his role as one of the developers of the bachelor’s of wireless engineering program at Auburn University, which is the first of its kind in the U.S.Mr. Clint S. Cole, Digilent, Inc.Mr. Alex Wong Page 25.788.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Instrumentation for an Embedded Control Systems Design Course Incorporating the Digilent Electronics Explorer Board ABSTRACTAuburn University’s Electrical and Computer Engineering curricula include a junior-year,laboratory-intensive course on embedded control systems design.[1
University of South Carolina, Watson worked in two different middle school classrooms as a NSF GK-12/Pi Fellow. While at the University of Tennessee, she participated in the co-op (industrial internship) program and was appointed a co-op ambassador to mentor undergraduate students pursuing industrial internships. She also has mentored undergraduate research assistants during her master’s and Ph.D. programs. Her primary research interests include preparing doctoral students for industry and academic careers and the rheology of ionic liquids and cellulose solutions.Dr. Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a professor of mechanical engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching
AC 2012-3490: MULTICULTURAL ENGINEERING RECRUITMENT ANDRETENTION AT A LARGE URBAN UNIVERSITYDr. Katherine S. Zerda, University of Houston Kathy Zerda is the Director of the Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies (PROMES), the multicul- tural learning community for undergraduates at the Cullen College of Engineering. She also directs the UH Women in Engineering program. Zerda is an Instructional and Research Assistant Professor for the college and serves as the faculty adviser for the student chapters of the Society of Women Engineers and the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists. Before joining the University of Houston, Zerda worked as an Engineering Manager for Hewlett-Packard Company. She
AC 2012-3077: ONE OR MANY? ASSESSING DIFFERENT DELIVERYTIMING FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES RELEVANT TO ASSIGN-MENTS DURING THE SEMESTER. A WORK-IN-PROGRESSProf. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette Amy Van Epps, M.S.L.S., M.Eng., is an Associate Professor of library science and Engineering Librarian and Coordinator of Instruction at the Siegesmund Engineering Library, Purdue University. Her research interests include information literacy, effective teaching, and integration methods for information literacy into the curriculum and ethical writing skills of engineering students.Ms. Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette Megan Sapp Nelson is Associate Professor of library sciences at Purdue
AC 2004-1210: IN-CLASS DEMONSTRATIONS TO MAKE ELECTRICALCIRCUITS EASIER TO UNDERSTANDJohn Pearce, University of Texas at AustinKathy Schmidt, The University of Texas at AustinS. Natasha Beretvas, Page 9.712.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2004 Session 1793 In-Class Demonstrations to Make Electrical Circuits Easier to Understand John A. Pearce, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kathy J. Schmidt, College of Engineering Faculty Innovation Center, S. Natasha Beretvas
Paper ID #8857Developing Engineering Ethics through Expert Witness Role PlaysDr. Bradley J. Brummel, The University of Tulsa Bradley Brummel is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at The University of Tulsa. His research inter- ests include using role plays and other simulations to teach responsible conduct of research. He conducts interdisciplinary research with Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, and Computer Science. His work has appeared in journals such as Science and Engineering Ethics, Personnel Psychology, Human Rela- tions, and Journal of ManagementDr. Jeremy S. Daily P.E., The University of Tulsa
Paper ID #8509Development of a cognitive tutor for learning truss analysisDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and devel- oping new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of cognitive and
Paper ID #9093Faculty Technical Currency and Professional Development: 2013 Status Re-port on a National Survey of Engineering Technology FacultyDr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, DuPage Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a Senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Khan has more than thirty years of experience in research, instruction, curricula design, development, evaluation, implementation and program accreditation, management and supervision. Dr. Khan received an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management
Paper ID #9290Assessing the First-Year Pilot of STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply – STEMCurricula for Middle Schools (Work in Progress)Dr. Krystal S Corbett, Cyber Innovation Center Dr. Krystal Corbett is the Director of Curricula at the Cyber Innovation Center (CIC). She received her B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2008/2010), M.S. in Mathematics (2012), and Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2012) at Louisiana Tech University. Through the CIC, Dr. Corbett manages various educational enterprises. Additionally, she is designing and implementing a three-part middle school elective course, STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply
Paper ID #9735Building a Foundation: Tools for Accentuating the First Law in an Introduc-tory Thermodynamics CourseDr. Natasha Smith P.E., University of Southern Indiana Dr. Natasha Smith is Assistant Professor of Engineering at the University of Southern Indiana.Dr. Brandon S Field, University of Southern Indiana Page 24.238.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Building a Foundation: Tools for Accentuating the First Law in an Introductory
Paper ID #9526Green Plastics Laboratory by Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning(POGIL)Dr. Spencer S Kim, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Dr. Spencer Kim is an Associate Professor in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology Department (MMET) at RIT, and serves as Associate Director of American Packaging Corporation Cen- ter for Packaging Innovation at RIT. He previously worked in the semiconductor industry. Dr. Kim, as a PI or Co-PI, received grants and sponsorship from NSF, SME, SPE, universities, and industries. In 2009 and 2013, he was nominated for the Eisenhart Award for Outstanding Teaching, RIT’s
received his bachelor's andmaster's degrees in chemical engineering from Virginia Tech in 1982 and 1984 and his doctoral degree in chemicalengineering from Princeton in 1989. Dr. Hirt received the Raymond W. Fahien Award of ASEE in 1998. He hasbeen an active member of ASEE since 1992, and has served as Chair of the ChE Division of ASEE.SCOTT M. HUSSONDr. Husson is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He received his bachelor'sdegree in chemical engineering from Penn State University in 1993 and his doctoral degree in chemical engineeringfrom UC Berkeley in 1998. Dr. Husson is the recipient of the 2000 NSF Presidential Early Career Award forScientists and Engineers. He has been a member of ASEE since 1998.S. MICHAEL
1992, and has served as Chair of the ChE Division of ASEE.SCOTT M. HUSSONDr. Husson is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He received his bachelor'sdegree in chemical engineering from Penn State University in 1993 and his doctoral degree in chemical engineeringfrom UC Berkeley in 1998. Dr. Husson is the recipient of the 2000 NSF Presidential Early Career Award forScientists and Engineers. He has been a member of ASEE since 1998.S. MICHAEL KILBEY IIDr. Kilbey is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He received his bachelor'sdegree in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1990 and his doctoral degree in chemicalengineering from Minnesota in 1996. Dr. Kilbey is
Session Number: 2002-888 A Three Year Analysis of the Benefits Accrued by Women Engineering and Science Students who Participated in a Large- Scale E-Mentoring Program Peg Boyle Single, Carol B. Muller, Christine M. Cunningham, Richard M. Single, William S. Carlsen MentorNet/MentorNet/Tufts University/ University of Vermont/Penn State UniversityAbstract MentorNet (www.MentorNet.net), the E-Mentoring Network for Women in Engineeringand Science, leverages technology and draws on the benefits of mentoring to address
Session 2380 Introduction to SCALE-UP : Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics Robert J. Beichner, Jeffery M. Saul, Rhett J. Allain, Duane L. Deardorff, David S. Abbott North Carolina State UniversityAbstractSCALE-UP is an extension of the highly successful IMPEC project (Integrated Math,Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry), one of NC State’s curricular reform effortsundertaken as part of the SUCCEED coalition. Basically, we are utilizing the interactive,collaboratively based instruction that worked so well in smaller class
Session 1625 Measuring Learning Outcomes for Engineering Design Education Denny C. Davis, Washington State University Kenneth L. Gentili, Tacoma Community College Michael S. Trevisan, Washington State University Robert K. Christianson, Green River Community College Jeffrey F. McCauley, Green River Community CollegeAbstractFoundational to the assessment of engineering degree programs is the definition of learningoutcomes for engineering design. This paper presents a framework within which engineeringdesign learning outcomes can be defined and
Session 1526 Promoting collaborative groups in large enrollment courses Robert J. Beichner, Jeffery M. Saul, Rhett J. Allain, Duane L. Deardorff, David S. Abbott North Carolina State UniversityAbstractSCALE-UP is an extension of the highly successful IMPEC project (Integrated Math,Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry), one of NC State’s curricular reform effortsundertaken as part of the SUCCEED coalition. Basically, we are utilizing the highlyinteractive, collaboratively-based instruction that worked so well in smaller class settingsand finding ways to economically accommodate classes
AC 2011-25: IMPACTS OF THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY RESEARCHEXPERIENCE FOR TEACHERS PROGRAM 2008-2010: ANALYSIS OFSTUDENT SURVEYS REGARDING MOTIVATIONAL IMPACTStacy S Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University Stacy Klein-Gardner is the Director of STEM Outreach for Peabody College and the School of Engineer- ing at Vanderbilt University. She is an associate professor of the practice of Biomedical Engineering, Teaching & Learning, and Radiological Sciences.Amber C. Spolarich, North Carolina State University Amber Spolarich is currently a senior at North Carolina State University majoring in chemical engineering with a concentration in green chemistry. She has worked with outreach programs through the university that have
AC 2011-2010: IMPROVING ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN DEVEL-OPING COUNTRIES: A STUDYJian Yu, Auburn University, USA; Tsinghua University, P.R.China Researcher, Tsinghua Center for Leadership Development and Research; Postdoctor, School of Eco- nomics & Management,Tsinghua Univ, Beijing P.R.China,100084 Visiting scholar, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama US 36849 Research Areas: Resources Integration, Strategy & Planning of Regional Economy, Chinese Type Enterprise Management Science.Chetan S Sankar, Auburn University Chetan S. Sankar is a Professor of Management at Auburn University. He has received more than two million dollars from ten National Science Foundation grants to develop exceptional instructional
AC 2011-702: INTEGRATING GALLERY WALKS AND WIKIS IN A SYN-ERGIC INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OFSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONSJohn Patrick Hogan, Missouri S&T Dr. John P. Hogan is an associate professor of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. and MS degrees in Geology in 1990 and 1984 from Virginia Tech. He also holds a BS in Geology from the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include igneous petrology, structural geology, and tectonics. He has active projects in Maine, Oklahoma, Missouri, Egypt and southern Africa. He is also interested in enhancing student learning through integration
designing for, understanding, and exploiting the dynamics of mobile systems in the context of challenging environments. He focuses on biologically-inspired locomotion, novel vehicle designs, and robot-terrain interaction. He is a member of IEEE and ASME and an associate editor of the Journal of Field Robotics.Jamal S Yagoobi, Illinois Institute of Technology Jamal Yagoobi is a faculty member of the Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department at Illinois Institute of Technology. Page 22.908.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Integrating Innovation
Paper ID #2235Renovating Education Inside and Outside of the Classroom: An Update onan Ongoing NSF Grant Featuring Innovative Initiatives to Revolutionize aFirst-Year Construction Materials CourseDavid S. Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Dr. David S. Cottrell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and re- tired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an M.S. Degree in Civil Engineering
AC 2011-615: TEACHING DYNAMICS WITH A DESIGN PROJECTSDavid R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University David R. Mikesell is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University. His research interests are in land vehicle dynamics, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. He joined the faculty in 2007 after work in automotive engineering at Ohio State (MS 2006, PhD 2008), six years designing automated assembly machines and metal-cutting tools for Grob Systems, and four years’ service as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He holds bachelor degrees in German (Duke 1986) and Mechanical Engineering (ONU 1997).John-David S Yoder, Ohio Northern University John-David Yoder received all of his degrees (B.S., M.S
Direc- tors have laid the foundation to be recognized as the experts on their respective campuses for identifying strategies to improve under represented engineering student access and success. Virginia serves on the National Advisory Board of NSBE and is currently on the National Board of the National Association of Multi-Cultural Program Advocates (NAMEPA).Dr. Carol S Stwalley P.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette Page 22.1267.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Impact of Transition Programs on the Retention of Underrepresented Minority
AC 2012-4896: BUILD TO LEARN: EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TO TRAINTOMORROW’S DESIGNERSMr. Vimal Kumar Viswanathan, Texas A&M University Vimal Viswanathan is a Ph.D. student in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M Uni- versity. He completed his bachelor’s of technology in mechanical engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India, and master’s of science in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M Uni- versity. He is expected to complete his Ph.D. in Aug. 2012. He has published three journal papers and more than 10 conference papers. His primary research interest is the effect of physical representations in engineering idea generation process.Dr. Julie S. Linsey, Texas A&M
, cognition, and e-learning. She is a member of ASEE and ASME.Dr. Laurie S. McNeill, Utah State University Laurie McNeill is an Associate Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Utah State University.Dr. Christine E. Hailey, Utah State University Christine E. Hailey is Senior Associate Dean and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Utah State University. She is the Principal Investigator and Director of the National Center for Engi- neering and Technology Education, an NSF-funded Center for Learning and Teaching. The NCETE is a collaborative network of scholars from nine institutions with backgrounds in technology education, en- gineering, and related fields. Its mission is to
AC 2012-5489: CORE CONCEPTS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES IN ANINTRODUCTORY TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING COURSE: AN EVAL-UATION OF PILOT IMPLEMENTATIONSDr. Rhonda K. Young, University of WyomingDr. Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt, Lafayette CollegeDr. Shashi S. Nambisan P.E., Iowa State University Since 2007, Shashi Nambisan has been the Director, Institute for Transportation (InTrans) and a professor of civil engineering at Iowa State University (ISU) in Ames, Iowa. He previously served on the faculty at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for more than 17 years. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Nevada. One of Nambisan’s passions is the development of the future transportation work- force. He enjoys working
AC 2012-4042: DEVELOPING EXPERIMENTS FOR THE VIBRATIONCOURSE WITH MINIMAL EXPENDITUREDr. B. S. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian In- stitute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Sridhara has published sev- eral peer-reviewed articles in the areas of acoustics, vibration, finite element methods, and engineering education.Mr. Daryl Hunter White, Middle Tennessee State University Daryl
AC 2012-4663: DOES NEATNESS COUNT? WHAT THE ORGANIZATIONOF STUDENT WORK SAYS ABOUT UNDERSTANDINGMr. Timothy S. Van Arsdale, University of California, Riverside Timothy Van Arsdale earned his B.S. in engineering from Walla Walla University in 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. student in mechanical wngineering at the University of California, Riverside.Dr. Thomas Stahovich, University of California, Riverside Thomas Stahovich received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berke- ley, in 1988. He received a M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1990 and 1995, respectively. He is currently Chair and professor in the Mechanical Engineering
AC 2012-4481: EDUCATION APPROACH IN JAPAN FOR MANAGEMENTAND ENGINEERING OF SYSTEMSProf. David S. Cochran, Southern Methodist University and Meijo University David Cochran is a professor of industrial and systems engineering management. He is Founder and Prin- cipal of System Design, LLC, Visiting Professor with the School of Business, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan and faculty of systems engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Cochran devel- oped the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) to determine the underlying design of the Toyota Production System (and ”lean”) from a systems engineering viewpoint and was Founder and Director of the Production System Design Laboratory in the