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Displaying results 7531 - 7560 of 8762 in total
Conference Session
Biological & Agricultural Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
lourdes gazca, American University, Puebla, Mexico; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, American University, Puebla, Mexico; Enrique Palou, American University, Puebla, Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
reading assignments.In addition, students are encouraged to write brief reflective journal entries to further solidify andreinforce their own understanding, and demonstrate that improved understanding for animproved quiz grade3.Food Chemistry (IA-332) is a course that is offered for students of sixth semester of FoodEngineering. This course was redesigned following the HPL framework to further promote aninteractive classroom while integrating multiple formative assessments by means of Tablet PCtechnologies4. It is a course that uses active and cooperative learning in everyone of its meetingsand activities. The grading scheme includes individual and group quizzes, individual and groupproblem-based exams, journal writing, peer assessments and the
Conference Session
Design Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Martin McCarthy, University of Auckland
Tagged Divisions
engineeringmanagement or manufacturing systems. An ill-defined domain is categorised by Lynch,Aleven, et al. 8 as one in which there is a lack of a systematic way in which to determine if aproposed solution is optimal, and by King and Kitchener 9 as one in which problems cannotbe described with a high degree of certainty or completeness.Commenting on university courses in manufacturing, Sanderson 10 says that, “the type ofanalysis, modeling and decision-making required to integrate manufacturing into real-worldapplications are beyond the scope of traditional lecture and textbook materials”, whilstDessouky 11 writes that, “traditional pedagogy in manufacturing [courses] is ill-equipped forthe task”. Woolf et al. 12 maintain that, “New tools that go beyond
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Kwadwo Osseo-Asare, Penn State University; Victor A Atiemo-Obeng, The Dow Chemical Company (Retired)
Tagged Topics
ASEE International Forum
- gineering, Boston University since 2009. He is been an International Associate, National Institute of Science and Technology for Mineral Resources, Water, and Biodiversity, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil (INCT Acqua; since 2009. He writes a blog on AqueouSolutions ( Sample postings include the following: If You Educate a Girl, Page 21.16.1 Part IX, Aug. 8, 2011. Minerals as Materials, Materials as Minerals, Part 2, Feb. 1, 2010. Conversations about Mineral Industry Education: Prof. Richard Amankwah of UMaT, Ghana, July 13, 2009. Materials
Conference Session
ECE Online Courses, Labs and Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Abhilasha Tibrewal; Tarek Sobh
minimum standards. Inthe United States, accreditation is a non-governmental, peer review process that ensureseducational quality. Educational programs volunteer to periodically undergo this reviewto determine if minimum criteria are being met. Accreditation verifies that a programmeets the criteria, ensuring a quality educational experience. In this regards, the Schoolof Engineering of the University of Bridgeport should define its mission and objectives tomeet the needs of constituencies. Below are some of the goals of the School ofEngineering, which guided the preparation for the accreditation process in Fall 2003. • The prepared educational objectives should be comprehensive, measurable and flexible, and clearly tied to the mission
Conference Session
Programming for Engineering Students
2005 Annual Conference
Eric Hamilton
random decision would repeat the point-plotting using the new coordinates. Miriamloved watching the students watch with puzzlement and pleasure as a fractal would unfold beforethem. Of course, she was not going to let on that anything unusual would be taking place. She ledthe discussion recapping the underlying concepts of random numbers and nested loops. She sentthe programming exercise to the class and watched them start.Some students get off to a quick start. Her first step was to do a run of thumbnail views of agroup of twenty students – she could peer into a subset of their screens with sufficient resolutionto see that several of them were off to the races. She touched the “encourage/correct so far” iconon her response palette and then
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Leonardo Rivera
Data. of Information Explore new applications in other fields, find new ways of doing Intuitive things, search in different contexts. Theories and abstractions. Visual Graphs, drawings, models, pictures and demonstrations. Effective perception of information Verbal They learn by listening, speaking, discussing, reading and writing. Inductive Show consequences and applications so the students can have Preferred intuitions about the general principle. They need motivation. organization of the
2024 South East Section Meeting
Sarah K. Bauer, Mercer University; Adaline M. Buerck, Mercer University; Hannah Nabi; Bremen Vance, Mercer University
Tagged Topics
learning in the classroom with real-world experiences in thecommunity. Studying abroad provides students with opportunities to learn how to navigatedifferent cultures, work with diverse peers, and gain new perspectives and global awareness. TheMercer on Mission (MOM) program at Mercer University in Macon, GA bridges service-learning with short-term, faculty-led study abroad opportunities to provide transformativeexperiences for students through academic instruction, cultural immersion, applied research,meaningful service, and personal reflection. In this study, the MOM program was evaluated forits impact on student participants. Program evaluation included a holistic assessment of theprogram. Research goals included evaluation of effectiveness in
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.)
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
electrical engineering, electronics and computerengineering, or system design, etc.. First we focus on the word objectives and criteria and ask thestudent to write a paragraph stating the objectives, principles, and the decisive factors to reachthe stated objectives. The second step is conceptualization and laying down the foundation forhow to achieve the stated objectives. The students are encouraged to draw a block diagramshowing different components of the system they want to design. A set of questions are posed tostudents to further understand the task at hand. These are typical questions:• What are the input signals to system and, what are their characteristics and magnitudes?• Do the inputs require signal conditioning?• Do the inputs
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogy in Civil Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Swartz P.E., University of Hartford; Stephanie Butler Velegol, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jeffrey A. Laman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
material entirely independently.Most of the so-called team-building experiences in traditional courses are really problem sets oreven projects that are assigned to a group of students. It is normal for student groups to partitionthe assignment so that individual students can work independently on a distinct portion. In aflipped environment, students often work cooperatively during class time. The instructor is thenavailable to facilitate healthy team-building discussions and peer teaching to help students buildmeaningful skills in this area. I liked the flipped course for many reasons. The main one is because we were able to work on the homework in class with other students. Being able to ask questions to the teacher is also a
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Flaten, MN Space Grant / Univ. of Minnesota
Tagged Divisions
team)  Oral Proposal/Conceptual Design Review, distribute requested hardware for payloads  Solder one Verhage BalloonSat EAsy flight computer and 3-sensor weather station7  Watch move “BLAST” then write an essay on science/engineering, work with peer editor  Construction of payload shell – integrate camera, HOBO, flight computer, heater, etc.  Program HOBO and flight computer, test camera, conduct “Day in the Life” testing in lab  Intersperse building with mini-lectures on Spacecraft Systems and Systems Engineering  Submit “Rev. A” of Team Project Doc. – includes Design, Predicted Budgets, Test Plan  Structural/strength testing (drop test, yank test) and thermal testing (cold soak) of payload  Oral
Conference Session
Integrating Hands-On Technology and Project-Based Learning in Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shuxiang Yu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tyler Milburn, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
developingfoundational knowledge of engineering professions [7], which makes them an ideal time to helpstudents develop and test their hands-on skills and intuition in engineering design. By creatingmore opportunities for students to develop their engineering design technical skills throughhands-on learning experiences while working with their peers and developing importantprofessional skills, engineering educators can continue to help students develop and gainvaluable engineering design experience. This paper demonstrates a project designed to help ECEstudents gain such experience by working on a wireless sensor node project in their second yearof their program.3. BackgroundThe wireless sensor node project discussed in this paper was developed for a project
Conference Session
Cultivating Community, Wellness, and Character Development
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria E Goodrich, University of Notre Dame
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
. K., Yang, M. C., and Verma, A. (2023). What Do We Mean When We Write About Ethics, Equity, and Justice in Engineering Design?. Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(6): 061402. 6. Snieder, R, Zhu, Q. (2020). Connecting to the Heart: Teaching Value-Based Professional Ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26, 2235-2254. 7. Mitcham, C. (2014). The true grand challenge for engineering: Self-knowledge. Issues in Science and Technology, 31(1), 19–22. 8. Newberry, B. (2004). The Dilemma of Ethics in Engineering Education. Science and Engineering Ethics, 10, 343-351. 9. Colby, A., Sullivan, W.M (2008). Ethics Teaching in Undergraduate Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 327-338
Conference Session
Marge's Mission: Empowering STEM Innovation
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily M. Haluschak, Purdue University; Melissa Colonis PhD, Purdue University; Kaitlyn B. Myers, Purdue University; Tamara J Moore, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
, prior experience with coding was not assumed and pre-written codes were embedded in the curriculum unit. These block-based codes could be adaptedto specific design choices and student contexts. In an effort to develop a flexible curriculum tomeet a variety of student interests, multiple stress-related contexts (i.e., test anxiety, sports,gaming) were provided for students to choose.Researcher-Teacher PartnershipTwo teachers implemented the curriculum unit three days apart. They both participated in aweeklong curriculum-writing workshop during the summer, two months prior to implementingthe unit. During this workshop, the teachers role-played as students while the researchers (actingas the teachers) demonstrated a science-content focused
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Annie Abell, Ohio State University; Dan Wisniewski, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
employ in the product development industry.Key practices that the instructors wanted to emphasize in the course included: research skills togain understanding of stakeholders, contexts, and constraints relevant to a problem; a focus onproblem finding & framing, rather than jumping right into a solution; developing divergentthinking to facilitate fluent and fruitful concept brainstorming; building communication skillsbeyond technical writing, to include visual communication and the importance of storytelling.This paper will share a review of literature relevant to factors surrounding a design mindset andhow a design mindset can impact design practice in the world of product development.Additionally, this paper will share benchmarking of best
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stefan Christov, Quinnipiac University; James Walker, Michigan Technological University; Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
• Conduct status reports and peer reviews • Submit status reports • Demo project • Submit final work plan and demo project • Conduct a team postmortem • Conduct and report a team postmortem14-15 Final Report, Presentation/Demo, and Project Packaging Final Report and Presentation/Demo • Package project code and documentation for next team • Give a comprehensive presentation describing project • Submit a final report and make a final development over the semester and demo the project in presentation/demo to a general audience its final state. Table 1: Team Software Project Course
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Desen Sevi Ozkan, Tufts University; Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
engage the students in theideas of the articles, we provided students with three reading questions that they would respondto before coming to class. The questions are listed below: 1. What do you want to know more about regarding air pollution exposure across race and poverty level? What questions do you have? 2. How might past policies and events help you make more sense of the paper's findings? 3. As the study’s authors write: “A focus on poverty to the exclusion of race may be insufficient to meet the needs of all burdened populations.” The researchers found that even after accounting for poverty, they saw differential impacts based on race. Why do you think it is important to separate out race and poverty level and
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd M. Fernandez, Georgia Institute of Technology; Shayla Ellington, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
by Monfort et al., [15], we also drew ontheir methods. We added and adjusted questions to fit the participants’ primary stance as learners as opposed toemerging educators and to fit the disciplinary shift from ‘science’ into ‘engineering’. We sought to use broad,general, terminology to avoid evoking a socially desirable response from participants (e.g., ‘good teaching’ asopposed to ‘effective learning’)[21]. Such concerns also motivated having an undergraduate peer with lowerpower distance to participants be the interviewer [22,23]. The major interview questions appear in the appendix.Participants were interviewed once using typical interview techniques that included asking probing questions togather specific examples and deeper explanation
Conference Session
Exploration of Written and Team Communication
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristin L. Schaefer P.E., UH; Jorge Rosales; Jerrod A. Henderson, University of Houston
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
quantitative summarydimensions such as total word count, the number of “big” words (longer than 6 letters), andpercentage of the dictionary’s words appearing in the text, as well as various psychologicalcategories, using both standard and custom dictionaries [8]. The psychological portion using thestandard dictionary reports four summary measures (analytical thinking, clout, authenticity, andemotional tone) and nine dimensions (linguistic, drives, cognition, affect, social, culture,lifestyle, physical, perception, and conversation).The four LIWC summary measures provide their analysis of the text as a dichotomy comparisonfrom a normalized percentage of several variables [7]. Lower analytical thinking scores indicatemore informal, personable writing
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 5 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Gretchen A. Dietz, University of Florida; Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; Erica D. McCray, University of Florida
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
multiple marginalized identities for all three participants. 4As mentioned, this presentation is part of a larger NSF funded study assessing thein/authentic experiences of engineers in tech. We are interviewing 40 engineers, 10each of Black men, Black women, White men, and White women. Data is currentlybeing collected for the study. The three participants for this presentation werechosen due to their unique stories centered around their self-identified intersectingmarginalized identities. At the time of writing, there were only five womeninterviewed. Four White women working in the tech industry and one Black womanworking outside of tech.Two semi-structured
Conference Session
Implementation of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge and Recent ABET Experiences
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Welch, University of Texas, Tyler
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
fall of senior year, Fig 2) to ensure the firstgroup of seniors had at least one environmental course to meet growing East Texas needs.CENG 3333 Codes, Contracts, and Specifications was combined with CENG 3338 CEMaterials (w/lab) (Fig 1) into CENG 3434 CE Materials, Codes, and Specifications(w/lab) (Fig 2). The combining of topics seemed natural in that codes and materialcapabilities (ASTM specifications within the labs) ultimately leads to the specificationsprepared for contractors. Contract writing was moved to a graduate level. Combiningthese two courses allowed for the addition of CENG 3371 Introduction to EnvironmentalEngineering (Fig 2) for those students graduating in 2010 and later. Once the studentstake CENG 3371, CENG 4371 will focus
Conference Session
Middle School Students' Engineering Identity, Efficacy, Attitudes, and Perceptions
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica D. Gale, Georgia Institute of Technology; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeremy Lingle, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sunni Haag Newton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roxanne A. Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeffrey H. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
self-efficacy beliefs- can have a powerful influence on academic performance[15], [16]. Students with strong self-efficacy beliefs tend to work harder, engage in more self-regulatory strategies, evaluate their progress more frequently, solve problems more efficiently,and show greater levels of persistence than equally capable peers with lower self-efficacy [17],[18]. As self-efficacy beliefs are thought to be context-specific [17], researchers examiningstudents’ self-efficacy beliefs have often focused student beliefs within specific subject areasincluding mathematics [19], [20] and science [21].While self-efficacy is well established as a powerful predictor of academic performance, less isknown about how self-efficacy beliefs within specific
Conference Session
Making, Hacking, and Extracurricular Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Alexander Horton, Arizona State University; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Steven Weiner, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Micah Lande, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
creative when designing their solution. Foradvanced courses, students may even be the one to select the topic and nature of the project bydeveloping their own project questions and defining project success in their own terms.e. Critique and RevisionStudents in a PBL environment should be able to critique other projects and revise their ownproject based on criticism. This will ensure that the projects they create are that of a higherquality. This is different from a typical classroom as it is not just the teacher providing feedbackon the project but other individuals such as other students, experts, and peers. This gives thecritique and revision of the project a real-world point of view and helps enforce the authenticitybrought up earlier.f. Public
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Jiehong Liao, Florida Gulf Coast University; Galen I. Papkov, Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
, either fall or spring. Although the course has been taughtby seven different instructors over the past several years, it is essentially a team-taught course.The instructors use the same textbook and syllabus, they assign the same homework, theycollaborate on writing quizzes and exams, and they use common grading rubrics. The courseinstruction closely follows the ExCEEd Teaching Model with the use of common board notesamong the instructors. Since the course is taught in the combined lecture/lab format, there isample time and opportunity for active, hands-on learning during the class period. Students spenda good portion of class time working in groups to solve problems under the supervision of theinstructor. All instructors require attendance
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Assessment
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L Hess, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Grant A Fore, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Brandon H Sorge, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; M A Coleman, Indiana U Purdue U Indianapolis; Mary F. Price; Thomas William Hahn, IUPUI
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
ethics alone.Future WorkFuture directions for this project include a Faulty Learning Community (FLC) wherein facultywill consider and discuss community engagement, scholarly values, ethical reflection, andcurriculum transformation. As of this writing, faculty in each department are currentlyparticipating in this FLC, which is focused on integrating community-engaged learning andethical reflection [13]. In the FLC, faculty have shared their strengths and wisdom in ethics andcommunity engagement for collective discussion and reflection among their peers. Hence,expertise has come from not only the multidisciplinary team of investigators, but also from thedisciplinary experts (the FLC members). In the future, our team’s methods of research
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 5
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; David Reeping, Ohio Northern University; Heather Sapp, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
engineering instruction, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. John has held a variety of leadership positions, including currently serving as an ABET Commissioner and as Vice President of The Pledge of the Computing Professional; within ASEE, he previously served as Chair of the Computers in Education Division. He is a past recipient of Best Paper awards from the Computers in Education, First-Year Programs, and Design in Engineering Education Divisions, and has also been recognized for his contributions to the ABET Symposium. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Mr. David Reeping, Ohio Northern University
Conference Session
Capstone Design Courses II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikhil Gupta, Florida State University; Matthew J Jensen, Florida Institute of Technology; Chiang Shih, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Fruit Harvester System IME X X 27. Stokes Drifter ECE X X Efficient 28. Electric Bike Charging System X X System, LLC 29. Strength Assisting Robot COE X XIn the capstone senior design course the students are expected to work as a cohesive teammember with a given opportunity to become team leader, learn how to communicate effectivelyand efficiently among the team members, peers, and sponsors. The course also
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Learning Outcomes and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peizhu Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology; Douglas A. Bodner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Richard Glenn Turner, Stevens Institute of Technology; Ross David Arnold, Stevens Institute of Technology; Jon Patrick Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Systems & Enterprises)
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
of program elements (via testing/tuning)  Develop artifacts to be populated with simulation output to provide learner insight into current and previous program status  Develop non-player characters and state-based dialog whereby the learner can query the NPCs to discover additional information (or be distracted by inconsequential minutia).  Embed challenges and landmines into simulation models and NPC dialog.  Develop/write desired artifacts (e.g., program background material, learner decision/recommendation forms, etc.).  Write scripted feedback to learner based on alternate learner decisions, linked to program outcomes  Integrate artifacts, simulation models, NPC dialogs, and learner
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Antonette T. Cummings P.E., Purdue University; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
student will identify in-plane motion of the blade from the lead-lag hinge. The student will identify feathering motion from the pitch links.The student may choose to draw swashplate pictures showing a tilt change from neutral position,or an elevation from neutral position, as indicators of cyclic inputs or collective pitch inputs.The student may draw before-after pictures of blade coning, blade flapping, and blade feathering.The student may draw pictures of lift distribution and Mach number distribution across the spanof the rotor blade in hover. The student may write equations for the conservation of momentum,with the Coriolis Effect and rotor speed or RPM.Alternatively, the student may choose to use a physical model of an articulated rotor
Conference Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Michael Wild, James Madison University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Robert J. Prins, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
the laboratory exercise created.The student was given the full Spring 2014 semester to develop the rotational mechanicslaboratory assignment as well as all of the equipment required to develop the assignment, the labassignment write-up, and a sample lab report representing what a student assigned the laboratoryassignment might ideally turn in as their report. The lab assignment write-up and the sample labreport are provided as Appendices 1 and 2, respectively.Coincidentally, it should be noted that the student was also enrolled in two technical electives,Introduction to Sensors and Solid Modeling & Prototyping. Through the student’s course workin Introduction to Sensors, the student was able to gain an understanding of how to work with
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 1 – Addressing the NGSS: Supporting K-12 Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering Science Connections (Part 1)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katey Shirey, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. 410 E: And you have to assume that the person that gave you the design knew what the 411 heck they were doing and understood how to make this so that when you go to use 412 their plan that it's going, going to work. 413 K: Yeah 414 J: Yeah 415 [00:32:22.14] 416 E: That--‐--‐ that's that's the level I mean, that's the level of expertise that we didn't 417 have today. You know, we put stuff together and learned some things through each 418 iteration, but they really didn't, I mean, when we talked about writing stuff down 419 and those sort of things we we, I, we just seeing what they would write down is 420 important, and most of what they wrote down they could never repeat. Nobody