cultivate, as itis a fundamental element of a successful engineering career.60,61 Lastly, engineers mustdemonstrate their depth of knowledge by communicating their ideas and design decisions to theirrelative audience.Communication of ideas and professional skilldevelopment: The philosophies of EngineeringEducation began to grow and drasticallytransform in the mid 1990’s, valuing a morewholesome engineer. Surely the focus continuesto include the traditional solidly rooted STEMskills, but also includes professionaldevelopment skills such as: communication,teamwork, global and ethical awareness, andskills for life-long learning.12 In addition tolearning the foundations of design, helping futureengineers master such professional skills as teamwork
developed by Cabrera and Cabrera [39] because their framework helpsdevelop a mental model needed to practice systems thinking [36]. Further, their framework haspreviously been used in educational contexts and is universally applicable to individuals withvarying disciplinary backgrounds [36]. Cabrera and Cabrera [39] defined systems thinking as afour-part cognitive skill consisting of tenets like making distinctions (D), organizing the system(S) into parts and wholes, recognizing relationships (R) between parts and wholes of the system,and taking multiple perspectives (P). Taken together, this four-part skill helps develop a holisticapproach to designing a solution to a problem.In the context of threat modeling, the systems thinking approach
400 0 350 0 300 0 250 0 200 0 150 0 100 0 400 0 350 0 300 0 250 0 200 0 150 0 100 0 W av enu mber s ( c m- 1) W av enu mber s ( c m- 1
greatly assisted in theresearch and writing process, enabling the author to gather and organize information for their analysis.References[1] S. Rajala, "Beyond 2020: Preparing Engineers for the Future," Proceedings of The IEEE - PIEEE, vol. 100, pp. 1376-1383, 05/01 2012.[2] J. Froyd, P. Wankat, and K. Smith, "Five Major Shifts in 100 Years of Engineering Education," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 100, pp. 1344-1360, 05/01 2012.[3] N. Abbas, J. Whitfield, E. Atwell, H. Bowman, T. Pickard, and A. Walker, "Online chat and chatbots to enhance mature student engagement in higher education," International Journal of Lifelong Education, vol. 41, pp. 308-326, 2022/05/04 2022.[4] F. Clarizia, F. Colace, M. Lombardi, F. Pascale, and D
-group interaction-process quality during the murder mystery. Theexperiment ended with informing the participants about the experiment`s background andanswering their questions.3.2. Measures3.2.1. DemographicsThe demographic survey consisted of 17 items to assess the participants’ age, gender, enrolleddegree program, semesters spent in higher education, the degree of familiarity in each small-group, the participants’ personality traits, and the device used during the experiment. Thedemographic variables were used (a) to describe the sample in detail and (b) to ensure theinternal validity [24] of the experimental approach by capturing possible systematic participantrelated differences between the sub-samples of the three experimental conditions
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, and D. S. Thomas, “An roi comparison of initiatives designed to attract diverse students to technology careers,” Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 105, 2016. [8] M. K. Ponton, J. H. Edmister, L. S. Ukeiley, and J. M. Seiner, “Understanding the role of self-efficacy in engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 90, no. 2, p. 247, 04 2001, copyright - Copyright American Society for Engineering Education Apr 2001; Last updated - 2023-02-15; CODEN - JEEDEQ. [Online]. Available: understanding-role-self-efficacy-engineering/docview/217958437/se-2 [9] C. Pannier, C. Berry, M. Morris, and X
Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Combining Problem-Based Learning with the KEEN ‘s Framework for Entrepreneurially Minded Learning in a Fluid Mechanics Course: Pilot ImplementationAbstractThis paper describes the implementation and the results of problem-based learning (PBL)pedagogy infused with the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network’s 3C’s in a senior levelAdvanced Fluid Mechanics course within the Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)program. The work, a close collaboration between engineering and education faculty, aligns withthe New Research Areas (National Engineering Education Research Colloquies 2006), ABETCriteria for
development", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.25 No. 1, pp. 5-32. 2001. [Accessed April 10,2023]. [4] Kaya, N., Aydın, S. ve Durgut, S. (2016). Training performance evaluation using the360-degree feedback method. 19th EBES Conference. s. 623-628. [Online] Available: [Accessed February 28, 2023]. [5] Phuong, T.T., Foster, M.J. and Reio, T.G., Jr (2020), Faculty Development: ASystematic Review of Review Studies. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human ResourceDevelopment, 32: 17-36. [Accessed February 10, 2023] [6] Draper, L. (2022, August), “Lessons Learned: Boosting Faculty
.[3] Hartman, H., S.Lezotte, R.A. Dusseau, T.R. Forin, and S. Farrell, 2020. Transfer Students inUndergraduate Engineering. ASEE Annual Conference, Paper #29472.[4] Meardon, S, Our Community College Engineering Students are Your Transfer Students.2019. ASEE Southeastern Section Conference.[5] Bloom, N.E., J. Johnson, J.M. Duis, and P. Entin, 2019. Facilitation Transfer Student Successin an Engineering Baccalaureate Program. ASEE Annual Conference, Paper #26328.[6] Laugerman, M., D. Rover, S. Mickelson, and M. Shelley. 2019. The Middle Years inEngineering: An Effective Transfer Partnership Drives Student Success in STEM. Advances inEngineering Education, Fall.,[7] Manteufel, R.D., and A. Karimi. 2023. Analysis of Transfer Credits in
the articles andthe design of the comment template. We believed that the reading assignments have helpedimprove students’ reading comprehension, writing techniques, and critical thinking skills.References1. S. A. Lei, K. A. Bartlett, S. E. Gorney, and T. R. Herschbach, “Resistance to reading compliance among college students: Instructors’ perspectives,” College Student Journal, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 219- 229. 2010.2. D. Pecorari, P. Shaw, A. Irvine, H. Malstrom, and S. Mezek, “Reading in tertiary education: Undergraduate student practices and attitudes,” Quality in Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 235- 256, 2012.3. C. M. Burchfield and J. Sappinton, “Compliance with required reading assignments,” Teaching of Psychology, vol. 27
. Someinstitutions (20%) have design courses throughout the curriculum in addition to the capstonedesign sequence, but more programs (40%) have design projects within non-design coursesthroughout the curriculum. The course or courses in the capstone design sequence are primarilyoffered only once a year (78%) with a slight edge to the spring semester/winter quarter (80%)over the fall semester/quarter (72%). Most institutions (78%) include instruction in software orprogramming as part of the course(s). The culminating design project is most often a theoreticaldesign (68%) as opposed to one based on experiments (3%) or resulting in a prototype (7%), andmost institutions do not use the AIChE Design Competition problems (70%). Professional skillsare mainly
of Problem-based Learning,” Interdiscip J Problem-based Learn, vol. 6, no. 1, 2012, doi: 10.7771/1541-5015.1314.[4] K. M. Markham, J. J. Mintzes, and M. G. Jones, “The concept map as a research and evaluation tool: Further evidence of validity,” J Res Sci Teach, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 91–101, 1994, doi: 10.1002/tea.3660310109.[5] L. Hsu and S.-I. Hsieh, “Concept Maps as an Assessment Tool in a Nursing Course,” J Prof Nurs, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 141–149, 2005, doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2005.04.006.[6] D. M. Torre, B. Daley, T. Stark-Schweitzer, S. Siddartha, J. Petkova, and M. Ziebert, “A qualitative evaluation of medical student learning with concept maps,” Med Teach, vol. 29, no. 9– 10, pp. 949–955
Mississippi State University. As a 2015 recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Hall obtained her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech.Hannah Glisson American c Society for Engineering Education, 2022In this session we will think about the latter stages of a transfer student’s journey. Much research has focused on pre‐transfer and the first semester post‐transfer, but in this session we will think about students’ experiences beyond that initial semester. We will be drawing on a set of interviews with transfer students who participated in an NSF‐funded S‐STEM program.The project is a collaboration between Virginia Tech
Ethics,, accessed 16 January 2023.[2] E.A. Cech, "Culture of disengagement in engineering education?" Sci., Tech. Human Values, vol. 39[1], pp. 42-72, 2014.[3] S. Niles, S. Contreras, S. Roudbari, J. Kaminsky, and J.L. Harrison, “Resisting and assisting engagement with public welfare in engineering education,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 109, pp. 491–507, 2020.[4] K. Litchfield and A. Javernick-Will, "'‘I am an engineer AND': A mixed methods study of socially engaged engineers," J. Eng. Educ., vol. 104, pp. 393-416, 2015.[5] D.S. Schiff, E. Logevall, J. Borenstein, W. Newstetter, C. Potts, and E. Zegura, "Linking personal and professional social responsibility development to
suitable measuring procedure given available devices and fixtures; they thenproceed with measurement basic GD&T features on provided samples (Figs. 2a-e). Each group isfree to choose combination of contact-type metrology device, tool, and fixture for their group.During this stage, the TA only helps to clarify the part requirement and usage of metrologydevice without showing the solutions. After 30-45 minutes, each team takes turn presenting to their classmates how they set upand measure a feature, showing the measured data, and concluding if the part is accepted orrejected. The TA then comments on the approach, selection of tooling and fixture, and maysuggests alternative ways to constrain datum(s). Common mistakes are observed when
; Beddoes, K. (2013). Team effectiveness theory from industrialand organizational psychology applied to engineering student project teams: A research review. Journalof Engineering Education, 102(4), 472-512.Cardador, M. T., & Caza, B. B. (2018). The subtle stressors making women want to leave engineering.Harvard Business Review:, S. (2021). Hiring and intra-occupational gender segregation in software engineering. AmericanSociological Review, 86(1), 60-92.Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique ofAntidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. University of
or Equivalent on First Attempt. D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 C1 C2/C3 C4 B1 M S M S M S M S M S M S M S M S M S#A 82 48 51 31 63 27 42 31 39 20 32 31 65 30 21 17 27 11 N 246 90 243 88 224 87 208 87 187 87 192 86 262 89 122 85 92 42% 33.3 53.3 21.0 35.2 28.1 31.0 20.2 35.6 20.9 23.0 16.7 36.0 24.8 33.7 17.2 20.0 29.3 26.2Notes: #A = raw number of tests scored with Approved
. Newton, “How to Co-Lead a Team,” Harvard Business Review, 2015. (accessed Nov. 07, 2022).[13] Q. Wu and K. Cormican, “Shared Leadership and Team Effectiveness: An Investigation of Whether and When in Engineering Design Teams,” Front. Psychol., vol. 11, no. January, pp. 1– 12, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.569198.[14] “Best Biomedical Engineering Programs - Top Engineering Schools - US News,” 2022. (accessed Feb. 22, 2023).[15] Allen, R. H., Acharya, S., Jancuk, C., & Shoukas, A. A. (2013). Sharing best practices in teaching biomedical engineering design. Annals of
some cases, a single essay is all the evidence an institution canaccess to plan DEI interventions and improve academic programming. Our recommendation foraddressing the STEM pipeline leak is to create a system to track students that fall out of formalSTEM pipelines. The system can assist the student to return to the pipeline if the student desires.The system will support the student to secure employment in the engineering discipline.References[1] L. L. Crumpton-Young, S. Etemadi, G. E. Little, and T. D. Carter, “Supportive practices used with underrepre- sented minority graduate students,” in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, no. 10.18260/p.25979. New Orleans, Louisiana: ASEE Conferences, June 2016,
Organization (WHO) Arsenic is a well-known carcinogen2 . The levelof toxicity depends on the type of compound. For example, Arsenic in organic compounds is lesstoxic but Arsenic in inorganic compounds is more toxic. Arsine (ASH3), Arsenite, and Arsenatein particular are highly toxic compounds. Humans unknowingly consume Arsenic throughdrinking water and plants. In addition to naturally occurring Arsenic, the Arsenic concentration ofsoil increases due to human activity. Arsenic compounds are used in the industry sector in themanufacturing of semi-conductors, glass production, papers, metal adhesives, ceramics, woodpreservatives, and explosives3 . Inorganic Arsenic compounds were used as pesticides in theUnited States of America (USA) before the 1950’s
questions in the concept inventory test; however, the index propertiesand soil classifications required seven classes and had only one question in the assessment test.Table 3. Course Coverage and Assessment Questions Class Hours Topic Coverage, Test Question Curricular Topic Devoted % Number(s) Geology 2 5 - Index Properties and 7 18 Classifications 1 Phase Relations 4 10 2 Compaction
questions are generally related to the heat transfer processes/geometriesdescribed in said figure. Students are asked to carefully scrutinize the figure toidentify the probable mode(s) of heat transfer. During the review period, groups ofstudents work together to come up with potential exam problems related to thecovered content and then identify strategies, methodologies, and/or relevantequations to obtain solutions. The primary role of the instructor during theseactivities is to ensure that the discussions are relevant to the upcoming exam’scontent or focus. Review sessions are typically held the day before the exam, andthe preview figures are provided in advance. The review activity is based onvarious studies supporting collaborative learning as
-13/ALL_MAJORS/X/X/home/ (accessed May 27, 2022).[9] S. B. Robbins, I-S Oh, H. Le, and C. Button, Christopher, “Intervention effects on collegeperformance and retention as mediated by motivational, emotional, and social control factors:Integrated meta-analytic path analyses,” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 94, no. 5, pp.1163-1184, 2009, DOI: 10.1037/a0015738.[10] C. Cairncross, T. VanDeGrift, S. Jones, Sharon, and L. Chelton, “Best practices for advisingat-risk first-year engineering students, 7th First Year Engineering Experience Conference,August 3-4, Roanoke, VA, 2015,[11] W. R. Habley, “Key concepts in academic advising. In Summer Institute on
February 2022).[6] U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR)’s June 2021 report “Education in aPandemic: The Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 on America’s Students”. Available at: (Accessed: 10February 2022).[7] Faulkner, B., Earl, K. and Herman, G. (2019) ‘Mathematical Maturity for Engineering Students’,International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 5(1), pp. 97–128.doi:10.1007/s40753-019-00083-8.[8] Zavala, G., & Dominguez, A. (2016, June), ‘Engineering Students' Perception of Relevance ofPhysics and Mathematics’ Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, NewOrleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26664. doi
2014.[2] “Why Colleges Suck at Making Programmers”, Commentary, suck-at-making-programmers/, August 14, 2018.[3] Nigaglioni I., “Pokémon Go: An Unexpected Inspiration for Next Generation Learning Environments”, Childhood Education, 93:4, 333-336, DOI: 10.1080/00094056.2017.1343588[4] Hu X, Goh Y., Lin Z, “Educational impact of an Augmented Reality (AR) application for teaching structural systems to non-engineering students”, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 50, 2021[5] Iqbal M, “Pokémon Go Revenue and Usage Statistics (2021)”,, May 6 2021[6] Ho S
something successful at the end.”(I18M, Pos. 19).4.2.4 Fellow Students Proposition 2.4: ME218 attracts highly motivated and talented students and creates an environment where friendship and partnership flourish.Ten interviewees emphasize the connections and the quality of their ME218 classmates. “EdCarryer will tell you on day one: ‘This is hard, and we will take up your whole life for thisyear.’” (I12M, Pos. 29). Thereby he creates that feeling that the students “[…] are all in theMarines together […]” (I15M, Pos. 22). The preselection process at Stanford University andME218’s image leads to the situation that “[…] the people around you are phenomenal.” (I01M,Pos. 34).During ME218, students collaborate closely and spend much time together. Their
material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos.(HRD 1834628 and HRD 1834608). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] NASEM, "Expanding underrepresented minority participation: America’s Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads," National Academy of Engineering, Washington, 2018.[2] X. Y. and R. Larson, "STEM crisis or STEM surplus? Yes, and yes. Monthly Labor Review," 2015. [Online]. Available: or-stem-surplus-yes-and-yes.htm.[3] T. Dinh and Y. L. Zhang, "Engagement in
. The solution occurs where theminimum area for heat transfer needed to provide adequate heat transfer out of the system12.6kW is achieved. Figure 1 indicates that this point occurs at approximately 0.0465m2 (72in2).Using this area, students determined the minimum volumetric flow required to provide adequatecooling is 0.69 m3/s, as shown in figure 2. Figure 1: Solution for most efficient radiator output Figure 2: Required Volumetric flow rate for given Radiator area Taking these solutions into account the team decided to add a factor of safety andincrease the total radiator area 20%. Resulting in the selection of a radiator with a 0.058 m2 (90in2) cross section for the final design and a fan that has