= e j ( ω t −θ ) + e − j (ω t −θ ) Z(j ù ) Z(j ù ) = V Z(j ù ) (e j (ω t −θ ) + e − j (ω t −θ ) ) = Z(j ù ) 2 (e 2V 1 j ( ω t − θ ) + e − j ( ω t − θ ) ) substitute V = m and apply Euler' s Identity V 2 cos (ω t − θ ) Vm = Precisely the same result obtained when solving the
Research StationCooperative Agreement no. PNW 93-0372.ReferencesBergen, S. D., S. M. Bolton and J. L. Fridley. 1997a. Developing an Ecological Engineering Curriculum. In: 1997 Annual Conference Proceedings: American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC.Bergen, S. D., S. M. Bolton and J. L. Fridley. 1997b. Ecological Engineering: Design Based on Ecological Principles. Presented at the 1997 ASAE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 975035. ASAE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA.Biographical InformationSCOTT BERGEN is a Ph.D. candidate in the forest engineering program at the Univ. of Washington. He received aB.S. in mechanical engineering from Cornell Univ. and an M.S. in forest engineering from the
. While some professors prefer that thestudents come up with possible solutions for a project at the early stage of the course andwork on improving those solutions throughout the rest of the quarter, other professors preferthat the students tackle the project theme first without considering what the solutions mightbe. Instead of generating solution first and then later trying to improve the solution so that itwill meet the specifications that are set after the solution is generated, other professors preferto clarify the goals and requirements before generating solutions that will satisfy these speci-fications. Hence even though the outcome of both processes are basically the same, generat-ing solution(s) for problem(s) or need(s), the steps that
Conference, Oct. 24-26, 97, Madison3. Barr, R. (1997), Planning the Engineering Design Curriculum for the 21st Century, 1997 ASEE/EDGD Mid- Year Conference, Oct. 24-26, 97, Madison4. Bertoline, G.R., et al., Technical Graphics Communication, McGraw-Hill Companies, 19975. Gorska, R.A., Computer Engineering Graphics Course Curriculum and Realization, PSG&G Journal, 19976. Gorska, R., Sorby, S., Gender Differences in Visualization Skills – An International Perspective, 1997 ASEE/EDGD Mid-Year Conference, Oct. 24-26, 97, Madison7. Juricic, D., New Developments in Engineering Design Graphics EDG with a CAD/CAM Component, Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG, Cracow, 18-22 July 1996, pp.318-3228. Leopold, C., Sorby S., Gorska, R
graphics represents both the tools and practices which are being used in industryand research. This paper outlines the current revolution in manufacturing and design informationmanagement and how the engineering graphics curriculum might respond to it.Engineering graphics technology is currently undergoing changes much more profound than themovement to 2-dimensional (2-D) CAD in the 1980’s. Though there has been some utilization of3-dimensional (3-D) modeling software since the early 1990’s 1, 2, the technology was still beingused primarily as a vehicle for the static documentation of individual parts. For example, reviewof the original syllabus of North Carolina State’s solid modeling course (circa 1989) shows thatone third the semester was spent
technologylife cycle model using Graedel and Allenby’s Design for Environment text [4]. First, we discussthe impact of the industrial revolution on the earth’s environment in the R&D module. Weintroduce for both products and processes, the concepts of material flow; the master equationdescribing the impact on the environment in terms of industrial and economic activity andpopulation; and life cycle. We discuss these topics in relation to the technology S-curve and thepressure on companies to improve their environmental performance. Then, students are asked toconsider how a corporation can use R&D to position itself for improved environmentalperformance through the development of new “cleaner” technologies. By design, we leverage theeffort
point, ultimate strength (see Appendix C) Page 3.355.410 Tinius Olsen S-400-2A which is an English units extensometer with a highest strain magnification of 400 (in./in.).This averaging (A) type measuring system (i.e. Knife edges are opposite sides of the specimen) also has a gaugelength of 2 inched. In addition , a strain conditioner (Model HSC) is used in conjuction with the extensometer. Thestrain conditioner is capable of four settings 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 10:1 for the S-400-2A extensometer. (See appendix D)11 Tinius Olsen Instruction Pamphlet No. 3a, S-type and SM-type Electronic Extensometers.12 The extensometer must be
newly established laboratory, thestudents get acquainted with the high frequency components, computer-aided design, fabricationand testing of high frequency circuits using both distributed and lumped elements.5.0 Laboratory Experiments To give students some design experience, several laboratory experiments have beendeveloped. Following is a partial listing and description of the laboratory experiments.5.1 RF and Microwave Amplifier Design Today’s wireless and satellite communication systems require very tight amplifierspecifications especially with regard to noise figure, linearity, and distortion. The vector networkanalyzer and the spectrum analyzer are used to measure the amplifier S-parameters as well asgain, reflection
instruction "on a budget". Page 2.161.1Course ChronologyFortran - the Early YearsInstruction in Digital Signal Processing at UPJ was initiated in 1987. Then, as now, equipmentbudgets were less than extravagant. The expenditure of scarce resources to support a new course,whose success was not established, was not viewed as prudent. A decision was made to proceedwith the initiation of a lecture based course which would be supported by software basedpractical exercises.The computing environment at Pitt in the late 1980's was centered on a time-shared system. TheUniversity operated a cluster of several Digital Equipment VAX processors. These wereavailable
6027.6 19809.4 99372.5 3266633 14 132062 0 0 150000 19809.4 849999 112252.6 Page 2.207.7 Table 2Basis of Design & Unit SizeJRB&E INC.Inflow Flow Rate1. 10.8 MGD or 90,072,000 lb.’s/d2. 250 mg/l BOD-53. 250 mg/l Suspended SolidsEffluent Components1. 3.44 mg/l of BOD-52. 15 mg/l of Suspended SolidsPrimary Sedimentation Tank. 1 Unit1. Suspended Solids Removal - 40%2. Biological Oxygen Demand Removal - 25%3. Settled Solids Concentration - 4%4. Detention Time - 4 hours .5. Overflow Rate - 16m^3 / d-m^2Dimensions1. Length - 90 m2. Width - 22.53. Depth - 3.37 mPrimary
3 1 3 1 19 1 1 4 1 A verage 3 .6 8 7 5 2 .1 8 7 5 2.62 5 2 .2 5 3.05 26 3 1.15 78 9 3.31 57 9 1.42 10 5 S td . D e v . 2 .4 8 4 3 8 1.10 93 8 1.78 12 5 1 .5 6 2 5 0.90 85 9 0.86 42 7 1 .4 9 0 3 0.99 72 3 S ig n if ic a n t t= 2 . a t 9 6 . 5 % t= . 6 a t 4 7 % t= 6 . 5a t 9 9 % t= 4 at 9 9 .9 % Northern Kentucky
in a concise manner what is important to this subject. Demands of these reports enhanced their cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills.AcknowledgementsThe author wants to acknowledge the courtesy of the following companies who helped bysupplying their training c.d.’s and web-based CBT, that proved to be exhilarating and greatsource of inspiration, entertainment and skills development for the students:Solidworks, SDRC-I-DEAS, Pro-Engineer, Unigraphics, Catia, Autodesk, CadkeyReferences:Knowles, M. S. (1980) The modern practice of adult education: From pedagogy to Andragogy.(2nd ed.) Chicago. Association/Follet.Knowles, M. S. (1984) Andragogy in action: Applying modern principles of adult learning. SanFrancisco, Jossey Bass.Elias J
this paper have been successfully used by the authors in introducing IndustrialEngineering and Mechatronics to junior high and high school students.Bibliography1. Salminen, Tanskanen & Verho, "Mechatronics: Designing Intelligent Machines", Proceedings of IMechE, 1990.2. Yamazaki, K. and S. Miyazawa, "A Development of Courseware for mechatronics Education", International Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp: 61-70, 1992.3. Alptekin, S. E., "Mechatronics Design Studio: Sample Student Projects", Proceedings of Mechatronics’96, San Francisco,June 13-15, 1996 (Alptekin 1996-1).4. Alptekin, S. E., and H. Jo Anne Freeman, “Mechatronics Education: Model and Implementation”, Proceedings ofMechatronics'96, San Francisco, June 13-15
environment, hold thepromise to revolutionize education delivery in the 21st century, as they have already begunto do.A recent report by the U. S. Department of Education’s National Center for EducationStatistics, detailed the explosive growth in distance learning in U.S. higher education. 1 Forthat study, distance education was defined as education or training courses delivered toremote (off-campus) locations via audio, video, or computer technologies. The reportfound that one-third of higher education institutions offered distance education courses inthe Fall of 1995. Of those, nearly 25% offered degree programs and 7% offered certificateprograms that could be earned by taking distance education courses exclusively. More than750,000 students were
users of formulas and of teacher-certified algorithms. Whenconfronted with a new type of problem, they tend to use a seemingly related algorithm withoutever wondering if their solution makes sense. So, for example, in a pretest the problemstatement, Write an equation using the variables S and P to represent the following statement: “There are six times as many students as professors at this university.” Use S for the Page 3.458.1 number of students and P for the number of professorselicits as an answer “P=6S” as often as “S=6P”.Another pretest problem, A can do a certain job in 3 days. The same job takes B 6 days to do
. AcknowledgmentsFunding for this project by the U. S. Dept. of Education’s Fund for the Improvement ofPostsecondary Education is gratefully acknowledged.1. Guskin, A. E., “Reducing student cost and enhancing student learning: The university challenge of the 1990’s. Part I: Restructuring the administration”, Change, (July/August), 23-29 (1994).2. Parrish, E. A., “A Work in Progress: WPI and the Future of Technological Higher Education”, WPI Journal, 3, Fall 1995.3. NSF Publication, “Report from the Presidential Young Investigator Colloquium on U.S. Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Education for the Year 2010 and Beyond”, (1991).4. Felder, R. M. and L. K. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”, Eng. Ed. 78
Session 2230With this familiar framework to build upon, a problem solving heuristic is not difficult tointroduce problem solving skills into the curriculum. In this presentation, I will give someexamples of successful ways to integrate the material and some ideas for exercises andassignments to motivate students to practice these skills.Bibliography1. "Strategies for Creative Problem Solving", H. S. Fogler and S.E. LeBlanc, Prentice Hall, 1995, 203pgs.Biographical InformationSteven LeBlanc is Professor and Chairman of Chemical & Environmental Engineering atthe University of Toledo. He is the coauthor of the Prentice Hall textbook "Strategies forCreative Problem Solving" with Professor H. Scott Fogler of the University of Michigan.The book
console panel is used to toggle thefan power and adjust the wind speed. The other gauges on the console panel are unused (they arefor a force balance from the manufacturer). A Dwyer Mark II Manometer is used to measure thewind speed by reading the pressure change due to the flow. Assuming a temperature of 25 ◦ C anda pressure of 1 atm, using the datasheet [13] gives the conversion to wind speed in m/s as p v = 20.4952 Pv (4)where v is the wind speed in m/s and Pv is the pressure reading in inches of water.5.1 Benchmarking Drag on a SphereThe drag on a sphere is a well-studied quantity in fluid mechanics, so we
science) are partnered with healthprofessionals (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, therapists, pharmacists) to solve unmet healthchallenges. In the first quarter, teams of 3–5 students work closely with the health professional(s)who originally proposed the unmet health challenge to develop a deep understanding of theunmet health need, including potential markets, stakeholder psychologies, prior solutions,intellectual property considerations, regulatory requirements, and reimbursement strategies. Inthe second and third quarters, the teams continue to refine and iterate upon their understanding ofthe unmet need and develop a series of functional prototypes (which are quantitatively evaluated)and an early-stage business plan.The program faculty
sports prosthetics. Prosthesis, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 13-34, 2023. 7. C. Gentile, F. Cordella, and L. Zollo, “Hierarchical human-inspired control strategies for prosthetic hands,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 2521, 2022. 8. A. C. Etoundi, C. L. Semasinghe, S. Agrawal, A. Dobner, A. Jafari, “Bio-inspired knee joint: trends in the hardware systems development,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, no. 613574, 2021. 9. M. Asano, P. Rushton, W. C. Miller, and B. A. Deathe, “Predictors of quality of life among individuals who have a lower limb amputation. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 231-243, 2008. 10. M. C. Carozza, G. Cappiello, G. Stellin, F. Zaccone, F., Vecchi, S. Micera
read and approved by all named authors and that there160 are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm161 that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us. Thanks for the162 support from the National Science Foundation (NSF S-STEM #2029907; NSF Implementation163 Project #2306341). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this164 material are those of the authors.165166 References167 [1] E. Rivers, “Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and168 engineering”, National Science Foundation, 2017.169 [2] S. Livingstone, & M. Bovill, “Children and their changing media environment: A170
for the technical interview(s)1 week or less before their interview [8].While ideally the industry would find alternative approaches to assessing candidates, currenthiring practices are so widespread that they are unlikely to be changed anytime soon. So what canbe done to help students excel in technical interviews and aid in their transition to the workforce?How can higher education institutions foster the knowledge, capabilities, skills, and dispositionsrequired for students to succeed in the workplace and enhance their employability?In this study, we sought to explore the opportunities to integrate such awareness and training intocurricula. To better understand where it may be feasible to do so within existing academic andprogrammatic
tovalidate and improve laboratory practices, contributing to the broader goal of sustainability in highereducation. The future work involves trying out modified enzymes for bioethanol production with increasedconversion rates for different feedstock and measuring its carbon footprint with the available setup in unitoperation labs.References1. Aroonsrimorakot S, Yuwaree C, Arunlertaree C, Hutajareorn R, Buadit T. Carbon footprint of facultyof environment and resource studies, mahidol university, salaya campus, thailand. APCBEE Procedia.2013;5:175. doi: 10.1016/j.apcbee.2013.05.031.2. Finkbeiner M, Inaba A, Tan RBH, Christiansen K, Klüppel H. The new international standards for lifecycle assessment: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. Int J Life Cycle Assessment
second chance to provetheir knowledge increased their motivation to learn. This highlighted to them that the class wasabout increasing their knowledge rather than penalizing them for their mistakes.3.2 Do students find oral exams play a positive role in their learning? D. How did oral exams impact students' understanding of the subject matter?In the end-of-quarter survey, students were asked whether they believe the oral exams increasedtheir understanding of the subject matter. Overall, the majority of students found the oralassessment(s) increased their understanding of the subject matter. 72.1% of the valid responsesanswered “agree/strongly agree” to the prompt, while nearly 21.4% answered neutral, and only6.4% answered, “disagree/strongly
this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] M. M. Chemers, E. L. Zurbriggen, M. Syed, B. K. Goza, and S. Bearman, "The role of efficacy and identity in science career commitment among underrepresented minority students," Journal of Social Issues, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 469-491, 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4560.2011.01710.x.[2] D. I. Hanauer, M. J. Graham, and G. F. Hatfull, "A measure of college student persistence in the sciences (PITS)," CBE-Life Sciences Education, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 59- 82, 2016 2016, doi: 10.1187/cbe.15-09-0185.[3] T. Ju and J. Zhu, "Exploring senior engineering students’ engineering identity: the impact
of Engineering.Our study is guided by Allen et al.'s integrated framework for understanding sense of belonging,specifically focusing on opportunities to belong. Through in-depth qualitative interviews withfaculty and students, we aim to address two research questions: (RQ1) How are the differentfirst-year seminars at our institution understood and conducted? (RQ2) What aspects of theseseminars contribute to students' sense of belonging? As the university reshapes its engineeringcurriculum, this research provides insights into enhancing the transition experience and fosteringa supportive academic community for first-year undergraduate engineering students. The resultsmay also provide insights for other institutions in what works towards the
HealthDisparities within Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Education,” Ann. Biomed. Eng., vol.45, no. 11, pp. 2703–2715, Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10439-017-1903-8.[4] “A Student Guide to Biodesign: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inculsion in Design.”Accessed: Mar. 28, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://biodesignguide.stanford.edu/toolkit/justice-equity-diversity-and-inclusion-in-design/[5] S. Canali, V. Schiaffonati, and A. Aliverti, “Challenges and recommendations for wearabledevices in digital health: Data quality, interoperability, health equity, fairness,” PLOS Digit.Health, vol. 1, no. 10, p. e0000104, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000104.[6] S. Burgstahler, “A Framework for Inclusive Practices,” Creating inclusive learningopportunities in
Contact: What Can It Henry Debord: h-debord@onu.edu Do? Dr. Coffman-Wolph: CONTROL STUDENT s-coffman-wolph@onu.edu PROGRAMMED GAMES CONTROL DIGITAL TO Dr. Ammar: PHYSICAL DEVICES a-ammar@onu.edu PRACTICE SOLDERING
. L IMITATIONS OF THE S TUDY While the study’s approach offers innovative methods to analyze and provide health recommendations basedon HRV data, it was limited to a small number of participants within a selected dataset. Incorporating additional 2 https://github.com/datasci888/ASEE June 2024methodologies, especially the application of neural networks, holds promise for improving accuracy, particularlywhen dealing with larger datasets. Further expansion in demographics, such as including participants from diverseage groups, skin colors, and geographical locations, could provide a more comprehensive understanding of themodel’s effectiveness across various populations. F UTURE D
throughout the demonstration)produced desired product D (yellow), and the other where C formed undesired byproduct B(blue) (Figure 1). The demonstration allows users to manipulate up to five variables: the molarflow rate of reactant C, the single-pass fractional conversion of C, the fractional selectivity, theseparator temperature, and the recycle ratio.The block flow diagram labels streams and units. The purge Stream 6 (brown) and the recycleStream 7 (green) arrows grow and shrink in size to visualize the recycle ratio, e.g. with a lowrecycle ratio, Stream 6’s arrow would be large and Stream 7’s arrow would be small. Below theblock flow diagram are visual representations of the system variables that can be manipulated.Single-pass fractional