0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 Final 2 4 4 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Final 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Final 4 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 2 3 4 4 0 4 0 4 Total 32 32 18 28 24 25 23 15 14 20 21 36 16 12 41 C. Free-body Diagrams. Construct accurate and complete Free-Body Diagram(s) (FBD). Treat distributed forces (e.g., pressure and weight) and point
design.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Rex Hartson and Doug Bowman for their influence in theoriginal course design and guidance throughout. We also express our appreciation to thestudents who contributed to the development of this research study. Finally, many thanks toLindsay Wheeler for her guidance and reviewing of this work.References[1] J. Pirker, M. Riffnaller-Schiefer, and C. Gütl, “Motivational active learning - Engaging university students in computer science education,” in ITICSE 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference, 2014, pp. 297–302.[2] B. Simon, S. Esper, L. Porter, and Q. Cutts, “Student experience in a student-centered peer instruction
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convincing research gap in the introductory sections of the documents. Table 3shows the themes designated as Broader Impacts. These were determined by the NSF definitionof Broader Impacts, which was included in the Introduction, as well as open coding from theactivities that the participant described as contributing to the broader impact.Table 3: Broader Impacts Themes, Definitions, and Participant Examples Evaluation Criteria: Broader Impacts Theme Definition Example(s)K-12 Education Mention of outreach to “As I did as an undergrad during Engineering for Kids, I willand Outreach school-aged children, expose basic aspects of my
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project-based learning, the authors note that the K-12 programsoften fail to deliver comprehensive skills training and practical experiences, which supports ourhypothesis that teaching often focuses on technical expertise. Most courses integrate the teachingof programming with software engineering practices and found that students performed well ingaining conceptual understanding. They made note of an issue that most publications lackedinformation about the objectives, instructional strategy, and methodology for designing thecourse material. The systematic literature review we present here moves beyond the specificcourse design covered by da Cruz Pinheiro et al.’s research and focuses on the intersection ofdigital and engineering skills.Heintz
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andcurriculum development: the role of engineers in humanitarian activities. Additionally, reforminitiatives in science and engineering (S&E) graduate education have yet to realize their potentialfor integrating ethics into curricula. Addressing such challenges, this paper will describeactivities to date of an interdisciplinary faculty team at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM)working on the development of graduate-level curriculum in humanitarian engineering ethics(HEE). The HEE faculty team has 1) reviewed and critically assessed relations betweenhumanitarianism and engineering in order to develop an applicable concept of humanitarianethics (HE) in engineering education and practice; 2) researched barriers and opportunities in thedevelopment and
-year collaborations betweenadministrators, faculty, and staff in academia with local community partners. Each project isrequired to: (a) integrate the performing arts into the education, service, and scholarly missionsof the academy and engage chief academic officers and executive leadership; (b) provideopportunities to deepen and expand the participation of artist(s) in the academy through longterm residencies, commissions and/or other creative activities; and (c) identify, document, andshare lessons learned that will contribute to an evolving knowledge base and learning communityfor campuses and the wider performing arts and presenting field.17 This paper focuses on howwe accomplished (a) in partnership with the Learning Factory while also
educational outcomeswithout students having to spend sleepless nights in the campus computer room, or isolated inthe corner with their calculator, spewing numbers out. The contents of this paper weredeveloped over many years of teaching a variety of chemical engineering courses where use of Page 23.468.2process simulation facilitates the incorporation of real world design experiences into theclassroom.Background of Process Simulation at Mississippi State UniversityAt Mississippi State University (MSU), a discussion of the curriculum in the early 90’s focusedon numerical analysis tools and how best to educate students in their use. At that time
those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] National Science Foundation, "Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Scinece and Engineering: 2011. Special Report NSF 11-309," National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Arlington, VA, 2011. Page 23.489.11[2] S. Kulis, et al., " More than a pipeline problem: Labor supply constraints and gender stratification across academic science disciplines " Research in Higher Education, vol. 43, pp. 657-691, 2002.[3] C. S. V. Turner, et al., "Faculty of Color in
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1990’s, design thinking gained popularity as a way to foster and sustain innovation by Page 24.146.2having work environments that focused on the customer while simultaneously supportingemployee’s experimentation 16. Design thinking is used in all industries from mechanical 1engineering, business, and healthcare to education, art, and design(http://www.byui.edu/clusters/design-thinking).Specifically, design thinking is defined as a human-centered design process to solving ill-structured problems using an organized method of defining the problem by observing andempathizing with the people who are
. 198.0 References1. K. Otto and K. Wood, "Product design: techniques in reverse engineering and new product design," ed: Prentice-Hall, 2001.2. L. Sass and R. Oxman, "Materializing design: the implications of rapid prototyping in digital design," Design Studies, vol. 27, pp. 325-355, 2006.3. M. Schrage, "The culture (s) of prototyping," Design Management Journal (Former Series), vol. 4, pp. 55-65, 1993.4. R. Moe, D. D. Jensen, and K. L. Wood, "Prototype partitioning based on requirement flexibility," in ASME-IDETC, 2004, pp. 65-77.5. B. A. Camburn, B. U. Dunlap, V. K. Viswanathan, J. S. Linsey, D. D. Jensen, R. H. Crawford, et al., "Connecting Design Problem Characteristics to Prototyping Choices to Form a Prototyping Strategy
7 17 300 30 G 2 3 6 20 210 4 1 S 10 200 Targets/Waypoints 5
in SoTL.References[1] A. M. Lucietto, and L. A. Russell, “STEM Educators: How They Teach,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, no. Summer 2018, 2018.[2] C. R. Thomas, “Personality in Engineering Technology,” Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 16-20, Fall2014, 2014.[3] E. R. Kahu, and K. Nelson, “Student engagement in the educational interface: understanding the mechanisms of student success,” Higher education research & development, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 58-71, 2018.[4] R. M. Felder, and R. Brent, “Understanding student differences,” Journal of engineering education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 57-72, 2005.[5] J. A. Gasiewski, M. K. Eagan, G. A. Garcia, S. Hurtado
concern Assessment Assess action taken to improve learning None; Change/ Change in/confirmation of one’s thinking (about Vague; Confirmation learning strategy or learning concern) as a result Sufficiently Goals Description of clear goal Detailed; Planning Steps Articulate action(s) to be taken Justification Explain/Justifies choices made to move forward OR Planning- Transfer Description of application of learning strategy/ Transfer skill/content to futureVI. ResultsThe levels of students’ engagement
methods to address the students’ diverse learningstyles.Our research team is currently working on developing shared MR environments to allow formore comprehensive collaborative experiences among students. So, as future work, our teamaims to refine the MR module and upgrade it from single-user to multi-user operation, allowingfor synchronized shared experiences and conducting another research study.References[1] B. Jaeger and A. Upadhyay, “Understanding barriers to circular economy: cases from the manufacturing industry,” J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 729–745, 2020.[2] S. Helper, T. Krueger, and H. Wial, “Why Does Manufacturing Matter? Which Manufacturing Matters? A Policy Framework,” SSRN Electron. J., Feb. 2012, doi
, leadership, teamwork, innovation, and civic andpublic engagement. The survey aimed to understand students’ “attitudes towards professionalskills is to predict their intention to master those skills during college and enact them aftergraduation” [13, p. 1430]. This recent work is focused on helping universities develop curriculathat incorporate professional skill development within technical courses and seems particularlyuseful for engineering educators. Another option might be using the Miville-GuzmanUniversality-Diversity Scale—Short form (MGUDS-S) to determine their openness to andappreciation of cultural diversity [14].Students should be taught creativity theories and methodologies in engineering design courses toincrease creativity in
interdependence between teachers and the SLIDER Fellows and how is power distributed in the teacher-fellow relationship? • How does the relationship between teachers and Fellows, particularly related to interdependence and power, impact teachers’ instructional practices? Page 22.1470.4Research DesignTo study the relationship between Fellows and their partner teacher(s), we relied on case studydesign, described by Yin (2003) as “an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporaryphenomenon within a real-life context, especially when the boundaries between the phenomenonand context are not clearly evident” (p. 13). In this study, it was
period. The MEA was launched in the laboratory setting which was facilitated by twoGTAs supported by four undergraduate assistants. Student teams of 3-4 students developedDRAFT 1 of their memo with procedure and results. This draft entered a double-blind peerreview process. In preparation for the peer review, students participated in a calibration exercisein which they practiced giving feedback on one prototypical piece of student work using theMEA Rubric, were provided an expert‟s review of that student work, and reflected on what theyneeded to do differently to improve their ability to give a peer review. For the actual peerreview, each student reviewed one other team‟s solution to the MEA. Each team was assigned atleast 3 peer reviewers. Each
a 4-yearinstitution, can impact a student’s “roles, relationships, routines, and assumptions” [16, p. 159].Therefore, to further examine the experiences and perceptions of transfer students withincomputer science, we leveraged Schlossberg’s Transition Theory [16], [17], a theory originallydeveloped for use in adult education and counseling. This theory outlines coping strategies thatplay a critical role in understanding an individual’s response to a transition and determining whatresources or structures could be designed to support a particular transition better. To categorizecoping strategies that would be applicable regardless of the transition or where an individual waswithin the transition, Schlossberg defined the 4 S system: situation
differently during the different stages of the design process. As such,the rubric divides the design process into three stages (i.e., Requirements/Problem Definition,Concept Generation/Development, and Technology Integration), which can be modifieddepending upon the design project, and a fourth category for the overall design.Each design stage is examined more closely using questions about the incorporation ofstakeholder considerations at that stage, 1. Did the student(s) state an intention to incorporate stakeholder concerns at this phase? 2. Did the student(s) apply a design process at this stage that could include stakeholder concerns? 3. Was the student(s) successful in integrating stakeholder concerns?These
parameters of the induction machine are: V, rated voltage, f, Frequency, p: number ofpoles; Re: Stator winding resistance; Xe: Stator leakage reactance; Rr’: Rotor winding resistancereferred to stator; s: Slip; Rr’(1-s)/s: Load resistance or effect of slip on the rotor; Xr’: Rotorleakage reactance referred to the stator; Gc: Conductance that represents iron losses; Bm:Magnetizing susceptance; and, Pm: Mechanical losses The graphic window of the torque-speedcurve is the fundamental tool of analysis of the virtual lab model, is composed of three parts: 1) Torque-speed curve; 2) Cursor adjustment of slip, load adjustment, (s); 3) Values of the variables of interest.The motor operating conditions, which can be analyzed with the model, are: a
. Vitak et al. critique the IRB process for applying strict requirements forlow-risk research [18]. While our study was low-risk, we successfully underwent the IRBprocess and received approval exempt from full board review. However, we found that twocommunity colleges would not recognize our qualifying IRB. Each college's IRB requested thatthe research study go through their college’s IRB qualification before allowing their faculty toreceive the recruitment message. In one instance, coauthor 1 asked to forward the recruitmentmessage from coauthor 2's initial postings and was told to submit the survey to coauthor 1's IRBbefore doing so. In the second instance, after someone had forwarded our survey invitation totheir colleagues, a community
approaches to enhancing programs and curricula.In this context, we argue that it is particularly important to conduct comparative internationalresearch to better understand how conceptualizations of interdisciplinary education are not onlydiscipline-dependent but also culturally and institutionally contingent. Such a comparative studycan help inform curricular design to foster students' understanding of global competence. As afirst step in such efforts, we used reflexive thematic analysis within a comparative case study[11], [30], [31] to identify interdisciplinary graduate students’ conceptualizations ofinterdisciplinary education at two universities, one in Finland and one the U.S. The researchquestion(s) associated with this work are the