formeasuring impedance in networks versus frequency, gain and reflection versus frequency, andtime domain impulse/step response of systems. Many universities have VNAs in their researchlaboratories. Few universities offer undergraduate courses that expose all students to VNAtechnology primarily due to the cost of the instrumentation which can run from $5k for a 1 GHzmodel and $250k+ for a millimeter-wave model. In the last two years, an open sourcenanoVNA was developed and introduced to the market with a $50 price for a 1.5 GHz VNA and$150 for a 3 GHz VNA. This breakthrough in cost/performance now allows all universities touse VNAs in their laboratories. Each student can have access to their own VNA laboratoryexperiment set since the cost is now
industry (see Figure 1 forbreakdown of participants’ organization types). Most responses (85%) were received from theWest/Mid-West region of the United States, and the results presented in this work reflects thesefindings. The answers were considered as those from potential participants indicating theirpersonal preferences on different aspects of the program. In this survey, participants were askedseveral questions relating to professional development for engineering educators in college andindustry. 2-year academic Non-profit institution, organization 89
reflection, grounded in authentic software development settings. Tools in this project include process oriented guided inquiry learning, automated feedback to students through an intelligent tutoring system, case studies in software communication, and guided reflective exercises on team communication. As part of this research, the Ag- ile Communicators team has investigated communication practices in a variety of student and professional software development environments. Wallace has been intimately involved with undergraduate Computer Science curriculum development since his arrival in 2000. He cofounded Michigan Tech’s Software Engineering degree program in 2003. Wallace currently serves as Director of Undergraduate
metaldesign project utilizing newly implemented Solidworks CAD software and one MS Excel basedFEA solution to cutting tool temperature distribution. This individual FEA assignment, much ofit lecture based in instruction, was included to allow the students a direct comparison base tocontrast the two methods. This reflective assessment was collected anonymously at the end ofthe semester utilizing the online course management information platform.Problem-based Learning ApplicationUtilizing a problem-based learning methodology requires a complete change in instructionalstyle. First, the instructor must realize that the PBL method of instruction requires a facilitativeapproach. This interactive approach requires posing a problem, helping the teams
, manystudents quickly find themselves so far behind in the reading that they can no longer catch up. A reading log system where content responsibility is progressively shifted from theinstructor’s questions to student identification and reflection has been developed andimplemented in junior-level Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics courses to address several ofthe issues associated with student use of the textbook. The goal of the reading log is to improvestudent use of resource material and to provide opportunities for students to develop skills inreading scientific material. Reflective questioning, guided identification of key concepts,probing questions and cyclic problems are some of the tools that are used to stimulate student useof the
directed at different audiences. After writing a brief reflection ondescription the similarities and differences between the two articles, they will be provided with publication details and asked to reflect on how information format affected their perceptions.Expectation Time to complete: 25-30 minutes Time to grade: 3-5 minutes Read and compare the following two articles on bridge design (article 1, article 2). Briefly describe the differences and similarities between the two articles as well as any points on which you think the authors are in disagreement. ***students submit brief compare/contrast responses*** David P
Antennas Lab #4: Part 2: Antenna Radiation 9 Plane Wave Propagation and Lab #5: Plane Waves Propagation and Polarization Polarization 10 Reflection & Transmission... Lab #6: Reflection and Transmission of & Waveguides EM waves 11 EM Applications (Radars) Lab #7: Waveguide Lab 12 EM Applications (Radars Final Project: Building a Radar cont.) (Integration) 13 EM Applications (Cell Final Project: Building a Radar Phones) (Analysis of Components) 14 EM Applications (Cell Final Project: Building a Radar Phones
. While the basic assignment has remained the same each year, the application haschanged in some way each year. In 2012, four regularly scheduled class sessions were cancelledto provide additional time for students to attend or reflect on their events. Students wereprovided a list of possible events to attend and regular announcements were made of appropriateevents that were being hosted around the university. Based on student feedback from the firstyear’s offering, along with the recognition that the cancelled classes provided additionalopportunities to bring in exploration content (and that some students, due to other constraints,could attend only activities during normal class times), the second year offering was modified.The first-year
, retain, andprepare students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields to addresschallenges facing the 21st Century. This paper describes a method for integrating behavioralinstinct learning modules into freshman engineering classes. The method includes an onlineinstinct assessment, in-class activities created to illustrate instinctive behavior related toengineering tasks, practicing awareness through class projects, and reflective writing toencourage students to critically think about this awareness for future classes, activities, andcareers. The effectiveness of the methods described herein will be evaluated through the use ofsurveys, reflective essays, and interviews with faculty and students. The assessments have
, various aspects of diversity in the absence of an intrinsicallydiverse classroom composition, as well as allow them to reflect on their own professional andpersonal experiences. Specifically, this module includes activities about implicit bias, stereotypethreat, and cross cultural competence. Student response has largely been positive, and studentreflection assignments have demonstrated critical thinking on the matter. As this is a recent pilotintervention, long-term longitudinal effects have yet to be investigated. Included here aredescriptions of the module activities, generalized student responses, and instructor perspective.While this topic is of great importance to all educators, it is often difficult to incorporate suchmaterial in well
. “Service learning is anintentional and collaborative pedagogical practice that engages students in structured service toaddress an identified community need and help them ‘gain further understanding of coursecontent, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility[4]’[5].” Support documents for our QEP go on to highlight the importance of service learningbeing academically integrated with the course learning objectives while focusing oncommunity needs, involvement of the community partner in the design of the service learningproject, the importance of structured student reflection throughout the project, and a preferencefor the service learning experiences to last the majority of the semester. A service
taught six different biology and engineering courses. Dr. Ankeny aspires to employ student engagement strategies in the context of biomedical engineering education in the future. Page 23.837.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Just-in-Time-Teaching with Interactive Frequent Formative Feedback (JiTTIFFF or JTF) for Cyber Learning in Core Materials CoursesAbstractIn this new NSF-sponsored Type 2 TUES (Transformation of Undergraduate Engineering inSTEM) project, we are using engagement, assessment, and reflection tools developed in asuccessful CCLI Phase 1 project and are
– theonly instructor guidance is rule clarifications.After the allotted time, students are asked to reflect in groups on their experience. The class thencomes together to share the reflections and a lecture is given regarding the underlying conceptscovered by the impromptu design exercise. Note that the reflection, discussion and lecture arecritical because they solidify the concepts that are somewhat self-taught during the impromptudesign exercise.2.1.1 Motivation for the use of Impromptu Design Exercises: The educational research on designeducation is specifically focused on design as a behavior – that is to say that the act of design is aset of actions that the engineer does [5]. Thus, in order to develop this behavior, engineeringstudents
(covering objectives, required tools, and instructions), gradingrubrics, and students’ scores. Reflective insights from students highlight not only the successfulcreation of functional Morse code machines but also a profound appreciation for the practicalapplications of Computational Thinking and programming in the realm of Electrical Engineering.Classroom Activities Leading to ProjectIn the second part of the class, students were introduced to Python and various developmentenvironments, including Spyder from Anaconda 3, as well as the Python editor and simulator forthe BBC Micro:Bit. Following the completion of each class module or topic, students wereassigned brief programming exercises. These exercises required the use of Spyder to
engineeringdegree, and whether a student have chosen an engineering discipline to pursue. Several surveysadministered at strategic time points during the semester were used to track level of interest inpursuing engineering and to identify key events that can be consider as precursors to leavingengineering. Reflection essays were also employed to understand how the first semesterexperience affects student’s perception of engineering as a career of choice.An analysis of entrance surveys indicated a high level of interest in pursuing an engineeringdegree in most students surveyed. Key events, such as their first calculus test, triggeredindecision in some of the students. Early results identified a group of students at risk of leavingengineering during the
the water hammer wave is flowing to the right with the steady-state velocity, V; the fluid after the passage of the wave is at rest, but the head is increased by ΔH and the pipe wall distended because of the increased pressure.t = L/a The water hammer wave has reached the pipe entrance where the compression wave is reflected as an expansion wave. The fluid in the pipe is at rest, but the pressure is increased and the pipe wall distended.t = 3/2·L/a The expansion wave (the compression wave reflected from the free surface) is moving to the right and is half way between the pipe entrance and the valve. The fluid, moving to the left
scalable way across the entire class. Thisprocess provided the opportunity for individual student perspectives, wishes, and experiences tobe considered and incorporated into the group formation activity. Student reflections on the useof generative AI for group formation, including when compared to an opportunity forself-selection of teammates, were mixed with the majority recommending a mixed-methodsapproach of the use of AI but with a “human in the loop” component.IntroductionThis work is inspired by, and builds upon, the many existing techniques and tools currentlysupporting engineering instructors with incorporating teamwork into their classrooms. Thisranges from the forming of teams, overseeing of team dynamics, supporting
Engineering Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 AN INNOVATIVE ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING EDUCATIONAbstract Active learning is an essential tool in STEM education to enhance in-depth knowledge.However, most civil engineering students learn reflectively. These students show lack ofinterests in lecture and remain less interactive. Hence, they neglect many fundamental conceptswhich are difficult to learn effectively through self-study. In this paper, a step-by-step effectiveactive learning method will be introduced which will encourage active learners to become moreattentive as well as will
program. The five components of the pedagogy are [1] . 1. Engagement opportunities that meet the needs of an underserved segment of society 2. Academic connection between the engagement and the subject material of a course. 3. Reciprocal partnerships where all benefit from the collaboration. 4. Mutual learning among all stakeholders, built on a foundation of respect. 5. Reflection on the experiences and its implications for the future.Research has shown many benefits for students across many disciplines [2-6]. Withinengineering, evidence shows learning across a broad set of profession and technical skills [7-11].Graduates report easier transition into professional practice and faster advancement in industrypositions [12
engineering students' conation has thepotential to be activated after learning in an introductory engineering course which wasdesigned to support students’ learning through the implementation of Cooperative Problem-Based Learning, an inductive student-centered approach that utilized authentic problems. Apre-and post-test instrument using Goal Orientation Index (GOI) was administered to thirtyfirst-year engineering students taking an introduction to engineering course. The GOI has 96-items of 5-ordered-categories questionnaire consisting of three primary constructs of strivingbehavior in conation: Plan, Act, and Reflect. The GOI was analysed using Rasch measurementmodel to evaluate instruments' measurement functioning through investigating items
engineering leader development in the classroom.This research paper utilized a systematic literature review approach to identify features ofidentity-based instruction. Instructional features in the literature were reviewed through thelenses of four identity frameworks: personal (self-authorship), professional (community ofpractice), leadership (leadership identity development), and engineering (performance, interest,recognition) identities.Nine instructional features that support engineering leadership identity development emerged inthe literature: values, language, reflection, authentic experiences, scaffolding, group learning,diverse perspectives, technical skills, and social skills. These findings provide preliminaryguidance on how to support
their own leadershipidentities through a variety of lectures, discussions, case studies and experiential exercises.Students write weekly reflections on their learning using a Describe-Analyze-Evaluate format[5]. At the end of the term, they submit a summative reflection on the course in which they areasked how their understanding of leadership has evolved, and which concepts, frameworks orexercises have had a strong impact.We have used the ELO inventory for a number of years in our classroom as a self-assessmentactivity. Students are introduced to the ELO framework through a lecture and course reading.After completing the inventory in class, they gather in groups by orientation with large posterboards that characterize each of the orientations
iterations of a newengineering design course offered to senior undergraduates and graduate students, a journeymapping assignment has required students to reflect on their own experiences traversing throughengineering culture. These journey maps are also shared in small group discussions during classto uncover similarities and differences in student pathways, highlighting areas of overlap,commonalities, and disparate experiences. Informal student reflections on the assignment suggestthat viewing others’ journeys through engineering normalizes individual struggles, as nojourneys are direct, all feature ups and downs, and most involve deeply questioning ifengineering is the desired outcome. This work in progress paper describes the background andprior
activity exploring environmental justice andhow it intersects with energy policy. Lastly we developed some large-scale examples spanningmultiple classes. Our campus has a small renewable energy generating station (EnergiPlant) thatwe spent several weeks analyzing to explore concepts of both solar and wind energy. We alsointroduced The Seven Generations principle, a conception of sustainability from theHaudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, and used it as a framing for multiple conversationsthroughout the semester [4].Reflecting on this experience we are keenly aware how much effort was required to identify theexamples and incorporate them into our class. Four faculty collaborated on the development ofthis course over four years, a substantial
camera and lens combination are device dependent. Forinstance, in reflected-UV imaging, UV illumination reflects of an object and is recorded by aUV-sensitive camera. UV fluorescence imaging is based on the UV illumination that stimulatesfluorescence at a longer wavelength than UV excitation source. The resulting fluorescence andimage are typically in the visible band and can be captured by a color camera. These opticalsensing system specific results require high-definition cameras with multispectral sensitivities.Thus, it is critical to provide an integrated and efficient approach to address the variability of UVbased optical sensing systems.The objective of the research is to develop a new adaptive UV image processing algorithm totransform our
concerns. Simply asking ”What can Ido to help you learn better? What can you do to learn better?” helped students reflect on theirlearning behaviors, and in many cases, improved their experience throughout the course. Thisstrategy provided an opportunity for students to take more responsibility for their learning andvoice their feedback about the course. The assessments also helped the faculty member improvethe course in real time. With this approach, the instructor also identified a number of learningbottlenecks, where a significant number of students were having problems. This very simpleformative assessment strategy proved to be a powerful tool for creating a student-centeredcourse. Findings from this study included providing the instructors
to gather it, and substantial reflection on bothexpected and unexpected results. These problem-solving decisions are similar to the overarchingthemes identified by Polya: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan andlooking back [8]. The results also agree with work on design problem solving by Jonassen,which emphasizes the importance of determining design requirements and creating constraints[9]. A detailed analysis of the interviews with unified terminology across the fields for the expertproblem-solving decisions is currently being developed and will be published elsewhere.The rest of this work described here focuses on the specific optics black box assessment, whichwas created based on common problem-solving
program value to indicate the exceptional learningopportunities SA programs offer.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16A review of literature provides an array of assessment tools that may be used as a stand-alone orin concert with other tools (See Table 1). Each of these tools provides information that enablesresearchers and SA faculty to better determine how programs enhance student learning.The tools are designed to indicate competency development in students in areas such asincreased cultural understanding, improved communication skills, strengthened language ability,flexibility, and open-mindedness.2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 In addition, this skill development oftenresults in personal reflection and growth that changes students in terms of their
ABET ASSESSMENT USING CALIBRATED PEER REVIEWIntroductionMost engineering programs have some type of capstone design experience. At Rose-HulmanInstitute of Technology (Rose) the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department alsohas a similar set of courses. Therefore, the ECE Department decided to use senior design toassess EC3(g) (ABET Engineering Criterion 3-g): “ability to communicate effectively”.However, we needed/wanted a tool to help us develop our assessment process for EC3(g).The ECE Department was introduced to the Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) [1]. CPR is anonline-tool with four structured workspaces that perform in tandem to create a series of activitiesthat reflect modern pedagogical strategies for using writing
educators need to consider at thetime of developing their teaching philosophies, summarized below: a) Their objectives in teaching. b) Tools and methods used to achieve those objectives c) Tools and methods used to measure the achievement of objectives d) The self-reflection on why teaching is important for themThe goal of this paper is to analyze each one of these critical points, guiding faculty members towardsbuilding a document consistent with their interests and institutional mission. Page 9.405.1 “Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition