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Displaying results 5101 - 5130 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Stan Harris
. Page 8.1101.7“Proceedings of the 2003 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education” Advantage: Student Students may edit and polish their writing with electronic Q/E rather than paper and pencil Q/E even during the pressure of a Q/E experience. Advantage: Faculty Faculty may experience benefits of being able to grade at least marginally higher level student answers because computer use provides students with an enhanced ability to edit and polish their writing than is typically possible with paper and pencil Q/E. • Students have the ability to access any of their electronic notes. Advantage: Student
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanics Education
2003 Annual Conference
R.W. Carpick; K.W. Lux; Buck Johnson; Wendy Crone
- and Nanoscale Mechanics,” isdesigned to introduce students to mechanics whenpracticed on the microscale and nanoscale with anemphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscalescience and engineering. Traditional approaches toengineering education, including lectures, homeworkassignments, and laboratory experiments, are combinedwith reflective writing assignments and the submissionof a nanotechnology review article to a simulated peer-reviewed journal edited by the instructors and otherstudents in the course. These activities are seamlesslyintegrated into the course providing a coherent, multi-faceted structure for the education of the studentsenrolled in the course. Figure 1
2000 Annual Conference
Mark L. Smith; Kenneth E. Rowe; Carlos R. Morales; Rick L. Homkes
. Bloom’s taxonomy is used to prepare for teaching and also to assesslearning. Laboratory development includes making that first contact with prospective industrialpartners and writing a grant proposal. The service area includes not just the committee workupon which academia thrives, but also outreach activities to the community. This outreachincludes both working as a consultant and reaching out to possible new students. Publishingincludes the research and preparation of a first paper for conference presentation along with therelative worth of different venues for a published paper. Finally, the fourth member of the team,one who made the move from industry eight years ago, describes how to put these activities intoa winning promotion and tenure
Conference Session
ET Interdisciplinary Education
2002 Annual Conference
P. James Moser; Biswajit Ray
, including,optics, electronics, manufacturing technology, electrical machinery, controls, and nano-fabrication. Recognizing that we could not satisfy all of the needs of all constituents, we focusedon those needs that transcended many businesses. Various different local industries desired toemploy graduates skilled in electronics, three-phase electrical machinery, power distribution,manufacturing, and controls. They needed graduates who can write and speak well, whounderstand the economic and social implications of their business, and who are well trained inthe latest technology - able to apply it during the first day on the job. We concluded thatengineering technology graduates with specialized training in both electricity and electronics,could
2001 Annual Conference
FYI Team Members; Adrian Cloete
information and steps performed to have a successful conclusion of the project – demonstrations and presentation of final product may be included Remember to include a demonstration of your circuit’s simulation from the web site listed in the Technical Requirements above. d. Conclusions and Recommendations e. “Are there any questions?”NOTE: A Sample speech evaluation form was provided to students.PEER & SELF-EVALUATION PROCESS: 1) All team members will be asked to confidentially evaluate each other’s participation in the process of completing the Team Project. 2) The peer evaluation will be factored into the overall project grades (both report and presentation) in the COLL
2000 Annual Conference
Manuel D. Rossetti; Harriet Black Nembhard
” as a keyelement. This is a surrogate for “writing”. Ideally, the students will also realize that they havedifferent learning modalities. You might point out that research suggests that learning modalitiesvary between students, from day to day, and from topic to topic (e.g. see McCalley et al. (1987)).Active learning allows students who rely more heavily on experiential learning to conceptualizeand internalize the material presented in class.After this informal introduction to active learning, it is beneficial to support it with somethingconcrete. We suggest that the course syllabus include a brief overview of the active learning Page
1999 Annual Conference
Pedro Arce
students (partners).Students also learn about professionalism in homework submission, home writing style,and they are introduced to the different learning methodologies. In addition to classdiscussion, the course includes, class exercises, homeworks, formal reading assignments,midterms, a number of pop-quizzes, and a final exam that is based on the material of allthe projects assembled during the term.In summary, the course will have the following characteristics: (1). The course is taughtis a student-centered fashion technique (see below and Arce, 1994) where discussions,group work, etc cover most of the learning activities. (2). The course will have periodichomework assignments that are handed out for detailed work. (3). The quizzes will be
Conference Session
Lessons for New Engineering Educators
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
learning, teachers should continually check for understanding and provide studentswith thoughtful, timely, and precise feedback. Students need to know how well they are doingand are typically open to suggestions for improvement. Generally, the clearer and morespecific an instructor can be with feedback, the better the results for students. Students alsobenefit from peer reactions and should be encouraged to take responsibility for their ownlearning (i.e., taught to self-evaluate). Providing accurate feedback and helping students totake charge of learning can stimulate healthy minds.Improving Pedagogy with Differentiated InstructionA key concept in differentiated instruction is applying a proactive approach to the learning andteaching model. As
Conference Session
Distance and Web-based Learning in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Craig J. Scott, Morgan State University; Jumoke 'Kemi Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
peers at other institutions involved in the Mobile Studio project to redesign variouslaboratory and design experiments so that they can be completed by the students using theMobile Studio IOBoardTM. The key issue that we had to address was the fact that the MobileStudio IOBoardTM is limited to very low voltages (plus or minus 4 Volts) because it draws itspower from the USB port of the laptop it is connected to. This implied that laboratoryexperiments that required a “Power Supply” or “Function Generator” with more than 5 volts hadto be redesigned in such a way that the overall concept of the experiments could still beunderstood by the students. The instructors involved in the Mobile Studio project at the variousinstitutions worked together very
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzad Pourboghrat, Southern Illinois University; Narayanan Ramachandran, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Aishwarya Vasu, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Arjun Shekar Sadahalli, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Prashanthi Banala, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Giampiero Campa, MathWorks
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
, machine vision, and adaptive and nonlinear control, especially applied to UAVs. During his stay at WVU Dr. Campa has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, about 60 research papers for international conferences, and a couple of book chapters. He has joined the MathWorks in 2009, where he currently works as a Technical Evangelist for the US west coast area. Page 22.619.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Enhancing Mechatronics Education using Model-Based Techniques and Mathworks ToolsAbstract- This paper
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wael Mokhtar, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
year and they have the chance to choose between them. By the end of the junioryear teams, are selected and faculty advisors start working with the students. By the end of thefirst semester of the senior year each team is required to write a project proposal that includes theproject feasibility, its implementation plan, and the scope of the work to be accomplished. Theproposal is reviewed by Project Review Board (PRB) who are a group of faculty including thefaculty advisor and each team is required to give a presentation. If the project is approved byPRB, the team starts the building and testing during the second semester. A second round ofreview by PRB is done during the mid-semester to evaluate the progress of the project. In thismodel, the
Conference Session
Issues and Directions in ET Education & Administration: Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerry Marekova, Drexel University; Vladimir Genis, Drexel University; David Spang, Burlington County College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Applied Engineering Technology@ BCC Transfer articulation agreement 187.5 creditsCourses Completed @ BCC AAS.MHT Transfer Credits into Drexel AET-MHT Course # Course Description Credits Course # Course Description CreditsENG 101 College Composition I 3 ENG 101 Expository Writing & Reading 3ENG 102 College Composition II 3 ENG 102 Persuasive Writing & Reading 3 0 ENG 103 Analytical Writing & Reading 3MTH 130 Pre -Calculus 4
Conference Session
Course and Curriculum Innovations in ECE
2002 Annual Conference
Stephen Petersen; Richard Hughey; David Meek; Alexandra Carey
assemblylanguages, MIPS and HC11, in the computer organization course. These would be treated in anewly created separate laboratory, thereby allowing us to meet both our primary and secondarygoals. The work to design this laboratory divided naturally into two major tasks: development ofthe actual tutorial hardware to be used, and writing an accompanying lab manual to support bothassembly languages, HC11 and MIPS. Thus, the hardware would employ the 68HC11 and bedesigned to meet the primary goal of bringing the hardware closer to the students while the labmanual meets both goals. The following two sections discuss details about changes we made tothe course, and how and why the necessary hardware was designed and built here at UCSC.Although this was formally
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Poster
2002 Annual Conference
Deepti Suri
reasons:(i) No coding: Even though SE-382 is a software engineering course, it is the first course for SEstudents in which they do not do any design or implementation. Instead, majority of their time isspent writing documents and specifying the project requirements completely and correctly. Ourstudents, like many seasoned programmers, believe that the major effort in software developmentis programming and testing. Consequently, they found the task of documenting the functionality Page 7.748.4 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Intercultural Awareness and International Experience
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brent Jesiek, Purdue University; Deepika Sangam, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Juila Thompson, Purdue University; Yating Chang, Purdue University; Demetra Evangelou, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
,interactions with faculty and peers, team projects, student organizations, and independent travel.Yet even as such programs and experiences gain traction against the backdrop of ambitiousglobal visions, challenges remain. To begin, there is the problem of scaling up. Even generousestimates suggest that only about 5% of American engineering students have a substantial globalexperience during their undergraduate years, while others assert that only 10-15% of schools are taking global education seriously.11,14 Persistent barriers to expandingglobal engineering education – ranging from financial considerations and inflexible curricula to alack of institutional support and language issues – are well documented.6 But even as these kindsof
Conference Session
Ethical Perspectives on the Grand Challenges of Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna M Riley, Smith College
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
selection process? Does the prestige of the NAE, and of its members, lend grand-ness (orgrandiosity?) to the Challenges?At least some of the Grand Challenges relate very closely to the work of individual Committeemembers. For example, the emphasis on personalized medicine in Engineer Better Medicinesreflects Craig Venter’s interest in innovation in this area, exemplified by his controversialpublication of his own genome.22 Managing the Nitrogen Cycle is a passion of Rob Socolow,whose work is cited in the write-up.23 He is also deeply involved with Carbon Sequestration,another one of the Challenges, where he is cited again.24 This raises a question about framing –why the heavy emphasis on personalized medicine in Engineer Better Medicines? Why
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine; William R. Marshall, Alief Independent School District
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
from peer reactions and should be encouraged to take responsibility for their ownlearning (i.e., taught to self-evaluate). Providing accurate feedback and helping students totake charge of learning can stimulate healthy minds. Page 25.469.3Improving Pedagogy with Differentiated InstructionA key concept in differentiated instruction is applying a proactive approach to the learning andteaching model. As such, this document is divided into two major themes: active learning; andactive teaching.Topics included in the “Active Learning” section include: 1) Focusing on Learning and NotTeaching; 2) Problem Based Learning; 3) Facilitating Group Learning
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects in Engineering Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Biswajit Ray, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Introduction to Engineering Technology course,offered to freshmen electronics engineering technology students, are presented. The primaryobjective of this course is to improve the quantitative and qualitative problem solving skill offreshmen students during their first semester of college experience. This in turn contributes totheir preparedness for subsequent science, math, and engineering technology courses, positivelyimpacting student retention rate. The course presented herein also includes a number of hands-on projects to introduce the concepts of engineering design, prototyping, and testing. Soft skillssuch as formal report writing and team work, and orientation to engineering profession andindustry are also key components of this course. Course
Conference Session
FPD II: Hands-on Curriculum in the First Year
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly K. Jaeger, Northeastern University; Susan F. Freeman, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
. This second semester ‘programming’ course had not fullymade the connection between software written to solve a practical problem and how it might be used todrive hardware/devices in a visible experiential way. As a result, students were skeptical, expressing adisconnect with real-world and career applications. This weak cause-and-effect association at timesresulted in a somewhat uninterested learning population. It became apparent that students did not deeplyunderstand the importance of writing code in relation to engineering problem solving. We as instructorssaw an opportunity to take a role in bridging this gap.Challenge #2: Resources. A further challenge relates to resources: How can we demonstrate the value ofprogramming and problem
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott L. Post, Bradley University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
implemented in a junior-level fluid mechanics course thatincluded both lecture and laboratory components. A total of nine learning objectives werespecified for the course. These learning objectives are: calculate fluid thrust forces, calculateaerodynamic forces, solve pipe flow problems, select a pump for a system, select a flowmeter fora system, write a computer program to solve transient fluids problems, write a professionalquality lab report, acquire and analyze laboratory data, and be a valuable member of team thatsuccessfully completes a project. The learning objectives can be mapped to ABET studentoutcomes. In this implementation of Standards-Based Grading, all assessments are done on apass-fail basis. That is to say, there is no partial credit
Conference Session
Training and Support for NEEs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chirag Variawa, University of Toronto; Sherif N Kinawy, University of Toronto; D. Grant Allen, University of Toronto; Chris Damaren, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto; Bryan Karney
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
portfolios include ateaching philosophy, sample syllabi and course material, assessment material, and a discussionof the application of teaching theory to practice. This project occurs while students develop theiracademic CV and cover letters from the seminar-based aspect of the PPIT program. Theintention is for each student to be well on their way in developing a course as they begin theiractual academic searches. In addition to these activities, students are expected to deliver a 20-minute microteaching activity in the presence of their peers and course staff. This is essentially avideotaped lecture of each student, pending their approval, where the video is returned to eachstudent for personal self-reflection. Students then write a brief
Conference Session
Design Teamwork
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Junichi Kanai, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Mark Anderson, Rensselaer
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
the other hand,laboratory courses and engineering design courses are often used to teach communication andteamwork skills 1. Typical communication skills include, but are not limited to, maintaininglab/design notebooks, writing technical reports, and oral presentations. A project-based coursemay also include writing a proposal.On-line collaboration tools, also known as groupware, are widely used in many organizations toimprove their productivity and the quality of their products. Currently, Wikipedia includes over95 software tools 2. Types of collaboration tools include bulletin (discussion) boards for threadeddiscussions, public folders for sharing documents, and version control systems for concurrentediting software source codes or CAD
Matthew Kuester, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; Paul R Griesemer, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Tagged Topics
1310The content that was added to the curriculum during the course redesign included: • A tour of UMHB engineering facilities. During the second week of classes, the students took a tour of the Engineering Design Building, including the Maker Space. Students talked with the maker space supervisor to discuss how they could use the maker space to build their projects. • A module on the engineering design process. Before the students were given their project definition, students spent two classes learning about the engineering design process (research, ideation, design selection, prototyping, testing, iteration) to understand how they should approach the design project. • A module on technical writing
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda DeAngelo, University of Pittsburgh; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Erica M. McGreevy, University of Pittsburgh; Eric Trevor McChesney, University of Pittsburgh; Kevin R. Binning, University of Pittsburgh; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, University of California, Irvine; Christian D. Schunn, University of Pittsburgh; Charlie Díaz, University of Pittsburgh; Gerard Dorvè-Lewis, University of Pittsburgh; Kevin Jay Kaufman-Ortiz, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Beverly Conrique, University of Pittsburgh; Maricela Bañuelos, University of California, Irvine; Carlie Laton Cooper, M.Ed., University of Georgia; Anne-Ketura Elie, University of Pittsburgh; Rachel Kelly Forster, University of Pittsburgh; Brianna Julia Gonzalez, University of Pittsburgh ; Danielle Vegas Lewis, SUNY Fredonia ; Heather Lee Perkins, University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign; Nelson O. O. Zounlomè
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
widespread uptake of this intervention effort with faculty to promoteinstitutional transformation.Despite decades of explicit effort by institutions and faculty to provide Black, Latinx, andIndigenous (BLI) students in STEM with equitable access to educational opportunities andsuccess, considerable gaps in achievement remain [2], [3]. Black and Latinx students have beenshown to have higher interest than their White peers in STEM majors, including in engineering[4]–[6], yet despite this strong interest, they are less likely than their White peers to enroll or persistin the degree path. One factor that has been shown to help lessen this gap in student representationis positive interaction with faculty [7]–[10]. Positive faculty interaction promotes
Conference Session
PCEE Session 9: Virtual Summer Programs
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerald Recktenwald, Portland State University; James Hook, Portland State University
Invention Bootcamp at Portland State University. Invention Bootcamp is a four-week summer camp designed to expose high school students to the invention process and thereby stimulate their interest in attending college to prepare for a career in STEM and entrepreneurship. The camp serves 25 students that are recruited with help from Oregon MESA, and actively seeks participants from populations traditionally underrepresented in STEM. Eight undergraduate engineering and computer science students are near-peer mentors and technical problem-solvers for the camp participants. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division Technical Session - Interdisciplinary Capstone Projects, Pandemic Adapted Mechatronics Lab, Call for Change
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bart Johnson, Itasca Community College; Ronald Ulseth; Michael Raich, Itasca Community College
and extracurricular activities wereattributes of the learning community [12]. The instructor role had evolved fromlecturer/evaluator to learning facilitator, professional development leader, career/life advisor, andpartner in life as extracurricular activities grew in diversity to spring break vacations, basketballleagues, and summer picnicking/camping. These deep relationships emerged between peers aslifelong friendships as relationships developed. What started as physical access to campus spacebecame a vibrant community whose members shared the goal of becoming practicing engineers.As can be seen in Figure 2., persistence to a degree was quite high. Through participation in thiscommunity, students learned the importance of inclusion and
Conference Session
Design Courses 1, Teaching Tools
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Justin Charles Major, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Tyler Tallman, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
engineering education written for a graduate-level NDM class that was taught by thesecond author (Tyler) in Spring of 2020. From a review of 22 peer-reviewed journal articles andconference papers, the student suggests that there is evidence that: 1) practitioners need to teachabout a broader range of NDM, 2) universities need to clearly identify and articulate their role indeveloping NDM theorists versus technicians, 3) universities need to facilitate partnerships inindustry that provide both entities the resources they need to proceed with high-level NDMeducation and methodological-execution, 4) researchers need to find meaningful ways to educateadministrators and faculty about NDM and its benefits in order to support growing NDMprograms, and 5
Conference Session
Studies of Shifting In-person Courses to Online and Students' Online Behavior
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohammed F. Farghally, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mostafa Kamel Osman Mohammed, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Assiut University; Hamdy F. F. Mahmoud, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Assiut University; Margaret O'Neil Ellis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Derek A. Haqq, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Molly Rebecca Domino, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brett D. Jones, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
them as individual assignments, and the last one as acomprehensive group project. Individual projects accounted for 30% of the total course grade,and the group project accounted for 10%. Like labs, projects were submitted online throughWebCAT. 50% of the project grade was based on passing WebCAT testcases, and writing cleancode observing styling standards. The other 50% of the grade was assigned manually by the TAsfor the implementation approach including the degree the approach was flexible, maintainable,and well-documented.After the transition, the group project was changed to be merely a design assignment with nocoding. Students were required to submit a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram ofa COVID-19 real-time data visualization
Conference Session
Faculty Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Nicole N. Aljoe, Northeastern University; Stacy Blake-Beard, Simmons College; Michele C. Deramo, Virginia Tech; Barbara J. Guthrie, Northeastern University; Kathleen Kenney, Northeastern University; Carol B. Muller, Stanford University; Jan Rinehart, Northeastern University; Rania Sanford, Stanford University; Shawna Vican, University of Delaware
Tagged Topics
Professor of Women’sand Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University and co-founder of the popularCrunk Feminist Collective. Also planned are a President’s Panel, workshops by the NationalCenter for Faculty Development & Diversity, a Multicultural Career and Graduate School Expo,and a post-conference writing retreat offered by Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats. Weanticipate having up to 500 women enroll in the 2018 event.The FWCA conference has proven to be both professionally useful, as well as personallyenriching insofar as it created a space for women of color to share their common concerns andfind support from one another. Evidence of the remarkable impact of the conference on thewomen attending is apparent in these testimonial
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James R Vallino, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Bryan Basham, Software Alchemy (with RIT)
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
audittrail available in the tools used for these activities—Github/git, Trello, and Slack, respectively. Inaddition to peer evaluations that are done mid-project and end-of-project, the instructor uses thisevidence to make individual positive or negative adjustments to team grades based on anindividual student's contribution. The mid-project peer evaluations are mostly consideredformative and do not affect the student's grade immediately. The instructor provides feedback toeach student individually at that point. After the end-of-project peer evaluation, the instructorwill compute the individual adjustment factor for each student, if needed, and apply it to theentire project grade for the student. Our experience is that after the first peer