ethical decision-making as they are carried out into deliberate discourse in asocial space amongst peers. To investigate the SIMDE framework, students were asked tosolve a professional AI ethics problem in a dilemma-based seven-step learning activity.The qualitative results of this paper examine how constructs in the SIMDE conceptualframework were present in student responses, and what students learned from peerdiscourse that led them to either justify their gut-reaction decision or change their mind.We found that students are impacted by perspective-taking, they use reasoning to defendtheir position rather than seek and appraise truth, and moral self-reflection helps themlearn more about themselves. Moreover, even when students learn new
requires student teams to communicate their progressand findings in two written reports and an oral presentation. The first written report is focused ontheir mixture testing and their standard test development. This report is in the form of amemorandum where conciseness and precision are emphasized in the writing. The second reportis the culmination of the project with all of their testing, iterative design documentation, andcomparison of performance of the final products. In addition to the final report, students presentto the instructors and peers which allows them to ask questions and compare methodologiesbetween the groups as they prepare the final written report. The three report styles(memorandum, presentation, and comprehensive report
- ular emphasis on engineering identities and literacies among English Learners and bilingual students. Her research has been published in journals such as Theory into Practice, Action in Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a faculty member at UTEP since 2008.Helena Mucino, University of Texas at El Paso Helena Muci˜no is a Ph.D. student in the Teaching, Learning, and Culture program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She holds a master’s degree in Musical Education Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently working as a Research Assistant for an
approaches: Peer Instruction andJust-in-Time Teaching. These approaches are designed to provide students “with greateropportunity for synthesizing concepts while instructors get timely feedback that can help focus Page 14.408.3instruction on the points that are most difficult to learn.”13 The strategies also maximize theefficacy of the classroom session, where human instructors are present, structure the out-of-class time for maximum learning benefit, and create and sustain team spirit.14 In their study of ten years of peer instruction, Crouch and Mazur11 report: “PeerInstruction engages students during class through activities that require each
smiles upon receiving credibleinformation about this potential employee’s preparation for engineering professional work. Theinterviewer then focuses discussion on performances behind the graduate’s scores and on jobresponsibilities that either fit the individual or that may be particularly challenging for this prospectiveemployee. The interview concludes with both parties confident of the interview’s effectiveness and finaloutcome.What is different about this picture? What gives the employer and prospective employee confidence in thevalue of information on the score sheet? In this case, scores were based on evidence from multiplesources: instructor, peers, and outside evaluators. Scores were earned in a capstone design project thatsimulated
candidate’s progresstoward tenure, allowing the candidate subsequent time to act on any recommended correctivestrategies and/or to improve their record of accomplishments. For engineering faculty, third-yearreview materials will generally need to demonstrate a record of achievement and plannedimprovement in research, teaching, and service-related issues.Preparing for an intensive third-year review can be difficult for junior faculty, for many reasons.This review may be the first time young faculty go through the scrutiny of a peer review processwhere the “peers” are people they work with on a daily basis. This review may be the first timejunior faculty seriously try to interpret and apply an institution’s promotion and tenure criteria totheir own
,backgrounds, and interests. This paper focuses on the policies and techniques that we havesuccessfully used to attract, organize, motivate, and evaluate the students in the course. We alsoprovide analysis of enrollment in Husky Game Development from Fall 2011 through Spring 2014and describe how the faculty advisor and student management share and delegate responsibilities.We hope that HGD can serve as one possible model for instructors at other institutions who desireto implement a similar course.IntroductionTraditional computer science undergraduate courses often fail to give students hands-onexperience which will help them learn how to work with a team of peers to propose, design, anddevelop large applications. Traditional courses typically consist
instill this concept into our students?Especially introductory programming students who are often resistant to trying new things ordebugging independently. Most introductory programming instructors watch students write linesand lines of code without compiling the code or arrive at the instructor’s office needing helpbecause “it is almost working except this one compile error,” which once fixed unearths manylogical errors.Enter the rubber duck prize! To add fun to the introduction of the debugging concept, thestudents are sent on a scavenger hunt around the building where the class is held. Locationsincluded on the path: the computer lab, the department office, the help desk location, and thedean’s office – thus familiarizing first-year students
final grade and is holistically graded withguidance from a 26-item grading checklist divided into four categories: content, organization,design, and style/grammar/punctuation (see Appendix A for this checklist). This checklist guidesstudents while writing their reports, students during peer reviews, and instructors during grading.For grading, the checklist is used with about 25% of the grading weight given to each of the fourcategories. Students, teaching assistants, and instructors have appreciated the detailed guidanceprovided by the checklist—assignments that meet all items receive a 100% grade. Across andwithin the categories, individual instructors may weight what they deem most important givenwhat they have emphasized in class. For
-Stout. Because peer evaluations are conducted each semester for MFGE-325, data isreadily available to assess this ABET outcome. Results from Student Outcome D for fall 2012can be found in Table 4.Table 4: Results from ABET Student Outcome D in fall 2012.Performance Indicator ScoreEngages others with a cooperative attitude 3.81/4Contributes to the mission, goals, and outcomes of the team 3.73/4In addition to peer evaluations, MFGE-325 student groups are tasked with writing a reflectionpaper upon completion of the project. The learning objective of the reflection paper is forstudents to re-examine their project experience, describe any change(s) in
and making presentations at conferences and meetings. Evidence indicative ofresearch contributions may include but is not limited to the following: • Inventions and innovations that lead to patents, • Publication of research results in recognized professional journals, • Participation in writing textbooks or professional manuals and design guides, • Presentation of research results at professional meetings, particularly invited presentations at national or international meetings; • Receipt of research grants, • Receipt of research awards, and • Directing student research.Of the above mentioned evidences, some are considered more important than others. Forexample
primitives such as barriers, locks, and higher-level constructs can beconstructed using pthreads mutexes. Primitive mechanisms for inter-thread communication viashared data structures are available as well.In general, the pthreads execution model treats threads as peers. Only the main thread, which iscreated by the operating system when it instantiates the multithreaded process, has slightlydifferent properties, but these differences can typically be ignored: all of the threads in well-designed pthreads program will thus cooperate to execute the task at hand in a manner thateffectively utilizes the underlying resources of the processor. Page
primary program staff for ETTP included two student Peer Mentors who are now currentseniors who had transferred into the School of Engineering from a community college. BothPeer Mentors also had participated in our 2006 “Summer Bridge” program, our last effort tocombine transfer and first-year students in the same program. The School of EngineeringOutreach Coordinator/Transfer Advisor served as the program director, building upon the rapporthe had already established with some of the students during the outreach season and transferadvising sessions.The community building components of ETTP were especially important to address because ofthe structure and nature of our campus. Comprised of several residential colleges, most studentsentering as
, uncooperativecollaborators, mangers, overly enthusiastic peer reviewers, etc.).One lab period is spent in the library showing students where to find “things”, ranging fromvendors to scientific publications. During this session, the students scour the Thomas Registerand scientific supply catalogs to find vendors of quirky accessories that may assist me in acurrent research project. For example, “Find a large, long-wave UV transparent liquid crystalshutter for me.” This type of instruction for first-time researchers is vital. Most experiencedacademics take this information management skill for granted. We do it without thinking, or havea Ph.D. student do it for us (to guarantee we won’t have to think).Guest speakers address other aspects of conducting applied
. Develop a set of experiments that can be used to answer the research question. Write up a formal report and make a group presentation about their project. Since this was a Mechanical Engineering class they were required to write a report in the format required by ASME for journal publications.Approach to classWith this limit to how many materials courses the program can offer each year, the authorsearched out ways to increase this number. One approach is to offer additional materials contentthrough small group research courses. This would help accomplish several different goals asdescribed in the previous section.It is important to see how this approach fits in with how other universities use undergraduatestudent research. One university
aspect of human dimension (both self and others) in a science/engineering course like MS can be a daunting task. Learning outcomes could be “activelyparticipate in class discussions; avoid plagiarism in report writing and properly cite publishedsources; work in teams on mini-project, swapping roles as team member and leader; andconduct peer assessment of project team members.” Learning activities could be lecture andclass discussion on team work, and professional and ethical responsibility (includingplagiarism, citation and referencing); and project presentations and discussions. Assessmentmethods could be keeping records of active class participation (individual and group); recordsof meetings with project teams for individual and team work
this form of instruction is becoming commonplace in K-12education. A site with similar resources, but oriented toward higher education is “OLT:Flipped Classroom Project” from the University of Queensland. It has case studies inseveral disciplines, including Engineering Design. It has synopses of various ways to useclass time, including case studies, peer learning, problem-based learning and project-basedlearning. It gives some advice on how to measure learning gains. Flip It! Consulting hasa blog with posts on various aspects of flipping that will be useful to educators in manydisciplines. A notable collection of links and references to other resources is provided byRobert Talbert at Grand Valley State University. His intention is to turn it
involvedin traditional lecture were found to be 1.5 times more likely to fail as compared to those in classes withsignificant active learning. Some of the active learning techniques are peer review, flipped classrooms,hands-on technology, and cooperative group problem solving. Here is a brief description of thesemethods [10].In “peer review”, students are asked to complete an individual homework assignment or short paper. Onthe day the assignment is due, students submit one copy to the instructor to be graded and one copy totheir partner. Each student then takes their partner's work and, depending on the nature of theassignment, gives critical feedback, and corrects mistakes in content and/or grammar.In the “flipped classroom”, class time is devoted
collaborative learning activities gives students more opportunities in developingconceptual learning through social interactions among peers. This we can refer to as conceptgroup learning activity.In a group environment, conflicts and controversies are resolved through proper explanation,justification; reflection and search for new knowledge.8 Student groups often come up withmutual support or solution via elaborative help that stimulates reorganization of thoughts andidentification of knowledge gaps thereby generating solution seeking ability among the studentgroup members. These circumstances also help students developing elaborate conceptualunderstanding by making use of new analogies, revisiting and reformulating their knowledge,which becomes more
(Outcome E). A bigportion of the project deliverables was four to five presentations made both to the client and otherpeers at the program, and the writing of several technical reports. After each presentation, the teamreceived feedback from the faculty and peers on the content and delivery of the presentation andtheir technical writing skills. Each section of the final technical report was reviewed and gradedby the team mentor (Outcome G). One of the deliverables was the contextualization documentthat reports what significance the final design might have on the environment, health and safetyconcerns, economics, ethics, etc. (Outcome H). Based on the technical evidence and submitteddocuments, these outcomes were evaluated, and the faculty mentor
:• Identification of the lesson topic. Typically, one major topic is identified for each lesson.• Identification of lesson objectives. The objectives should be identified first, so that the lesson content focuses on what the students are expected to accomplish. Additionally, writing of objectives at different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy8 allows higher order thinking (or “independent thinking”, see next section) to be utilized.• Preparation of a lesson outline. The outline lays out the general order and hierarchy of the presentation.• Preparation of board notes. Board notes are a specific technique utilized in the T4E and ExCEEd workshops, and have been described previously.1,2 Briefly, board notes lay out on a piece of paper exactly
assignments consisted of a written report and alsoa creative presentation that focused on the use of chemical reactors in one of four differentindustries/sectors: food generation, pulp / paper-based products production, energy andenvironmental control, or pharmaceutical/therapeutics production. A quantitative rubric wasdeveloped and used to score the written reports, and student peer review was used to evaluatethe creative presentations. The quantitative assessment data from the written reports showthat the majority of the student teams met or exceeded expectations. Suggestions for how theproject may be expanded in the future are provided.Introduction Arizona State University instituted a program in 2019 to infuse entrepreneurialmindset (EM
making and technical writing, three technology-policy electives, and a three course capstone series. The first course in the series providesstudents with highly scaffolded assignments to practice skills learned in both our program andtheir technical programs while also learning project management skills. The last two courses arethe EPP Projects course where students work to structure and solve a large complex problemwith multiple dimensions in an interdisciplinary group. The EPP Projects course is taken inaddition to the design requirement course of the traditional engineering program. All EPPstudents take the EPP Projects course twice, typically once in the Junior year and once in theSenior year, or twice during Senior year. Each EPP Project is
question; no student's question was professor-rated above a 4.The common problem seen was an inability to write correct and precise English.Keywords: Crowdsourcing, rating, authoring, student-made content, web-native content,interactive content, programming, computer science, digital learning, digitally-enhancededucation, online learning.IntroductionTextbooks are giving way to online interactive material[15][20][23]. Interactive materialbenefits student learning with immediate feedback and higher levels of engagement[8],which may be a better match to a modern student's learning style.However, interactive material is hard to make, whether authoring a new textbook orconverting an existing textbook. One possibility is to have students help create
learning occurs, such as peer to peer discussions, students are still sitting.Learning science has shown that the brain and physical activity are connected. An active body canlead to an active mind. Significant work has been done on how to create intentional movement inelementary and middle school classrooms, but it is limited in higher education settings.This paper discusses how an “escape room” learning activity has been implemented and assessedin two small-sized engineering programs, York College of Pennsylvania and Iron RangeEngineering. Escape rooms are a physical adventure game to challenge players, where they mustsolve a series of puzzles to escape the room in a given time limit. In this activity, using movementto review content in
Cross6, learning communities are more thanjust another curricular fad. Why are educators so impressed with learning communities? Crossargues the reasons fit into three categories: “philosophical (because learning communities fit intoa changing philosophy of knowledge), research based (because learning communities fit withwhat research tells us about learning), and pragmatic (because learning communities work)”(original italics, p. 4).In this paper we will describe the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE) first-yearlearning community at Iowa State University, a learning community that includes linked courses,a living community option, peer mentors and tutors, faculty-student dinners, and service learningopportunities. We have found that
promote a sense of community where learning (which includes admissions of“not knowing”) is welcomed, and therefore are not aligned with HPL framework four lenses1, 2.Tablet PCsIn an increasingly collaborative, mobile and globally inter-connected environment, UDLAPenvisions ubiquitous computing as a natural, empowering component of every teaching, learning,and research activity. UDLAP is committed not only to adopting and adapting technologies to allits scholarly endeavors, but also to playing an active role in their development4, 7. Tablet PCscombine a standard notebook computer with a digitizing screen and a pen-like stylus device toproduce a computer that allows ease of input of natural writing and drawing. Pedagogically,applications for the
, most students Page 22.1314.9find they no longer outperform most of their peers. All students were more confident in theirwriting and speaking preparation at the end of the first year. It may be that through the course oftheir first year, they found their writing and speaking abilities were on the same level as theirfellow engineering freshmen.Table 7: Comparisons of confidence in preparation at end of first year by quartiles based onPSVT:R score. p’s reported inside table are statistical significance of difference between aresponse and the response from the group that scored 21 and below on the PSVT:R. PSVT:R score 28
bending configurations.On the first day of class, the students form teams of 5 to 6 students per team. Each team picks itschoice of a vehicle, machine or system from which they will pick all mechanical components foranalysis and design in the course. Each team is required to carry out four mechanical componentprojects and write project reports and make presentations. Each project covers a time period ofthree to four weeks. For example, fasteners and springs projects are projects that require threeweeks; bearings and gears projects require four weeks. Each team makes a presentation on eachof the four projects during the semester. The presentations are judged by engineers fromindustry.The reports and presentations are required to cover analysis and
capital among three cohorts of first-year engineering students.AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education of students of all ages and challenged teachersand academic support services to make major adaptations to continue to support student learningwhile also limiting the spread of the virus. Our team received an NSF grant in the Fall of 2018 tobroaden participation in engineering by recruiting and retaining students who have beenhistorically marginalized in engineering. We focused our research on first-year students whoparticipated in pathway programs which provided peer and formal mentoring, success coaching,shared classes, and social activities, that would provide a sense of community and sharedengineering identity for participants