Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; David Zhao; Alexandra Danielle Kulich, Tufts University; Madeline Polmear, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.; Chris Swan, Tufts University; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Xiaobin Le P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Richard L. Roberts, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Anthony William Duva P.E. , Wentworth Institute of Technology
Continuous Improvement in Engineering Leadership Development Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Fred Higgs III, Rice University; Kaz Karwowski, Rice University; David Allen Van Kleeck, Rice University ; Thomas Edward Phalen Jr., Rice University; Gayle Moran; Cesare Wright, Rice University; James Philip Hennessy, Rice University
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Marcos Miranda, Ohio State University ; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Marianne T. Johnson, University of Delaware; Michael L. Vaughan, University of Delaware; Tasha Zephirin, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Darryl Dickerson, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Rachel A. Davidson, University of Delaware
Eddie Jacobs P.E., University of Memphis; Amy L. de Jongh Curry, University of Memphis; Carmen Astorne-Figari, University of Memphis; Russell J. Deaton, University of Memphis; Wesam M. Salem, University of Memphis; Yonghong Jade Xu, University of Memphis; Shelby G. Roberts, University of Memphis