studentshow to search using an online database such as SCOPUS, how to gather papers into areference management database program (e.g. Endnote® or the freely available Zotero®),and to automatically incorporate the references into documents through the referencemanagement software so that references would be automatically formatted in their writtendocument. Students were further instructed that the background research should enable theteam to (1) describe the process that is used to create the final product, (2) explicitly identifyat least one of the chemical reactions that takes place in the creation of the final product, (3)identify the type(s) of reactor(s) that is(are) used in the process, and (4) identify the demandfor the product in a
driveinnovation and progress in manufacturing practices worldwide.AcknowledgementsThank you to the assistance of all the members of the SME MEAC, the ASEEManufacturing Division, ASEE Annual Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees,ATMAE Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees, NAMRI SME Board of Directorsand NAMR - SME Conference attendees for their assistance reviewing and providedvaluable inputs.References[1] Jack, H., Mott., R, Raju, V., Conkol, G., Stratton, M., Waldrop, P., Wosczyna-Birch,K., Bates, S. (June 2011) “Curricula 2015; A Four Year Strategic Plan for ManufacturingEducation”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Accessed from[2] Mott, R. L., & Jack, H. (2011, June), What is Curricula 2015? Paper presented
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isolated testinglocation and 2) a grade/cash incentive to encourage active participation is needed. Finally, since most concept inventories include multiple questions that test the same concept, weshould include analysis of these other problems to investigate these issues more fully. However, theseresults are representative of student’s results. More analyses of student results on problems testing thesame concept are part of future work.Bibliography[1] D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, “Force concept inventory,” Phys Teach, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 141–158, 1992, doi: 10.1119/1.2343497.[2] D. Hestenes and I. Halloun, “Interpreting the FCI:A Response,” The Physics Teacher, vol. 33. pp. 502–506, 1995.[3] P. S. Steif
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[2]. 𝜕 2 𝑇 𝜕 2 𝑇 𝜌𝑐𝑝 𝜕𝑇 + = ∙ 𝜕𝑥 2 𝜕𝑧 2 𝑘 𝜕𝑥.While we anticipate that solving the heat equation for time would increase accuracy of TC++’s timeprediction, the cost of computing power and multiple thermocouples, used by solutions generated by finitedifference analysis, could potentially cause TC++ to be as expensive as current consumer smartthermometers.Our conclusion was to develop the time prediction via regression analysis performed on real timethermocouple data sent to an Arduino Uno. The tradeoff of accuracy is especially notable during the initialstages of cooking, but we anticipated
software (e.g., Autodesk and PTC) [1], [2], [3]. Generativedesign (GD) is a computational design technique that utilizes AI algorithms to generate uniqueoutcomes beyond human capabilities [4], [5]. GD methods in engineering apply generative AI toiteratively explore the design space and generate a (set of) solution(s) that satisfy human-definedobjectives and constraints [6], [7]. These approaches utilize a range of generative techniques, suchas genetic algorithms (GAs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversary networks(GAN), and large language models (LLMs) [8], [9], [10]. See Figure 1 for a few examples. GAscomputationally mimic natural selection by assigning each generated design a fitness function torepresent how well it reaches the
those constructs. GCA uses an algorithmic approach to score teammates on sixconstructs, of which we used three: social impact, the degree to which an individual’scontributions are taken up by the team; responsiveness, the degree to which an individual picksup and develops the contributions of others; and participation, measured as the number ofutterances above or below the team average.Figure 5 - Scores for each member (S1-S4) of each team for each of the three GCA constructs.The results for team F22 are skewed by S4’s very small number of utterances.Figure 6 - LIWC team-level prosocial behavior scoreTable 1 - Descriptions and examples of interactional positioning codes, taken from [10].Positional move (code) Description
/Introduction e) Objective(s) or scope(s) of the project f) Method(s) g) Results/Analysis and feasibility of the proposed improvements h) Findings & Summary (you can also include any limitations or future works) i) References j) Appendix (if any)The project titles for 2023 are provided below in Table 4. Table 4: Titles of Student Projects Engineering Hall Improvements Triad Apartments Proposal Engineering Field Renovations Extended Parking Lot Engineering HallSome sample images related to the selected
important for people to learn how to code because we need to understand whatChatGPT is doing. Also, no matter how advanced ChatGPT gets, it is still only getting itsinformation from the internet, yet the internet does not contain equal amounts of informationfrom every part of the world. Teachers should continue to teach coding and include ways thatChatGPT can improve learning instead of replace learning.5 AcknowledgmentsThank you to Ms. Ashley Ong, AP-CS high school teacher for teaching me CS and to our papereditor.References [1] N. Forman, J. Udvaros, and M. S. Avornicului, “Chatgpt: A new study tool shaping the future for high school students,” International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, vol. 7, no. 4, p
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a framework assessing Maker programs’ impact oncareers. Our primary activity addresses the immediate need to understand the types of metricsmost appropriate to measure career impacts of Makerspace experiences. From these results weplan to develop and calibrate the tool(s) needed to apply the metrics framework for Activity 2.In Activity 2, we will build on the framework to implement a set of tools that stakeholders canapply generally across design and fabrication studies to assess the relationship betweenmakerspace experiences and career readiness.In this Work In Progress paper, we lay the foundation for the activities of our project, and shareout some preliminary observations based on initial interviews with our target populations
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