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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 5071 - 5100 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Effective & Efficient Teaching Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
June Marshall, St. Joseph's College; John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
require an on-line response or chat room discussion. Anothermethod is to require each student to find a hosting firm and develop a case study (relatingto the content of the course) that is presented to the class. One more strategy formaximizing outside of class behavior relates to the time consuming activity of viewingaudio visual materials such as DVDs. Require the students to view the materials on theirown time at the library (room use only) and write a three paragraph “executive summary”that is collected and serves as discussion points during class. Page 11.514.5Learning Technique Number 5 - Preparing to TeachDoyle (2001) in Integrating Learning
Conference Session
Balancing Act: Ideas in Pre- & Post- Surveys and Assessment of Professional Skills
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Dimitra Michalaka P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
analyses anddebate the issues. This activity not only assisted the students by providing relevancy of thecourse material to real-life issues, but also actively engaged students in thinking, analyzing, andinteracting intellectually with one another.Figure 1. An example of “Think-Pair Share” activity used in engineering economy course.At the end of each lesson, the One-Minute paper9,12 or Muddiest point paper9, 13 was used tomonitor student learning and address students’ misconceptions and preconceptions. Studentswere typically asked to write a concise summary of the presented topic, write an exam questionfor the topic, or answer a big-picture question from the material that was presented in the currentor previous lesson in 60 seconds.To review for
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Paying Attention to Retention
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steffen Peuker, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
anengineering degree and write a reflective comprehensive report at the end of the course.Previously published results reported a positive impact on first-year engineering studentretention and performance after the first year of implementation of the DYP program. The resultsof the four-year longitudinal study confirm an increase in overall GPA and persistence for thefirst-year, but more remarkably it shows that the DYP program has a long term sustainable effecton student success. Results show statistically significant differences in GPA and persistence ratesbetween the DYP cohort and control cohort for all years. The DYP cohort showed higher overallGPAs: +0.53 year one, +0.33 year two, +0.31 year three and +0.26 year four (p<0.001, exceptfor year
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alok K. Verma P.E., Old Dominion University; Stephanie G. Adams, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nestor Escobales P.E., Old Dominion University; Isaac L. Flory IV, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Technology criteria, EC-2000requires an assessment and continuous improvement plan. Since the first publication ofoutcome based criteria in 1995, considerable discussion has taken place on this issue.1,2In 2001 a similar outcome based criteria were published for the engineering technologyprograms. A number of studies were conducted and published under the GatewayEngineering Education Coalition outlining strategies for developing and institutionalizingsuch programs.3-5 Many of these studies address important but only specific areas of theEC-2000 and TC2K criteria. For example, a study by Besterfield-Sacre et al. defines theeleven outcomes a-k in terms of blooms taxonomy.4, 6 McGourtny, et. al., discussincorporation of student peer review and feedback
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly Peterson-Fairchild, Dixie State University; John Burns, Dixie State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
collection development plan is implemented, mentoring of the subject liaison librarian isincreasingly more important to be aware of resources such as ASEE-ELD. Davidson andMiddleton [9] found that “sci-tech librarians consider professional associations invaluable toprofessional growth and continued learning in the field.” In addition, “ASEE-ELD membersappear to be the most engaged as mentors and mentees.” However, in the dean’s experience itwas difficult for a new engineering librarian to know of the professional associations forengineering librarians and hard to find the time to commit to exploring options in-depth.Connecting and networking with peers is the best way to learn the field but this can be difficultwhen other duties are so pressing and
Conference Session
COED: Issues Impacting Students Learning How to Program
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Petra Bonfert-Taylor, Dartmouth College; Alisan Oeztuerk, German Army; Ben Servoz, Dartmouth College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
CodingBat and supports C/C++, Java, Python, and Ruby.Python Classroom Response System: Another example of utilizing a web-based codingenvironment is the Python Classroom Response System (PCRS) described in [13]. The idea andmotivation behind the tool is to facilitate the method of Peer Instruction in a programming class.The instructor can create programming assignments and test cases built around expectedmisconceptions in order to observe student problems during class in real time so as to directly beable to address these. PCRS is written in Python and is designed for the Python programminglanguage. A support for C has been established and a support for Java and SQL are indevelopment.BlueJ: The BlueJ system [6] is a free, integrated Java
Conference Session
Electrical/Electronic ET Issues
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Delvicario, University of Hartford; Dominick Gerard Lauria, University of Hartford; Patricia Mellodge, University of Hartford; Ying Yu, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. I. Ward Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Hartford. Her current research interests are audio and speech signal processing, promoting critical thinking through the engineering curriculum, promoting diversity and inclusion in the academic environment, and teaching with new educational methods, including peer instruction, personal response systems, video games, and state-of-the-art CAD tools. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Promoting critical thinking through troubleshooting exercises in fundamental electric circuits labsAbstractThis paper presents a study conducted in the fall semester of 2017 that aimed to
Conference Session
NEE 2 - Strategies to Improve Teaching Effectiveness
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robyn Paul, University of Calgary; Mohammad Moshirpour, University of Calgary; Emily Ann Marasco, University of Calgary; Sepideh Afkhami Goli, University of Calgary; Ehsan Mohammadi, University of Calgary; Fatemeh Sharifi, University of Calgary
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Another video type called “What I struggled with” was created based on results fromonline learning platforms such as a popular UCSD Coursera specialization on data structures andalgorithms [6]. This format type allows students to hear about specific challenges and highlightsfrom peers who have taken the same course in the past.Online content is recorded and integrated using a variety of materials and equipment, including awebcam, a high-quality microphone, screen recording software, PowerPoint, Storyline 360 byArticulate, and LMS-compatible quiz assessments. Each week, lectures build on the courseconcepts from previous videos while introducing new content and terminology. Activeparticipation and accountability are integrated through short
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Josue Njock Libii, Purdue University Fort Wayne
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Tagged Divisions
done ingroups during lab sessions and it is the writing of the lab reports that is done outside of the lab.However, in lecture courses, which constitute the vast majority of credit hours (about 95% in thefour ABET accredited engineering programs in our college), students are not ordinarily requiredto work in groups. In the case of commuter students, where other life commitments are such thatthey must spend limited time on campus outside of scheduled classes, using lecture assignmentsas a means to give students an opportunity to work together presents a good opportunity forcommunity building. Our experience is that, if the groups are small, three to four members, andample time is allowed between the date when work is assigned and the date when
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Karlin, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Rebecca A Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Cheryl Allendoerfer, Shoreline Community College; Dan Ewert
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
helping to make the positivechange we want to actually happen. Further, using stories to make this connection also createsan organizational legitimacy for the new practice, identity, or other innovation.When we systemically storymake with intention, we can, as Sunstein and Thaler [8] put it,“influence behavior while also respecting the freedom of choice”. We see the use of stories todrive behavioral change in many fields. Pennebaker [9] has done extensive work on usingguided writing – or telling one’s own story to one’s self – to help individuals who haveexperienced trauma find resolution. Wilson [10, 11] used stories from students whosuccessfully navigated a difficult course to create a 30-minute intervention that significantlyimproved the
Conference Session
Viewpoints, Perspectives, and Creativity in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Chang P.E., University of Idaho - Moscow
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Professional Seminaroffering (CE 491). This course is designed to provide graduating students with newopportunities to develop a skill set that will help foster their individual growth andlearning. Class participants learn and practice oral and written communication skillsusing practical examples in their selected area of interest. The other goals of this courseinclude:  Further understanding of the civil engineering field and related topics;  Developing multidisciplinary collaboration and team-building skills;  Enhancing communication skills in both oral and written formats through writing and presentation exercises; and  Providing support toward completion of their degree.Each student is divided
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marilyn A. Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology; Julie E. Sharp, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Paper ID #11190Ethics for BeginnersDr. Marilyn A. Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology Marilyn Dyrud is a full professor in the Communication Department at Oregon Institute of Technology and regularly teaches classes in business and technical writing, public speaking, rhetoric, and ethics; she is part of the faculty team for the Civil Engineering Department’s integrated senior project. She is active in ASEE as a regular presenter, moderator, and paper reviewer; she has also served as her campus’ representative for 17 years, as chair of the Pacific Northwest Section, and as section newsletter editor. She was named an
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine Arvold, Seattle Pacific University; Steven David Mow, Seattle Pacific University; Zachary W. Cook, Seattle Pacific University; Natalie Goode, Seattle Pacific University; Caitlin H. Wasilewski, Seattle Pacific University; Rida Y. Al-Hawaj, Seattle Pacific University ; Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
why contracting and goal setting in the forming stage iscrucial. In addition, instructors can reduce the extent of social loafing by communicating thatteam participation is mandatory and specifying how each individual’s contribution will bemeasured25, 26, 28. Examples of how to measure individual performance include peer evaluation,specific task designation and measurement, and instructor observation. In addition, teammembers are more likely to be motivated to contribute when their contribution is unique2, 25, 26.This can be accomplished by assigning specific roles2 or emphasizing diversity of thought andexperience within each team25, 26.Defining roles during the formation phase can help the team clarify responsibilities and preventconflict29
Conference Session
Technical Session: Pedagogical Strategies and Classroom Techniques for Teaching Assistants
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen W. Crown, University of Texas, Pan American; Ana Alanis, University of Texas, Pan American ; Jose Luis Chavez Jr., The University of Texas, Pan-American; Joel Guadalupe Montemayor, University of Texas, Pan American; Ricardo Montemayor, University of Texas, Pan-American; Haidy Enid Soto, University of Texas, Pan American
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
, 4year summer program that provides academic training, mentorship, and hands-on experience formiddle and high school students that are interested in pursuing STEM careers. A series of newcourses that are to be offered as standardized courses at participating TexPREP institutionsthroughout the state are being developed by undergraduate engineering students.Nine undergraduate students majoring in mechanical and civil engineering and computer sciencewere hired to write the TexPREP course curriculum with the idea that students would be able todevelop course content that the participants could easily relate to. Following development of thecurriculum, undergraduate students actively participated in the implementation and reviewprocess. The primary
Conference Session
Best Paper Presentations
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University; Kaitlin Engle Mallouk, Rowan University; Krishan Kumar Bhatia, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
formultidisciplinary, project-based engineering experience for students at all levels3.The seven major course topics of FECI are measurements, engineering professions, teamwork,problem solving, communication, design process, and safety, professionalism, and ethics. Inaddition, FECI serves as engineering students’ Rowan Seminar course, which is a collegesuccess course and has objectives in writing and critical thinking, library research skills, Page 26.400.2cooperative learning, and classroom management skills. As such, students taking FECI areexpected to learn to take measurements in a laboratory setting, analyze and communicate theresults of those
Conference Session
That's a Great Idea! Learning-focused Methods to Revitalize Your Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vishwas Narayan Bedekar, Middle Tennessee State University; Ahad S. Nasab, Middle Tennessee State University; Walter W. Boles, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
the important homework/practice problems with realworld examples. The summary video helped instructors spend more time on working out theproblems and examples in class. (2) The summary video could also help students who want toreview the material covered in class at home and practice. Moreover, these videos were availablefor students who miss a class to go back and review what was covered in class and be up to speedfor the next lecture. (3) The concept was different from a traditional all-online course whichprovided videos of full lectures online and did not provide opportunities for students to interactwith the instructors and peers in class. In this method, the instructors spent more time on workingproblems and quizzes during normal
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas, El Paso; Pedro Arturo Espinoza, University of Texas, El Paso; Hector Erick Lugo Nevarez, University of Texas, El Paso; Hugo Gomez, University of Texas, El Paso; Randy Hazael Anaya, University of Texas, El Paso; Herminia Hemmitt, University of Texas, El Paso; Oscar Antonio Perez, University of Texas, El Paso; Peter Golding, University of Texas, El Paso; Alfonso Pruneda, University of Texas, El Paso; Sara Soto, Academic Technologies ; Erik Lopez, Academic Technologies; Gil Paquian Jr., UTEP Academic Technologies
Tagged Divisions
participants who willmost likely be teachers, counselors and community leaders, they must develop two sets ofinstructions. The first set is directed for facilitators and people running the activity, whereour Padawans must write a rubric that communicates the scope of the activity, theexpectations, the methodology, pedagogy and its ease of application, revision andcustomization. If any facilitator wishes to modify the activity, if they believe it can beimproved or might not have some of the components readily available, they will have theresources and knowledge to do so. After all, that is the essence of Maker Culture.The second set of instructions will be directed to the prospective attendees (futurePadawans, also known as Jedi Initiates) that will
Conference Session
Research on Diversification, Inclusion, and Empathy I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Haas, Engineering Ambassadors Network; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #15771Engineering Ambassadors Network (EAN): Goals, Successes, and Challengesin Growing the EANMs. Christine Haas, Engineering Ambassadors Network Christine Haas brings ten years of experience working in marketing and communications with a focus on the science and engineering fields. She’s held positions as the director of marketing for Drexel’s College of Engineering and director of operations for Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Engineering. Now, as CEO of Christine Haas Consulting, LLC, Christine travels around the world teaching courses to scientists and engineers on presentations and technical writing. She
Conference Session
Assessment and Liberal Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Lafayette College; Mary Roth, Lafayette College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
nationally with an award for excellence in promoting professionalism, ethics, and licensure in the curriculum; • Our program leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Engineering Studies has, since 1970, prepared its graduates to be “technological integrators;” many work as engineers, and many others work in public policy, business, education, medicine, and law. Required coursework includes some fundamental engineering courses, some translational courses in engineering economics and engineering policy, and a sequence of courses in engineering studies – typically seminar-style, discussion- and writing-intensive courses that ask students to consider the history of technology, interrogate the
Conference Session
Design and the Capstone Experience
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachael E. Cate, Oregon State University; Donald Heer, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
), thecommunications instructor had earned a master’s degree in writing, taught writing andcommunication courses at the university and community college level, and earned a doctor ofphilosophy degree in higher education program development, including transformative andexperiential education pedagogies. The technical instructor had earned a master’s of engineeringand completed some coursework in engineering education. Together, they began working tocreate a curriculum that challenges engineering students to develop critical thinking skills inorder to engage in technical problem solving, to consider what it means to be an engineer, tochallenge their own assumptions and perspectives, and to prepare to enter into a community ofprofessional engineers. This
Conference Session
Active and Out There: Labs and Active Learning
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne Dudek Ronan P.E., New York University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
their own with little parental guidance. Orientationprograms at most universities have grown, specifically to help students cope with these newexperiences and expectations.Gunn [1] reports on the value of scavenger hunts at the University of Michigan. Their studentshave opportunities for campus-wide scavenger hunts as well as in-building College ofEngineering scavenger hunts. The latter provide an opportunity for new students to feel part oftheir new environment, overcome isolation, and begin interacting with peers and faculty.Grey et al [2] describe the development and implementation of a scavenger hunt for First YearEngineering Orientation. Lindsay et al [3] follow this up with an evaluation of student exitsurvey responses after participating
Conference Session
New ECE laboratories
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Ray Hite, West Virginia University; Louis J. Slimak, West Virginia University; Dimitris Korakakis, West Virginia University; Terence C. Ahern, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
participants use their work for the Solar House as their capstone project. His research interests are in the area of optoelectronic devices, based on wide bandgap semiconductors and organic materials with an emphasis on nanostructures and nanoscale architecture. He has about 100 peer-reviewed publications.Terence C. Ahern, West Virginia University Terence C. Ahern is an Associate Professor Instructional Design and Technology at West Virginia Univer- sity and coordinates the program in Instructional Design and Technology in the Department of Learning Sciences and Human Development. His research interests are in the use of instructional technology on- line. Dr. Ahern has published extensively in the areas of distance education
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Pioneering Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Sicker, University of Colorado-Boulder; Tom Lookabaugh, University of Colorado-Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
the IEEE, as well as a member of the ACM and the Internet Society. He serves on the faculty of the Institute for Regulatory Law and Economics. He was also the Chair of the Network Reliability and Interoperability Council steering committee, an FCC federal advisory committee that focuses on network reliability, wire line spectral integrity and Internet peering and interconnection. Doug also served on the Technical Advisory Council of the FCC. His research interests include network security, technology based policy and telecommunications policy. His teaching interests include distributed systems, network security and telecommunications public policy. Doug holds a PhD from the
Conference Session
Retention Issues
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phyllis Tedford, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; John Fernandez, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine; June Marshall, St. Joseph's College
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
assignments that require an on-line response or chat room discussion. Anothermethod is to require each student to find a hosting firm and develop a case study (relatingto the content of the course) that is presented to the class. One more strategy formaximizing outside of class behavior relates to the time consuming activity of viewing Page 12.867.5audio visual materials such as DVDs. Require the students to view the materials on theirown time at the library (room use only) and write a three paragraph “executive summary”that is collected and serves as discussion points during class.Learning Technique Number 5 - Preparing to TeachDoyle in Integrating
Conference Session
FPD 6: Transitions and Student Success, Part II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Volcy, Spelman College; Carmen Sidbury, Spelman College
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
  Page 23.389.6• Generate  shapes  • Hypothesize  and  correct  for  distortions  in  the  shape  • Write  a  technical  paper  and  deliver  a  technical  presentation  of  findings    These  are  detailed  below.    • Mechanical  Assembly  The  mechanical  assembly  task  proved  to  be  an  effective  means  of  immediately  engaging  the  students  in  the  project.    In  particular,  harvesting  the  laser  diode  from  a  common  laser  pointer  and  re-­‐purposing  it  for  the  project  offered  a  “tear-­‐down”  7  and  re-­‐engineering  opportunity  that  elicited  many  questions  about  how  the  device  functioned  and  how  the  laser  pointer  itself  is  manufactured.    Further,  de-­‐soldering  unwanted
Conference Session
Aircraft Design Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University; Dimitris C. Lagoudas P.E., Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
assistant, usually a graduate student,and a peer teacher, usually an undergraduate student who recently completed the freshman-engineering sequence. The graphics portion of the class has the students use a commercialgraphics package that can be used to draw parts selected from outside of class or parts of theirrobot by the end of the semester. At the beginning of the semester, basic project planning iscovered as well as an introduction of flowcharting and some basics of the visual programmingenvironment, in this case LabView. The most important aspect of the programming portion isactually what the program is being asked to do and how it completes the task. Since LabView ismany times not the programming language of choice in the student’s follow-on
Conference Session
Educational Methods and Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine; William Marshall, Alief Independent School District
Tagged Divisions
feedback. Students need to know how well they are doingand are typically open to suggestions for improvement. Generally, the clearer and morespecific an instructor can be with feedback, the better the results for students. Students alsobenefit from peer reactions and should be encouraged to take responsibility for their ownlearning (i.e., taught to self-evaluate). Providing accurate feedback and helping students totake charge of learning can stimulate healthy minds. Page 15.695.3Improving Pedagogy with Differentiated InstructionA key concept in differentiated instruction is applying a proactive approach to the learningand teaching model. As such
Conference Session
Construction Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suat Gunhan, University of Texas, San Antonio; Jing Du, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
papers are presented by the lecturer. The following week, the students present a peerreviewed paper on a topic that was covered the week before by the lecturer. In addition, thestudents choose one particular topic and prepare a research paper. Throughout the semester theybecome familiar with research papers in advanced construction management, discussion is madeboth on the topic and the structure of the peer reviewed publications. The term project gives themthe opportunity to make a research in one of those topics and write a technical paper. This way, thecourse helps them to build writing skills especially towards their Master of Science thesis. Thispaper presents a term project example showing how this is accomplished.The topic includes the
Conference Session
Design Education
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Pastirik; Michael Robertson; William Singhose; Joshua Vaughan; Donna Llewellyn; Marion Usselman
increasingly segregatedschools and a large academic achievement gap between African American and Hispanic studentson the one hand, and their white and Asian peers on the other. The schools in the north part ofthe region, considered to be some of the best in Georgia, enroll primarily non-Hispanic white andAsian students and boast SAT scores well above the state and national averages. In starkcontrast, the overwhelmingly African American schools in the southern portion of the regionpost cumulative SAT scores over one hundred points below the already low Georgia stateaverage. Other standard measures of academic achievement, such as Advanced Placement testscores, college matriculation rates, and need for college remediation, show the same