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Displaying results 4771 - 4800 of 8077 in total
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Leslie Bartsch Massey, University of Arkansas; Aysa Galbraith, University of Arkansas; Heath Aren Schluterman, University of Arkansas; Brandon Crisel; Candace Auburn Rainwater, University of Arkansas
college algebra.The Fundamentals of Success in Engineering (SES) Course DescriptionThe primary goal of SES is to help students with lower placement develop study skills beforethey are pushed into mathematically rigorous courses. The course was initially developed aroundthe Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career (Landis, 2013). Using the text asa guide, students explored lessons that challenged them to think more about why they wanted tobecome an engineer, what would be required to become an engineer, and what professional skillsthey needed to be successful. The course culminated with the writing project “Design YourProcess for Becoming a World-Class Engineering Student” in which students appliedengineering design concepts to
Conference Session
Diversity, Inclusion, and Access
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
La'Tonia Stiner-Jones, The Ohio State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access
. Wecompleted the first of three research experiences thus far. Here we expand upon currentknowledge to show the role of professional development in preparing students for graduate studyand research in the field of BMMB.Each week participants attended professional development seminars focused on topics tofacilitate their success in the application process and graduate school, writing a resume andcompetitive application materials, how to write an abstract and give presentations, and what toexpect and how to be successful in graduate school. Throughout the summer studentsparticipated in weekly journal clubs with faculty to help them understand faculty mentor researchand the discipline of BMMB. Facility tours helped students see firsthand the types of
Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE PSW Section Conference, canceled
Tina Smilkstein, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Jissell Christine Jose, California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo; Vicente Jesus Rios; Maria Cortelyou Pieroni, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Project is to keep present students invested in a welcoming environment andmake sure new students feel welcomed and know that they are expected to welcome others.Though it was a minor event, we put a put a 6-foot sheet of poster paper out before a new studentevent and asked present students to write messages welcoming the new students. We made itclear that the poster was a Diversity Project Poster and there were many messages of support toALL new students. We felt that just writing that on a poster reminded the present students to begood classmates as well keeping them invested in providing a welcoming environment to thenew students and each other. We displayed the poster for the new students and we noticed sometaking note.Since we are techies we
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Jennie Perey Saxe, University of Delaware
Tagged Topics
progressing in the practice of civil engineering disciplines. Withinthis Body of Knowledge, communication is identified as one of the professional outcomesnecessary for successful civil engineering practice.Of course, developing communication skills begins as early as K-12 education. Once studentsenter their collegiate course of study, academia, industry, and the students themselves must seekout and integrate communication study and practice into their engineering training [2]. Althougheffective communication is critical to the practice of civil engineering, it has been identified as askill missing from engineering curricula in general [3]. Communication skills are not onlynecessary for the tasks of writing reports and giving presentations: effective
Conference Session
Diverse Issues in Renewable Energy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farshid Zabihian, West Virginia University Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Paper ID #16410Introduction of Renewable Energy to High School Students in a SummerCamp: Hands-on Experimental ApproachDr. Farshid Zabihian, West Virginia University Institute of Technology Farshid Zabihian, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering West Virginia Uni- versity Institute of Technology Education: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,Ryerson University, 2011 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1998 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, 1996 Authored or coauthored more than 80 papers in Journals and peer-reviewed conferences
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 8: Ways to Measure "Things" About Your Course(s)
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A. Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
3Correlation 0.278 0.308 0.375Sig. 0.021 0.010 0.001AnalysisExam 1 versus TimeAs Figure 1 shows, there is no meaningful relationship between time spent and exam grade. TheSpearman’s Rho correlation was nearly 0 and statistically insignificant (ρ = -0.029, p = 0.811).While students would generally argue that additional time would result in a higher exam score,they typically fail to account for similar increases in their peers scores. Students are also unlikelyto dramatically overcome exam unpreparedness with additional time. Students who don’t knowthe course material won’t magically learn it during the exam if given the opportunity. The examaverage was
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade - Reflections and Advice on the Educational Process
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian E Faulkner, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
 commented that I had perhaps given too many!”   While leading the workshop session, jot down short notes in a notebook about what hints you gave, what questions students asked, and how students interacted with one another. Reconstitute them into a typed report as soon as class is over if possible; the memory fades quickly. A good journal report will make the reader feel like they were there when reading the journal entry. The journal is an excellent way to keep the lecturers of the main course informed of how things in the special section are going. Rather than taking time out of their day to observe occasionally, you can take an hour to do a detailed write up. One faculty member commented that he could earnestly defend the value of the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Work in Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenahvive K. Morgan, Michigan State University; Roya Solhmirzaei, Michigan State University; Hadi Salehi, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
involve their experience with writing and programming, as well astheir university schedule and location. Based on the responses from these questions, each pair ofstudents are matched with another pair of students with complementary skills. Another uniquecharacteristic of this course involves students having the ability to change teams after the firstdesign project. Students may desire to change teams if they feel that the rest of their team isunderperforming, or if they feel that the other students on their team are overly demanding.These practices are informed by the above studies to encourage students to develop moredependent learning styles.A self-reporting measure of team performance was given to first-year engineering students toexamine
Conference Session
M2C: Learning by Design 2
2019 FYEE Conference
Asad Azemi, Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine; Maria Jane Evans, Penn State Brandywine; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
Growth and Development 5. Teamwork 6. Project Management 7. Engineering Design 8. Communication Skills 9. Ethics and Engineering 10. Robotic (Arduino) ProjectThe main consideration, while preparing these topics, was that the focus of the course was not tomake the students understand all the details from each topic. Instead, the objective was toexpose them to these topics, a sample schedule is included in this paper.Anticipated Outcomes 1. Develop academic success skills such as time management, study techniques, working in teams, and study groups. 2. Develop a peer network to maximize academic success. 3. Obtain and enhanced understanding of different engineering fields and associated jobs. 4. Recognize the role of good
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine F. Jennings, Texas State University; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University; Shaunna Fultz Smith, Texas State University; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
aspect of a space’s environment that notably effects students is the physical arrangementand appearance of a space itself 2, 3. According to Penney et al., students are particularly sensitiveto an environment when they are “first timers”. Students in this study who were visiting amakerspace for the first time and were instructed to write notes about their visit wroteextensively about the makerspace’s appearance. The language that was used to describe amakerspace in this study was overwhelmingly descriptive, describing its respective space as a“dungeon.” 3 Certainly this type of derogatory description is a result of feelings that the studentexperienced when seeing this space for the first time. Other tactics besides the redesign of thespace that
Conference Session
Multimedia Tutorials and Web Development
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramin Sadeghi, Power & Water University of Technology; Ali Mehrabian, University of Central Florida; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
; • Using MS Word forms for research projects: 1-2-research.doc; 2. Message Boards at NTID • Message Boards are being used in several courses for Deaf students at NTID. I have found them very useful for short writing assignments and for stimulating peer review of students’ work. College Writing -- (moderated by KEC) • Other professors have put them to use for job interview practice situations and for art seminar discussions. Job Search and Freshman Art Seminar -- 3. Chat Rooms General Audience: • Chat and Newsgroups are online for English second language students. • One-on-one
Conference Session
Graduate Education and Undergraduate Research in ET
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Visser, South Dakota State University; Kurt Rosentrater, USDA-ARS
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
laboratory. A delineated project was assigned with the goal of developing bio-basedcomposite materials using biofillers and adhesives. After receiving appropriate training, the firsttwo weeks were essentially an open-ended investigation by the student to become accustomed tothe laboratory techniques, processes to be employed, and typical behavior of the materials. Atthis point in time, the student and research advisor, who was an ARS research scientist,developed a formal experimental design. The following eight weeks were then devoted toexecuting this experiment, collecting data, and writing a report. In fact, this report is currently inpreparation for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal – which in itself is an excellentopportunity for
Conference Session
Best Practices in Industrial Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Regena Scott, Purdue University; Edie Schmidt, Purdue University; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
important as experience.A worthwhile college or university education will give students a foundation ofinformation that will propel them into the work environment ready to take onleadership roles. Katz, 1995, suggests a researcher specializing in the study ofleadership approaches, suggests that effective leadership in the workplacedepends on the leader having three personal skills. First there are the technicalskills are those, which demonstrate the leader’s proficiency in specific workactivities. Next, human skills or people skills that a leader uses with upper-levelmanagement, peers and subordinates and finally conceptual skills, those skills thatdemonstrate the individual’s ability to translate ideas and concepts in tosuccessful projects.Lab
Conference Session
Foster Excellence
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Villiers, Florida Gulf Coast University; Neville Parker, The City College of The City University of New York
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
framework was used in theprevious project) with the other graduate students of the faculty member. These measures wereput in place to stimulate interest of STI students on conducting research. The authors believedthat young students learn effectively from their peers. Also, as can be seen in Table 3A, effortwas made to ensure that student’s communication and writing skills were assessed.Progressively, the students became excited to prepare asphalt mixtures including aggregatebatching and sieving, mixing of asphalt liquid and aggregate, and compacting of asphalt pillsusing the gyratory compactor. They conducted laboratory tests such as bulk and maximum
Conference Session
The Year of Dialogue: What We Have Learned So Far
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. P. Mohsen, University of Louisville; Ronald Barr, University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Campus Representatives
discussions at many of the section meetingsmade that clear. If one wants to pursue a pathway to rigorous research in engineering education, theresearch methodology in engineering education should be no different than the samemethodological approach used in technical engineering research: 1. define the research questionor hypothesis, 2. write a proposal or plan, 3. seek funding or other appropriate support, 4. do thework rigorously, and 5. publish the results in peer-reviewed journals. In this sense, engineeringeducation research should be considered favorably in promotion and tenure. One caveat ineducational research is that the student (human subject) is the target of study, and it makes the“experiment” more complicated. Thus, it is reasonable
Conference Session
Assessing Design Coursework
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Graham Thomas, Texas Southern University; Esther Thomas, Texas Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
write papers;and debate and critique topics during the teaching-learning process in purely academic settings;the classroom – traditional or virtual. Formal evaluations are the basis for feedback on howstudent’s felt about the course and the instructor’s approaches to teaching and organization of thecourse. Usually formal evaluations capture the basics through responses that are measured usingvarious scales and administered at the end of the semester. Most students avoid the sections onthe evaluations forms provided for additional comments on the course; many because at that timethey are anxious about course outcomes – research papers, final exams, and grades. To capturestudents’ voice on the effectiveness of teaching styles a different approach
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design Constituents
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Skokan, Colorado School of Mines; Michael Ewing, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines; Heidi Barker, Regis University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
address a variety of mathematical and scientific topics, includinghand-writing analysis, trigonometry, lenses, the human eye, and spherical astronomy.After viewing this lesson, the participating mathematics teachers reviewed polygons andangles, and used these concepts to complete an exercise concerning the minimum numberof guards needed to secure an art gallery with specified dimensions. The science teachersstudied lenses and the human eye. Jointly, the mathematics and science teachers appliedthese skills by constructing a sun dial and analyzed hand-writing samples. Page 13.1324.4 Table 1: Summer Workshop –– The Math and Science of NUMB3RS
2008 GSW
Luciana Barroso; Jim Morgan
engagement—did in fact occur. Becausestudents were asked to predict what would happen prior to the demonstration, they were motivatedto pay attention during the demonstration. Students in the back of the room stood up so that they Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of New Mexico – Albuquerque Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Educationcould see more clearly what was happening. The instructor's questioning process before, during, andafter the demonstration kept student attention focused on critical components of the demonstration.Further, students were asked to write predictions and write answers to post-demonstration
2008 GSW
Ronald E. Barr; J.P. Mohsen; Jane M. Fraser; Amir Karimi; Nelson A. Macken; John A. Stratton; John J. Uhran, Jr.; Sandra A. Yost
, were two very different things, but they were and arevery much entwined and the discussions at many of the section meetings made that clear. If one wants to pursue a pathway to research in engineering education, the researchmethodology in engineering education should be no different than the same methodologicalapproach used in technical engineering research: 1. define the research question or hypothesis, 2.write a proposal or plan, 3. seek funding or other appropriate support, 4. do the work rigorously,and 5. publish the results in peer-reviewed journals. In this sense, engineering educationresearch should be considered favorably in promotion and tenure. One caveat in educationalresearch is that the student (human subject) is the target
Conference Session
Project-Based Service Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maya Trotz, University of South Florida; Ken Thomas, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Tampa, which is currently beautifying three of its stormwater ponds.The Environmental Engineering Laboratory at USF is a required 1 unit course offered in the Falland Spring semester each year with a total enrollment of 60 students each semester. Studentswork in teams of 3 to conduct experiments and write reports for a series of labs that explorewater quality measurements (e.g. pH, turbidity, DO, hardness, phosphorous) and treatmentprocesses (e.g. chemical precipitation, flocculation and settling, sorption, photocatalyticoxidation). Class lectures not only cover experimental approaches, but also used online videosthat addressed issues of sustainability. After the videos, students brainstormed on sustainabilityas it applies to the laboratory
Conference Session
Assessing the Efficacy of Nontraditional Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
organizations. He is a senior member of IEEE and is a member of ASME, SIAM, ASEE and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than a dozen papers at various Assessment Institutes. His posters in the areas of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of Cognitive Science and Educational Methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing
Conference Session
Our Future in Manufacturing: STEM Outreach
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Terence Fagan, Central Piedmont Community College
Tagged Divisions
not standard in classroom dynamics.One such advantage is working with people from different backgrounds. The data in question 1points to students realizing communication plays a key to solving societal issues. This projectchallenged both classes to step outside their comfort zone and communicate on a real issue. Inaddition, in two unrelated questions, 1 and 3, communication was a major theme in their answers.The data shown in question 1 and 3 reaffirms the belief that service learning is helpful to students ingaining certain skills not accomplished in writing a paper. Although communication was not thefocus during the project, the largest number of students mentioned it when asked what personalquality the students took away from the project
Conference Session
Liberal Education and Leadership
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Julia Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
of Technology Julia M. Williams is Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment & Professor of English at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana. Her articles on writing assessment, electronic portfolios, ABET, and tablet PCs have appeared in the Technical Communication Quarterly, Technical Communication: Journal of the Society for Technical Communication, The International Journal of Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education, and The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education. She is the recipient of the 2007 HP Technology for Teaching Award and the 2008 Rose-Hulman Board of
1996 Annual Conference
Geraldine B. Milano; Richard Parker; George Pincus
Proiect. The humanities faculty played a key role in . -developing techn~cal writing skills ~nd-improving bra~ communication. Students wer; graded ‘on finalreports and presentations of their project designs. Since students worked as a team, the team shared thegrade of the final reports. 4 ADOPTION AND ADAPTATION OF THE E PROGRAM AT NJIT The original intent of the FED 101 course at NJIT was to offer one project covering all major areasof engineering. However, the logistics of teaching schedules for team teaching and the type of project hasvaried over time and is still
1996 Annual Conference
Dan Budny
of all the professors in the department and/or college promoted based on teaching.If a list exists, then you know the university values teaching and you are on the right team. If a list does not existthen get “face to face” with your department head and dean and ask them point blank if they will support you forpromotion based on teaching. If they say no, then leave the university, if they say yes, and put it in writing, youmust be prepared to take the next step. &eD ~ To get the game started, you must get nominated by someone on the Primary Committee. Thus,the next step is to find a full professor in your department that believes in the value of teaching and develop arelationship with this person(s). You need an advocate on the
Conference Session
Panel: Taking a Break from Academia
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bevlee Watford, Virginia Tech; Lesia Crumpton-Young, University of Central Florida; Susan Davidson, University of Pennsylvania; Leigh McCue, Virginia Tech; Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
interested in serving as a Program Director at NSFbut couldn’t find the right point in my career to do so. After serving as Department Chair andgiven that my children were older and my husband was supportive of me pursuing thisopportunity; it seemed like an ideal time.SCHULZ: The first question you have to ask yourself is why do you think you need a sabbatical?What types of things would help you recharge and regain perspective? Do you want to work in anew research area and learn new skills? Do you want to write a book? Do you want to visitseveral universities and learn about advanced pedagogical trends? Do you want to spend time inindustry to help with classroom and research activities? The answer to some of these questionswill be essential for
Conference Session
International Aspects of Civil Engineering
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Balling, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
and enhanced my ability to interact with my peers and professors." "I felt a uniting between the students and the faculty, [both] individually and as a group" "I also believe it was a good experience for the undergraduates to get to know the graduate students."College Emphasis: Global awarenessProgram Objective #4: Expose students to the culture, politics, and economics of China.China is one-fifth of humanity, is the world's largest carbon emitter, has the world's fastestgrowing economy (soon to be the largest), and is the world's biggest consumer of constructionmaterials2. By 2020 the urban population of China is expected to increase from 42% to 60% ofthe total population in the country2. This movement of people from rural
Conference Session
Moral Development, Engineering Pedagogy and Ethics Instruction
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christan Whysong, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech; Kumar Mallikarjunan, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
the terminating gene. Animal rights can be discussed when looking at differenttransgenic animals and how they are used once produced. The aforementioned issues may beaddressed by including ethics training into the Biological Systems Engineering curriculumthrough existing labs and projects. These ideas may be incorporated in the form of a classdiscussion, a posting to an electronic portfolio, an online discussion, an assignment of a researchproject, and questions as part of a write up.Background and spiral approachAt Virginia Tech, engineering intents enter the General Engineering (GE) program and have acommon first semester; GE students are required to take a first semester, introductoryengineering course, which is offered by the Department
Conference Session
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Instruction
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Foley, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
between work and heat is that work can always be converted completely to heat but that only a fraction of work can ever be transferred to heat. For that reason alone, we can argue that of the two forms, work is the “higher value” form of energy transfer. More on this with the second law introduction later. So taking B as Energy in our Reynolds Transport Equation we can write the First law of Thermodynamics so :- Q% / W% - (m% e) in / (m% e) out - E% gen ? E% CV First Law of Thermodynamics Net Energy accumulated in theDirect Energy
Conference Session
Research, Innovation and Careers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Patberg Morin, North Carolina State University; Alireza Dayerizadeh, North Carolina State University; Kristen Booth, North Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
attend graduate school after degree completion. REU participants werematched with a Principal Investigator (PI), Graduate Mentor, and a project. The Graduate Mentorworked closely with the student by providing deadlines and expectations from the researchproject.The Education and Workforce team led students in weekly sessions, such as technical writing,conducting a perfect pitch, writing a literature review, and presenting a research poster. Inaddition, two electrical engineering Ph.D. students led weekly technical labs and seminars onskills needed in engineering, such as SolidWorks, systems-level electronics, and Arduino. Thisenabled equal opportunity for students to develop their background knowledge to be successfulin research and be prepared