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2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Julia N. Savoy; Mia K. Markey; H. Grady Rylander III
mentoring (measured on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 beingand allow either partner in the mentoring relation to initiate not at all satisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied; mean =questions about the topic. Developmentally, the faculty 3.4, SD = 1.3), but desired greater support in careerquestions support student reflection and the skill of development. Few (21%) students had the goal of obtainingidentifying strategies in themselves, while leaving the door a faculty position, and desired guidance in pursuing pathsopen for support if the student is struggling. into other sectors. Some interview participants did not feel The TPT is available as supplemental material. they could
Conference Session
FPD9 -- Teaching Methods & Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margot Vigeant, Bucknell University; Karen Marosi, Bucknell University; Ronald Ziemian, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
University of Virginia [7]. We felt strongly, however,that students needed to be able to explore at least two possible majors, and thereforesettled on the seminar model, starting in the Fall of 2002. We know of only one otherprogram running their introductory course in this manner; Vanderbilt piloted theirmodular program in the same year [8]. The change from the single-class to the seminar model represented a significantinvestment of faculty time and university resources. In this paper, we reflect on fiveyears of accumulated first-year data and one year of graduate data to conclude that, yes,the seminar model is superior to the single course model in numerous ways, bothquantitative and qualitative. We wish to note that the single-class model
Conference Session
Direct Measures of Student Performance
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Sutterer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; James Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Robert Houghtalen, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
theassessment scheme is working effectively. The one-year assessment cycle assesses studentlearning outcomes. This assessment includes faculty evaluation/course reflective statements(indirect), submissions to student portfolios (direct), and senior surveys/senior focus groups(indirect). Use of student portfolios as a means of direct assessment is well documented5. Directassessment of learning outcomes, as evidenced in the student portfolios, is facilitated through theweb-based RosE Porfolio tool. It should be noted that the key aspect of the direct assessment isthe use of a portfolio system. The RosE Portfolio is simply a tool that facilitates that process.RosE PortfolioThe RosE Portfolio at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has been in use for 6
Conference Session
Academic Boot Camp
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Brittain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reginald Bryant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lincoln Chandler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Robbin Chapman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Shaundra Daily, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mark Hampton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ishara Mills-Henry; Aisha Walcott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. Her research explores computational tools and practices for promoting critical reflection within design-based learning activities. Her theoretical framework, Cooperative Constructionism, establishes a design-based approach to critical reflection with applicable computational tools and teaching pedagogy. Her publications include chapters in Social Capital and Information Technology and the forthcoming book, Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators. Dr. Chapman has served as Assistant Program Director for NASA’s Space Life Sciences Training Program at Kennedy Space Center and was a
Conference Session
Cognitive and Motivational Issues in Student Performance II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Robson, Virginia Tech; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Tanner Bateman, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
race. White studentsperformed better in the course than minorities. As a set the learning style variables weremarginally significant predictors of course grade above and beyond race and gender. This was afunction of the active – reflective dimension. Specifically, reflective learners had a significantly Page 12.761.6higher course grade than active learners. Lastly, the four factors from the New Student Surveywere also marginally significant predictors of course grade. The only New Student Factor toapproach significance was the factor pertaining to computer knowledge. Taken together, gender,race, learning style preferences, and prior
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akash Choudhary, University of Missouri; Donald Myers, University of Missouri; Halvard Nystrom, University of Missouri; Mihir Gokhale, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
to understand the impact of entrepreneurship in terms of abusiness education in general 4, 9. However, little literature could be found to analyze theeducational impact of an entrepreneurship course and how it affects the entrepreneurial decisionsand interest in entrepreneurship of the engineering students who have taken it.Research purpose This research will try to capture the reflection of former engineering studentswho took a specific entrepreneurship course. This study will try to ascertain whether theseengineering students perceive that the course helped them: choose a career; better understandentrepreneurship and new product development; prepared them to pursue entrepreneurship andnew product development activities; communicate and
Conference Session
FPD4 -- Hands-on & Real-World Studies
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Rice, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Greg Russ, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Julia Ross, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
final design.System performance was judged based on the power generated, system efficiency anddevice cost index as used in the formula below: Power Generated x Overall System Efficiency x Device Cost IndexPower generated refers solely to the ability of the system to light the light bulb. It isdetermined by the maximum current and voltage that the device produces as measuredusing a multi-meter. The overall system efficiency is calculated by dividing the usefulwork output by the energy input. The useful work output reflects the amount of workthat the system outputs in lighting the light bulb while the energy input reflects theamount of energy put into the system during the collection time. The device cost indexsimply refers to the
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kerry McManus, Swinburne University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
with time. The adaptation of the staff to such change is explored and it hasbeen reflected in the changes to their teaching styles and approaches to thestudents.The conclusion is made that the industry-based staff have influenced the programso that there is a close relation to industry philosophies instilled in the students.That because of this, the research topics undertaken by the students are closelyaligned with practice. These factors have contributed to the continuing success of Page 12.1416.2the program over the years.IntroductionConstruction engineering, as a discipline, can sit uncomfortably within aUniversity faculty. The Construction industry is a
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific Univ; Donald Peter
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Page 12.1263.4 7. Since it is common for students to earn 100% on the self graded portion, we keep the percentage of the course grade based on the self graded homework at roughly 5%. This is high enough of a grade reward to motivate students to complete the assignments, but it is also low enough to avoid significantly raising the course grade. 8. We have chosen to keep the total homework percentage of the course grade at roughly the same as we did before implementing self grading. Thus, the instructor graded homework portion is roughly 5% less than it would have been before. 9. To aid the student in learning, both of us require students to do a metacognitive reflection on what he/she learned when
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
major; (2) place a greater emphasis on sustainability and globalengineering in the course. In fact, it was hypothesized that the emphasis on sustainability andglobal engineering could help achieve the recruiting and retention goal, particularly for femaleand minority students. Previous research has indicated that these topics help attract women toengineering.7 In addition, Seymour found that: “In the process of developing and clarifying their Page 12.987.2career goals, however, women expressed more altruism than men and were more likely to switchto career paths that reflected humanitarian goals or offered more satisfying work.”8 The
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Energy Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mullin, Virginia Tech; Jinsoo Kim, Korea National University of Education; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
design to select threefinalists. The three winning designs, “Best in Show” and two “Honorable Mention” werechosen according to the design criteria stated in the design assignment.Given the open-ended nature of the assignment, the student’s final designs reflected adiverse range of potential solutions. These designs ranged from playful to practical to Page 12.1336.5conceptual. A few examples included a solar powered drink mixer, a solar powered cellphone charger, a wind powered light tower, a hydro-powered drawbridge, and asubmerged bottom feeding hydropower plant. The modest expense constraint inspiredfurther resourcefulness for many teams
Conference Session
Materials Education Perspectives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron Blicblau, Swinburne University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
learning achievements, as well as their otherscholarly activities including research and community involvement. The reflective process ofportfolio development can promote better understanding, develop fresh thinking about their life,and encourage personal and professional growth17.The benefits associated with an electronic portfolio have longevity way beyond the end of theengineering course or the student’s university studies9. The payoff with utilising eportfoliosincludes11, 20, 21: ‚ the development of skills in electronic/digital technology, so important for today’s graduates; ‚ evidence of learning and competency; improved tracking of student performance for purposes of accreditation and program improvement. ‚ increased
Conference Session
Investigating Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuels in the Classroom and Lab
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cortney Martin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brandy Bratton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David Dillard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Michael Ellis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Maggie Bump, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
postdoctoral mentor. The self-contained nature of summer research projects often contribute to the sense of isolation that doesnot accurately reflect contemporary research. We propose changing the program paradigm froma traditional faculty-centered approach to a student-centered learning community approach.Empirical studies tell us that learning communities can increase student engagement overtraditional didactic models. Students are expected to develop a greater sense of ownership andthus enhanced self-efficacy with regard to their personal research and collaborative abilities. In Page 13.726.2addition to enabling students to have a rich research
Conference Session
Curriculum Development and Teaching Models in NRE
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheldon Landsberger, University of Texas at Austin; Elmira Popova, University of Texas; Kendra Foltz-Biegalski, University of Texas; Steven Biegalski, University of Texas at Austin; Michael Krause, University of Texas
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
, radiation engineering, research reactor beam port experiments, radioactive wastemanagement and reactor and computational nuclear engineering, homeland security and non-proliferation. As a result of the ever broadening educational and research needs, ten years agothe nuclear program changed its name to Nuclear and Radiation Engineering to better reflect itsnew directions. In spring 2007, we were funded by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission toimplement at new undergraduate technical option in the Nuclear and Radiation EngineeringProgram at The University of Texas at Austin The overall objective is to to provide: (1) aNuclear Certificate geared towards undergraduate students in engineering and individuals in thenuclear industry consisting of courses in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Caicedo, University of South Carolina; Joseph Flora, University of South Carolina; Charles Pierce, University of South Carolina; Andrew Nichols, Marshall University; Briana Timmerman, University of South Carolina; Wiley Graf, Midlands Technical College
reflection and development critical thinking.The EFFECTS are currently being implemented this Fall 2007 in a new Introduction of CivilEngineering freshman course at the University of South Carolina, in a similar course at MarshallUniversity, and in sections of existing courses at Midlands Technical College. Details of theactivities will be documented in the paper and during the conference presentation. Page 13.565.2
Conference Session
Graphics and Visualization
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Hamlin, Michigan Technological University; Norma Veurink, Michigan Technological University; Sheryl Sorby, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
spatial skills and invite them to take an optional 1-credit course to helpdevelop these skills. This class meets for 1.5 hours once a week for 14 weeks. Thetopics covered in this class include: isometric drawing, orthographic projections, flatpatterns, 3-D rotations, object reflections and planes of symmetry, cutting planes,surfaces and solids of revolution, and combining solids. Topics are listed in the orderthat was thought to develop 3-D spatial skills and in the order they have beentraditionally covered in this class.In the past we have noticed that 1) some students have a difficult time jumping right intoisometric sketching and 2) that by the end of the semester students seem bored, especiallywhen coving the topics of surfaces and solids of
Conference Session
Engineering Accreditation Around the World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Wolfe, Engineers Canada; Phil Alexander, University of Windsor
Tagged Divisions
following a denial of accreditation, • improving the area of ‘Complementary Studies’ to better reflect the essential contribution which the associated skills provide to a practitioner, • refining the expectations for licensure of engineering instructors, and • refining the ‘Advanced Standing, Prior Studies and Exchange Studies Regulations’ which is a supplement to the CEAB Accreditation Criteria and Procedures.The engineering profession expects its members to maintain competence in engineering as wellas to have an understanding of the relationship between engineering and society. Thus,accredited engineering programs must contain not only adequate mathematics, science andengineering, but they must also contain adequate complementary studies
Conference Session
Beneficial Case Studies in AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edmond Saliklis, California Polytechnic State University; Robert Arens, California Polytechnic State University; Joseph Hanus, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
”from the ground-up, as one would build a building. However, the authors have come toappreciate that a different model, and potentially a more fruitful and pedagogically sound model,can be created by emulating the best practices from Architecture programs.PART 2 Undergraduate Architecture Studio:In his influential book Educating the Reflective Practitioner (1987), Donald Schön, argues thatprofessional education should be centered less on developing a specific set of skills in studentsand more on their ability to reflect first, then act in situations where established theories may notapply. He addresses the implications of the “ground-up” approach to educate Civil Engineersmentioned above, when he writes, “Civil engineers know how to build roads
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Potpourri
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Oscar Nespoli, University of Waterloo; William Owen, University of Waterloo; Colin Campbell, University of Waterloo; Steve Lambert, University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
interruptedcase, where the case was delivered in modules, reflecting steps in the design process. A teachingnote was provided to each instructor and served as a recommended guideline for implementation.IntroductionThe Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and General Motors ofCanada Limited (GMCL) support a program to enhance engineering design education at theUniversity of Waterloo. Waterloo Cases in Design Engineering (WCDE) has been established todevelop, implement and promote the use of engineering design cases across the Faculty ofEngineering curriculum.The unique feature of the WCDE program is that cases are developed from students’ own workterm reports. The University of Waterloo is a co-operative engineering school where
Conference Session
Programming for Engineering Students II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Birmingham, Grove City College; Vincent DiStasi, Grove City College; Gary Welton, Grove City College
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
(N = 2493).This survey employed the Soloman-Felder Index of Learning Styles (ILS), on which scores arecollected for four types of learning preferences: ≠ active versus reflective ≠ sensing versus intuitive ≠ visual versus verbal and ≠ sequential versus globalThese learning styles are measured on a scale from -11 (suggesting a preference for the firstnamed method) to +11 (suggesting a preference for the second term). A total of 1400 studentscompleted this questionnaire, for a response rate of 56%. Page 14.841.4The second survey, conducted in November, was also sent to the entire student body. Most ofthis survey assessed the extent
Conference Session
Engineering and Technology for Everyone
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
SA % A% D% SD % NE % Using such features as an electronic journal, my students engage 20.7 34.5 6.9 1.7 36.2 in self-reflection (which may aid them in learning self- management skills). Using paired, small group, or whole class input, my students have 20.7 31 1.7 1.7 44.8 participated in giving and/or responding to peer feedback on their work. Using an electronic portfolio approach, I am able to assess a wider 13.8 41.4 3.5 1.7 39.7 range of learning artifacts from my students (for example, not just a final product but also materials from the various stages of development
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suining Ding, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
collaborative studio was assessed by two approaches.One is final oral presentation and the other one is final project evaluation. Four assessmentelements were used for the oral presentation. They are technical content, clarity, visual materialsand response effectiveness. Five assessment elements were used for final project evaluation.They are composition, graphic presentation, professionalism, functionality and synthesis. Basedon the data analysis, it is clear that engaging practitioners in a collective studio can solve thedesign problems from more technical and professional perspectives. One significant findingemerged from this analysis reflected the strong correlation between technical content and designoutcomes.Statement of PurposeIntroduction of
Conference Session
Information Literacy Integration and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara MacAlpine, Trinity University; Mahbub Uddin, Trinity University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
expressed dissatisfaction withthe preponderance of citations reflecting Google searches in the mini-design reports. After thelibrarian became involved, he noted that the quality of cited material showed definiteimprovement. The research logs that the students turned in were their primary form ofassessment and feedback. These were required for the final report, were graded by the librarian,and accounted for a small percentage of the final grade on the mini-design project. Almost all ofthem received the maximum number of points; many of them had good analyses of why aparticular database (or Google) was most effective for their topic. While a few student groupsreported spending only an hour on their library research, most of them spent significantly
Conference Session
Liberal Education and Leadership
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Richard House, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Anneliese Watt, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
own teachingof communication to the intrinsic motivation of personal or departmental conviction. Manywould likely agree with a respondent who reported teaching communication “because it’s theright thing to do.” The stated reasons for this imperative vary, with some respondents citingcompetitive advantage for graduating job-seekers, while others report that they want toencourage reflection or critical thinking. One view is compatible with a distinction between“soft skills” and core engineering competencies; the other implies what one respondent termed a“symbiotic relationship” in which engineering and its communication practices are inextricablefrom one another.The account changes appreciably, though, when respondents describe motivations
1996 Annual Conference
James C. Sturm; A. Wolfe
issue may be part of a national trend, the second issue was more of a local concern. Ourundergraduate program had gravitated over the years to mirror our graduate program, with theend result that many of our students were leaving after four years with a degree of expertisealmost that expected of a master’s student, but with an extreme lack of breadth. Third, from thelate 80’s to early 90s the undergraduate enrollment in the EE department had dropped by nearly40%, an effect which was not reflected in the engineering school as a whole. Finally, there wasa desire to look forward and ask what the needs of future engineers would be. How could webest prepare our students to be future leaders in the field
1996 Annual Conference
Lt Col Rosario Nici; Col John Russell
students were given 12 minutes to develop a response. They were allowed another 12 minutes to continue and/or reflect on their thinking and problem resolution. This was followed by 15 minutes of discussion to provide feedback and closure for the students and administrators. All 436 responses were scored and demographic information, which was not available to the raters, allowed an assessment of subgroups. Preliminary investigations suggested that student performance was not affected by gender or time of day. Effects of general academic performance (i.e., GPA) or choice of major had smaller than expected correlation. Additional research to examine convergence between scores on this instrument
1996 Annual Conference
Prof. K.V.S Apparao
training, consultancy etc., as at present the industry is getting a ready made engineer, for which its contribution is almost zero. VI. Involve industry to play positive role in designing curriculum, to avoid criticism and encourage industries to spell out their requirements both in quality and quantity. Conclusions: The academicians alone cannot develop comprehensive technical educational programmed, reflecting the fast growing and changing needs of industry. Academicians, industrialist and administrators should work out for a viable system of technical education. Page 1.191.2
1996 Annual Conference
Dianne Atkinson
Mechanical Engineeringat Purdue University tabulated current assignments in the School, noting content and format requirements aswell as modality--whether assignments were written or oral. An outcome of this effort was a decision to embedmore opportunities for students to develop oral communications skills. The “embedding strategy” is an effort tofold communications instruction into existing course work as a reflection of the belief that technicalcommunications are inherently part of technical work. While the first year engineering curriculum incorporates two semesters of communications course work,one written and one oral, these courses replicate communications assignments from secondary schoolcurriculum, e.g., general interest essays and
1996 Annual Conference
Harvey A. West; F. Xavier Spiegel
energy at the layer interface) could reduce the rebounding. Abent specimen (even with concave side up) could lower the rebound by inefficient y reflecting the stress wavemoving through the test piece. The reduced rebound time with the thinner specimen suggests that, as in staticindentation tests, there could be a minimum specimen size necessary to characterize the hardness of the bulkmaterial.Notes to the Instructor: The above results give rise to many thought-provoking, yet simple experiments for the students. Theycould investigate rebound time vs. sample thickness (for the same material hardness). Would a stack of thinspecimens give the same result as one thick specimen? What is the effect of surface finish on rebound time
1996 Annual Conference
Landon C. Onyebueke; Chinyere Onwubiko
structures ormachine elements. This technology has been successfully applied to various loading conditions encounteredduring space flights. However, this technology is yet to be accepted in the industries. This paper usesPDM to demonstrate the role of students in the transfer of technology. Included in the paper are overview of PDM, the different stages that are necessary in preparingstudents for effective technology transfer. Projects carried out by engineering students at Tennessee StateUniversity are used to illustrate the features of PDM and how students can be used as a means for thetransfer of the technology to industries.Introduction: The effectiveness of any new technology is reflected in its usefulness. Its popularity depends on