the MEEP project and the Director of the Learning Factory. Dr. Lamancusa is one of thebrave few in the department who regularly teach the capstone course. He also coordinates theacquisition of industrial projects for all the sections.Representing the administration view is Dr. Allen L. Soyster. Dr. Soyster, formerly the Head ofIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State is now Dean of Engineering atNortheastern University. He also has served as the Principal Investigator for the ARPA/TRPproject titled the Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership
12Biographical InformationJOHN RAADHe holds BS and MS degrees from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Wayne State University.He is currently employed as a structural engineer by Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. in Detroit, Michigan. He workedwith Dr.’s Aktan and Usmen in implementing non destructive testing techniques to the properties of civil engineeringmaterials course.HALUK AKTANHe is currently a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He obtained BS and MS degrees from theMiddle of East Technical University and the Ph.D. degree from University of Michigan in 1977. His currentresearch deals with the development and use of non destructive testing methods in structural appraisal and conditionevaluation. Specifically
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next year,based primarily on the coursework developed by members of the Foundation Coalition. As partof that pilot we are also planning to test the concept of inclusive learning communities to bettersupport our students outside of class[21].AcknowledgmentsThis research has been supported by National Science Foundation grants EEC-9872498,Engineering Education: Assessment Methodologies and Curricula Innovations and DUE-9254271, The Freshman Engineering Experience, and Engineering Information Foundation grantEiF 98-4. We also recognize Michele Bertocci and Obinna S Muogboh for their valuable assistance.References1 Seymour E. and NM Hewitt, Talking About Leaving : Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Westview Press, January 1997.2 Astin, AW
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department is to dedicate 10% of the department's aggregate timeto other university and community service. Services outside the department include but are not limited to activities such as: A) University Committees B) Professional service organizations C) City, state, national and international service organizations These non-departmental activities will be identified by the faculty and coordinated with thedepartment chair. The amount of time spent on these activities will generally be limited to amaximum of 6 hours per week, (2 EWC,s) for any one faculty member per semester.Conclusions The workload formula we developed has been defined, tested and revised a number oftimes. We believed in 1993-94
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) launcher so we were inside the CIWS equipment room waiting for the impact. Scary stuff. • I was in the Navy for seven years in the 00's and we trained countless time on "missile inbound, brace for shock". It's crazy to see a real incoming missile video. • An AF guy here but funny to notice. Let's see. GQ, relaxed drinking cokes, hurry up and wait. Brace for impact, relax smoke and joke, GAS GAS GAS, crazyness, MOPP level 4, more crazyness and in the middle of donning Level 4. Brace for impact. • As a Desert Storm U.S. Army Vet, interesting seeing the Navy side of things during Operation Desert Storm. • The Navy is known for a high level of physical fitness and PT test difficulty........They are
conceptualentity.”These difficulties also extend to high school teachers. Thompson [13] identified the case of“Sandra,” where a high school teacher struggled to find the y-intercept of a line from two givenpoints (3,1) and (7,4). In this case, Sandra thought of the slope in terms of “over 4 and up 3.”However when changing by -4 from (3,1), she passed the y-axis, and didn’t know how to adjustfor a change in x of -3, rather than -4. length 4 to the left from (3,1). See Figure 6 4. S: (Long pause) We’ll pick this up tomorrow. (Pa problems. Do just the ones with one point.Figure 1. Sandra's board work for finding the y-intercept of a line from two points (reproducedfrom [13
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understanding of the desired endoutcomes. 2. Mentoring and Learning StageCISTAR. In addition to having an academic faculty and graduate student(s) mentoring the REMstudents on their research project, CISTAR leverages two Purdue engineering programs thatintroduce students to research: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program( and the PathwaysScholar program (how a graduate degree can prepare you for different career pathways). Thus,the REM students are part of a wider research program with other undergraduates from acrossthe U.S. and from different countries. CISTAR hires, as well, several near peers who areengineering graduate students to help the REM students be
it for support, with a cutout for thebarrier. Additionally, several 3D-printed braces were used to support the drivetrain. Figure 6: Assembled Drivetrain To ensure that the robot would be able to withstand competition, simulation tool inSolidWorks was used to analyze the structural integrity of the drivetrain. The drivetrain platewas tested by simulating the robot crashing into a wall. The final robot weighed 16.5 pounds, soassuming it was moving its top speed of 7 ft/s and came to a full stop in half a second, it wouldexperience a force of 7.18 pounds. The force was applied to the front face of the plate, and therear face was fixed. This was done to generate the most extreme examples of stress
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provided documentation for conductingthe exercise, information for the teacher and student(s), including a student worksheet.These materials were prepared with teachers, parents, and school audiences in mind asthey may all want to consider using them to support manufacturing learning in and out ofthe classroom.The activity drafts are available online to facilitate the distribution of materials as theyrelate to manufacturing. These activities are available online for all teachers across thecountry. Hence, the authors are not limiting their initiative by one community or state andencourage everyone to use those for the benefit of the nation’s attitude towards therevival of manufacturing at the I4.0 level.Development of the Example MaterialsIn the
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assistant at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University. She is the coordinator of two component projects of a National Science Foundation grant focusing on retention issues and engaging early engineering students, and also serves as an academic advisor. McDonough earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from William Smith College and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. McDonough is currently a third year doctoral student in the Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education program at Michigan State. Her areas of interest include educational theory, student development and engineering education.S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University S. Patrick Walton is an
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