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Displaying results 8161 - 8190 of 8758 in total
Conference Session
CIT Division Technical Session #8
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tasmeer Alam, Morgan State University; Hashmath Fathima, Morgan State University; Kofi Nyarko, Morgan State University; John Attia, Prairie View A&M University; Petru Andrei, Florida A&M University - Florida State University; Shujun Yang; Sacharia Albin, Norfolk State University; Corey Graves, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (CoE)
, several teachers have indicated that they will pursue additionalstudies through graduate education or future RET programs.ConfidenceGenerally, teachers gained confidence in a range of areas except for “confidence writing aresearch paper,” in which cohort 2021 entered with more confidence but left gaining the leastconfidence.Teaching STEMIn their self-assessed teaching skills at the start of RET experience, the 2021 cohort gained moreconfidence in teaching STEM than cohort 2020. Most RETs were interested in the researchtopics and learned a lot.MentorshipThe 2021 RETs reported strong mentorship. They also documented that mentors wereapproachable, had professional integrity, and were supportive and encouraging.Potential impact on teachingAll 2021
Conference Session
LEES Session 9
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cayla Ritz, Rowan University; Cheryl Bodnar, Rowan University; Melissa Montalbo-Lomboy, Rowan University
involved testimony, biography, photos, and datarelated to the Holocaust, compiled into a “story” that the students followed over multiple weeks.The narrative structure was used because students tend to relate better to personal stories andinformation over traditional lectures – they are drawn to the lives and cultures of others to whichthey can relate [15]. Topics on genocide and crimes against humanity were chosen because these“hard histories” contain relevant STEM topics, but they are not the main focus. Rationale forusing the Holocaust as a focal point in an engineering classroom can be summed up by EricKatz, who writes that we should “begin with this fact: engineers, architects, and othertechnological professionals designed the genocidal death
Conference Session
NEE Technical Session - the Best of NEE
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi Diefes-Dux, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Emily Stratman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
coding scheme was used to identify the metacognitive strategies students engage inwhile writing their reflections. Ku and Ho [17] used theoretical ideals from Flavell [6] to developa coding scheme to categorize university students’ verbalizations about their thinking during aseries of decision-making tasks into three dimensions (planning, monitoring, and evaluating)with low and high strategy levels for each dimension. Planning comments related to identifyingprocedures, strategies, and resources students would use to develop their understanding.Monitoring comments showed a reference to understanding and pointing out certain ideas thataided a student’s comprehension or ideas were difficult to process. Evaluating commentsincluded evaluating and
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Technical Session 5: Strategies for Increasing Classroom Engagement
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Walz, Madison Area Technical College; Kevin Cooper, Indian River State College; Benjamin Reid; Christopher Baechle, Indian River State College; Christopher Akelian, Cuesta College; Kathleen Alfano, College of the Canyons
. Baechle is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Indian River State College where he teaches courses in programming and data mining, as well as serving on various workgroups and projects related to data analytics. In addition to his academic duties, Dr. Baechle is an active consultant in the healthcare analytics industry where he specializes in the field of natural language processing. Previous to IRSC, he was employed as a software developer for almost 10 years in several private and governmental organizations writing utilities and financial software.Christopher John Akelian (Cuesta College)Kathleen Alfano Kathleen Alfano has a Ph.D. from UCLA in Higher Education with a cognate in
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rick Hill, University of Detroit Mercy; Jocelyn Bennett Garraway, University of Detroit Mercy
positions [8].In addition to exposing students to careers, the iDRAW program also seeks to provide moreimmediate pathways into post-secondary education. This is also achieved through guest speakersand field trips, as well as through one-on-one assistance with college advising, applications, andfinancial aid. The confidence the students develop through their success in college-level dualenrollment coursework can help students feel more prepared to pursue post-secondaryeducational opportunities. The program also employs current college students as teachingassistants in the dual enrollment courses, providing near-peer role models to help the students tosee themselves in the next stage of their academic path.Some students have a natural interest in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Craig Scott, Morgan State University; Mohamed Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University; Pamela Leigh-Mack, Virginia State University; Barry Sullivan; John Kelly, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (CoE); Stephen Goodnick, Arizona State University; Mark Smith, University of Texas at Austin; Michelle Klein, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. Heads Assoc. (ECEDHA); Shiny Abraham, Seattle University; Ben Oni, Tuskegee University; Esther Ososanya, University of the District of Columbia; Abdelnasser Eldek, Jackson State University; Shujun Yang; Hector Erives, University of Texas at El Paso; Cole Joslyn, University of Texas at El Paso; Ivonne Santiago, University of Texas at El Paso; Peter Romine, Navajo Technical University; Shayla Sawyer; Rodrigo Romero, University of Texas at El Paso; Yuanrui Sang; Hassan Salmani; Delia Saenz, Arizona State University; Miguel Velez-Reyes, University of Texas at El Paso
barriers? 3) What has hada large impact? 4) What are the biggest challenges faced now and previously? 5) What are theoutcomes? The panelists described programs and initiatives they have led in their own careers tobroaden participation of underrepresented persons at every level of higher education(undergraduate and graduate student levels, faculty success, grant writing). They sharedsuccesses and pitfalls and highlighted high impact efforts that are replicable and sustainable.Breakouts provided opportunities to address issues raised by this outstanding panel, tobrainstorm collaborative ideas across institutions.On day 2, panel presentations from day 1 were reviewed and participants divided into breakoutgroups to identify 1-2 promising best
Conference Session
Joint Session: Entrepreneurially-Minded Learning in the Classroom
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Howard, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
methods which were the same for all the projects. Studentsmet with Dr. Howard to learn about literature reviews, citation management software, projectstatements, abstract writing, preparing a portfolio, etc.. Students also learned about EM anddelved into what curiosity, connections, and creating value meant in the research environment.Undergraduate training in EML amounted to approximately 8 hours over the semester in additionto the instruction students received in their technical research.The program offered mentoring for the faculty as well as for the undergraduates. For the faculty,our communications were online only. Four mini-briefings were offered for faculty. Each mini-briefing started with an email recap of the concept and its application
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Darrell Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy; David Pistrui, University of Detroit Mercy; Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy
laborwas the order of the day. Education was not necessary to earn a living, it was merely a luxury forthe elites and the rich.Education 2.0 - Originated from the need to read and write and was developed in the model ofIndustry 2.0, with emphasis on production orientation such as repeatability, uniformity,efficiency, and mass production.Education 3.0 - Did not constitute much of a paradigm shift. The advent of automation meantthat the education system now could do the same thing they were doing but faster and moreefficiently.Education 4.0 - Accelerated speed of technological change, impact of COVID-19 on instructionand learning, domination of legacy systems and outdated business models with all financialburden on the backs of students.Source: Das
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siddhant Joshi, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Kirsten Davis, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Lori Czerwionka, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Elisa Camps Troncoso, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Francisco Montalvo
Define ‘Engineering,’” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 309–319, 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168- 9830.2009.tb01029.x.[10] M. Hynes and J. Swenson, “The Humanistic Side of Engineering: Considering Social Science and Humanities Dimensions of Engineering in Education and Research,” J. Pre- Coll. Eng. Educ. Res. J-PEER, vol. 3, no. 2, Oct. 2013, doi: 10.7771/2157-9288.1070.[11] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2004. doi: 10.17226/10999.[12] National Research Council, Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012. doi
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division - Innovative Changes to the Typical Civil Engineering Coursework.
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Welker, Villanova University; Virginia Smith, Villanova University; Kristin Sample-Lord, Villanova University; Shweta Shrestha, Villanova University
sustainability. For example, Outcome 4 requires students tobe able to “consider… global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.” VillanovaUniversity was awarded a grant to pilot the EOP framework. To integrate the EOP framework asrapidly as possible a faculty workshop was developed. This workshop has been delivered twiceto cohorts of eight faculty each during five half-day sessions. These faculty have addressedtwenty outcomes and assessed seven. At the time of writing, EOP outcomes have been includedand assessed in three courses: two required undergraduate courses and one graduate level course.Assignments, group projects, and exam questions were used to assess the achievement ofselected EOP outcomes.This paper will present an introduction to
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 3- Multi- and Inter-disciplinary, Collaboration, and Engagement in Practice
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Quezada-Espinoza, Universidad Andres Bello; Ruben Bustamante-Encina, Universidad Andres Bello; Marcela Silva, Universidad Andres Bello; Nivia Diaz, Universidad Andres Bello
methodologies, community engagement projects, evaluation tools and technology, and gender issues in STEM education. 0002-0383-0179Ruben Bustamante-Encina Ruben Bustamante-Encina is an academic secretary and professor at the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile. Ruben holds the degrees of Survey and Civil Industrial Engineer and an MBA. For the last ten years, his experience has focused on educational management, leading careers in industrial, logistics and mining area, and community engagement projects. In addition, he has contributed as a peer evaluator in accreditation processes in higher education institutions.Marcela Silva (M. Ed) Marcela Silva is the
Conference Session
ERM: Let's Talk about Tests! (Tests Part 1)
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nelson Granja, Universidad San Francisco de Quito; Miguel Andrés Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito; Vanessa Guerra, University of Virginia
their classmates. The second setof questions referred to their feelings during the first 45 minutes of the exam, beforehaving the coffee break. Did they feel anxious? Did they have problems concentratingon the test? Did their minds go blank? Did they experience a mental block reading thequestions? And if so, explain.The third set of questions inquired about their feelings during the coffee break. Thesequestions were related to how useful it was to mingle with classmates in the middle ofthe exam, and if they were able to help their peers, and how. The fourth set of questionsreferred to the time of the exam after coming back from the coffee break. The questionsinquired about their feelings after returning from the coffee break, if they were
Conference Session
ERM: Student Professional Development: Professional Skills and Moving Beyond the Classroom
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Olewnik, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Bahar Memarian, University of Toronto
enabling data collectionduring co-curricular experiences rather than at the end of the academic year, eliciting studentskill acquisition reflection on both individual and team levels, and triangulating studentresponses within teams as a way to combine students’ assessment of self with peers, leading to amore shared understanding of professional skills gained.Data Collection and AnalysisStep 1 – Practice: The final research stage of research data collection and analysis explores thebrevity and quality of results. Data collection in survey research often takes on qualitative andquantitative forms, though with the emergence of educational technologies more visual andnatural forms of data collection are also becoming possible. Surveys such as the PDS
Conference Session
ERM: Exploring Educational Technology in Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelsey Rodgers, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Matthew Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Farshid Marbouti, San Jose State University; Angela Thompson, University of Louisville; Nicholas Hawkins, University of Louisville
Models, then they were coded asGraphical/Virtual Models.Mathematical ModelsThere were a few keywords that easily led to Mathematical Models being coded, including math,equation, formula, and “calculat” for calculating, calculation, calculate/d, etc. If students wroteprocess or data model, these were also coded as identifying Mathematical Models. There were afew keywords that were coded as Mathematical Models, if the students’ responses were notalready coded as Computational Models. These included algorithm and data. In order for data tobe coded as a Mathematical Model, the students’ responses also could not include graph, plot, ortable. Also, if students wrote about a flow chart in their survey response and did not write aboutgraphing
Conference Session
ERM: Find Out More About Faculty!
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kaitlyn Thomas, University of Nevada, Reno; Derrick Satterfield, University of Nevada, Reno; Jeanne Sanders, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Kelly Cross, University of Nevada, Reno
Publication Source Figure 2: Publication source for all papers in the literature reviewData AnalysisThe literature review followed the methodology outlined in Borrego et al. [10]. We accumulateda number of articles in an initial database search of the journals and conferences. Once apreliminary set of 892 articles was found, we performed secondary and tertiary rounds of inclusionand exclusion as we read through the articles and determined if they addressed our researchquestion. The decided inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed below. 1. The paper was published between 2000 and 2021. 2. The paper was a peer-reviewed conference or journal paper. 3. The publisher was a prominent engineering education venue. 4
Conference Session
PCEE Session 11: Engineering Outreach / Summer Programs
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maya Denton, University of Texas at Austin; Bryant Chambers; Indu Venu Sabaraya; Navid Saleh, University of Texas at Austin; Mary Kirisits, University of Texas at Austin
discussed the various organs. In addition, we prepared a “freshman lab-report guidelines” document and led a discussion regarding the parts of a lab report. The studentsfollowed this document to prepare their lab reports. STEM Activity 1 was intended to give thestudents a hands-on scientific experience, an introduction to technical writing, and anopportunity to get to know the project team members. In the year 2 chemistry course, we held apanel discussion on STEM for STEM Activity 2 (one meeting). Four members of the projectteam comprised the panel, and each panelist described their pathway to STEM. Their pathwaysto and reasons for pursuing STEM were quite diverse, as was the composition of the panel (75%female). Students had the opportunity to ask
Conference Session
EMD Technical Session 1: Captstone, Ethics, and Statistical Methods
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cole Shannon, South Dakota State University; Patrick Lovrien, South Dakota State University; Bret Barnett, South Dakota State University; Carrie Steinlicht, South Dakota State University; Ekaterina Koromyslova, South Dakota State University
practices.Students’ learning experiences, including benefits, challenges, and lessons learned are discussedin the paper, presenting different points of view from different disciplines.Relevance of multidisciplinary teaching for student career goals and value for their professionaldevelopment are discussed in the paper. The authors provide suggestions for improvements andadvice to instructors and peers for improving multidisciplinary learning experiences at thecollege level.IntroductionMultidisciplinary collaborations are important for several reasons. First, it improves learningand student engagement. As stated by Drake and Reid, after reviewing numerous studies,“interdisciplinary approaches can lead to increased student engagement and motivation
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Chrysochoou, University of Connecticut; Arash Esmaili Zaghi P.E., University of Connecticut; Connie Mosher Syharat, University of Connecticut; Todd Campbell, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the historical focus on individual problem solving, it is traditionally expected that everyteam member strives toward excellence in all skills involved in the project, such as writing, oralpresentation, and analysis. However, in the collaborative problem-solving paradigm, there is ageneral understanding that students can contribute to projects in a way that is more tailored totheir skills and interests. By promoting this approach, a culture of collaboration, innovation andinclusion in engineering education and the profession is fostered. This shift in focus should alsoinclude flexible teaching and evaluation methods that recognize that different students learndifferently [14].A Theory of Change for an Engineering DepartmentThe NSF
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 1: Robotics and Bio-Inspired Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, Colorado State University; Lisa Bosman, Marquette University
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
with my time until the very end. I felt as though I started early enough but towards the end, I started to become rushed which is unpleasant when you want to do your best in the creation of this design. I would change the amount of work and the kind of work I will do in the session I work. At first, I was just doing the fun stuff like coming up with ideas and working on rough prototypes which left all the harder report writing for the end. In the future I would like to more evenly balance these two aspects of many projects.”4.2 Flexing the creativity muscleFor reasons such as the open-ended nature of this project as well as sufficiently structured stepsinvolved in the
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karina Ivette Vielma, The University of Texas, San Antonio; Joel Alejandro Mejia, The University of Texas, San Antonio
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
characteristics that they believe are representative of anengineering educator. This adoption and emulation of attitudes, behaviors and practices – in allforms of linguistic and symbolic units – serve the purpose of being recognized as engineeringeducators by peers, mentors, professors, and those who are part of the world of engineering [38,39]. Thus, we posit that current discourses and practices of doctoral engineering students in theclassroom, as they engage in teaching, are a representation of the current culture of engineering.That is, doctoral engineering students enact overt and subtle behaviors learned and adopted inengineering spaces throughout their undergraduate and doctoral programs such as a sense ofsuperiority in their ability to solve
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Weiss, University of Maryland- College Park
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
reference lists can be another way to discover other researchers from diverse backgrounds.AuditingAuditing citations at several points in the research process is important, especially as citationsoften change in the editing and peer review process. The UMD research guide to citation justicelinks to a basic spreadsheet template that can be used for in depth auditing [23]. Keeping trackof citation composition using a spreadsheet allows the audit to be in-depth and thorough,although it can be time consuming. Codes have also been developed to analyze the gender andethnic makeup of a bibliography and can provide an overview audit in a fraction of the time. It isimportant to keep in mind, however, that these codes are far from precise and are based
Conference Session
Student Teams and Teamwork
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siqing Wei, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Amirreza Mehrabi, Purdue University; Li Tan, Arizona State University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
master’s was in engineer- ing education at UNESCO chair on Engineering Education at the University of Tehran. I pursue Human adaptation to technology and modeling human behavior(with machine learning and cognitive research). My background is in Industrial Engineering (B.Sc. at the Sharif University of Technology and ”Gold medal” of Industrial Engineering Olympiad (Iran-2021- the highest-level prize in Iran)). Now I am work- ing as a researcher in the Erasmus project, which is funded by European Unions (1M $ European Union & 7 Iranian Universities) which focus on TEL and students as well as professors’ adoption of technol- ogy(modern Education technology). Moreover, I cooperated with Dr. Taheri to write the ”R
Conference Session
Assessment-Driven Practices in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devin Connor Whalen, Bucknell University; Peter Mark Jansson P.E., Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
project were committed to creating products that were not only effective but also socially responsible as well as economic for purchase having quick economic and investment paybacks.- 5: An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. Each MVP was developed by a team of three or four electrical and computer engineering students. The teams worked together to ensure that all aspects of the product, from design to construction, were integrated and aligned with their overall goals. Team members knew that they would be peer reviewed by one another based on the contribution
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 10: Capstone and Design Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Pierson; Benjamin Fleming; Han Hu, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
issues associated with it. Students must redesign the part while preserving functionality to be suitable for both mass-production CNC machining and another manufacturing method dictated by the instructor (such as casting). It must be tested for failure at a specified load via finite element analysis and then simulated for safe, error-free production in Fusion 360 with a limit on maximum total machining time. Afterward, the student will write a short report including a cost analysis of before and after the redesign.This example would integrate CAD, CAE, and CAM into a single project. As a result, thestudent would need to consider multiple objectives during design: purpose, external loading, andmanufacturing
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 6: Mentors & Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeong Hin Chin, University of Michigan; Jing Ouyang, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Gongjun Xu, University of Michigan; Rebecca L Matz, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
teaching is primarily in team-based engineering courses, and her research fo- cuses on equity in communication and collaboration as well as in group design decision making (judg- ment) under uncertainty. She is especially interested in how power relationships and rhetorical strate- gies affect group judgment in engineering design; one goal of this work is to to understand factors that inhibit full participation of students who identify with historically marginalized groups and investigate evidence-based strategies for mitigating these inequities. In addition, she is interested in technology and how specific affordances can change the ways we collaborate, learn, read, and write. Teaching engineer- ing communication
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Technical Session 3: Technology in Biomedical Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine E. King, University of California, Irvine; Yanfen Li, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Roza Vaez Ghaemi, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Alexis Ortiz-Rosario, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
and breaking down professional silos and isolation in healthcare communitieshas led to the use of virtual communities of practice among other professions, such as ineducation and scientific research.Similar to healthcare professionals, education professionals have also experienced barriersassociated with professional silos and isolation. In particular, faculty at research-intensiveuniversities can hold alternative titles and roles within the institution, which can lead to differentperceptions among their faculty peers and students [7]. For instance, faculty on the tenure trackwith a higher research and lower teaching focused role will have the title “Professor”, whereasthose who have a more teaching focused role can be given the title
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS) Technical Session _ Monday June 26, 1:30 - 3:00
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary P. Halada, Stony Brook University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
be included,conducted by the instructor, to examine how the technology sector is developing mechanismsand procedures to avoid these types of failures – specifically by building diversity and inclusioninto the engineering design process. Student engagement and feedback will be enhancedthrough the use of online discussion forums (which can be asynchronous) in which students arerequired to comment on particular case studies and engage with their peers as they analyze thecauses of failure.Specific reading assignments for the DIV learning module include excerpts from "TheAlignment Problem" by Brian Christian (12), "Technically Wrong" by Sara Wachter-Boettcher(13), and “Race after Technology” by Ruha Benjamin (14). These are critically acclaimed
Conference Session
WIED: Community
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvia Mendez, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Kathryn Watson, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Valerie Conley, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
. Womenwith children are less likely than men with children, or women and men without children, to beoffered tenure-track positions or to be promoted (Bird & Rhoton, 2021; Cech & Blair-Lory,2019; Gregor et al., 2021; Williams & Ceci, 2012; Ysseldyk et al., 2019). To combat thesepotential career consequences, some women report choosing to hide their families from theirworkplace due to fear their work will be devalued (Hill et al., 2014, Thébaud & Taylor, 2021).These realities suggest that motherhood is in opposition to professional legitimacy in academia(Hill et al., 2014; Thébaud & Taylor, 2021). Nevertheless, research shows that women withchildren are as productive as their childless peers (Ecklund & Lincoln, 2011). In fact
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauren Singelmann, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Yuezhou Wang, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Darcie Christensen, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
University, Mankato Dr. Darcie Christensen is a probationary Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University Mankato. She teaches for Iron Range Engineering, which is located at the Minnesota North Campus in Virginia, MN. Dr. Christensen received her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Utah State University in the Summer of 2021. The title of her Dissertation is ”A Mixed-Method Approach to Explore Student Needs for Peer Mentoring in a College of Engineering.” Darcie holds a Master of Engineering degree in Environmental Engineering (2019) and Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Engineering (2017), both from Utah State University. She is passionate about student success
Conference Session
Capitalizing on COVID: Using This Disruptor to Change the Educational Model
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jes Barron P.E., United States Military Academy; Jakob C. Bruhl, United States Military Academy; Brad C. McCoy, United States Military Academy; Brock E. Barry P.E., United States Military Academy; Rebecca Zifchock, United States Military Academy; Margaret Nowicki, United States Military Academy; James E. Bluman, United States Military Academy; Brad Wambeke P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, respectively. She also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery. She has over twenty years of research experience in the field of lower-extremity biomechanics, and has 23 peer-reviewed journal publications and over 60 conference proceedings. She has taught as an instructor, adjunct professor, and guest lecturer in five major universities, including Columbia University, Sacred Heart University, and New York Medical College. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #34405Lt. Col. Margaret Nowicki, United States Military