technologies affect institutions, governments, international relations, national security.• Global knowledge circulation is now the norm and accelerating, powered by ICTs and Internet.• Nations, urban centers are shaped by, and compete for, SET assets, R&D, education and an innovation ecology .Global Grand Challenges are increasing - cooperationand pooling of S&T, engineering assets are seminal tomeet them, foster international stability and prosperity. U.S. National Security Strategy Obama AdministrationWe must first recognize that our strength and influence abroad begins with steps we take at home. We must educate our children to compete in an age where knowledge is capital, and the marketplace is global.We must
, experiments, and physicalmeasurements. The following transfer function model is used to design and simulate the PIcontroller, Θ(s) 1 kb N = 2 (1) E in (s) s La (N 2 J m + J L )s2 + [La (N 2bm + bL ) + Ra (N 2 J m + J L )]s + Ra (N 2b m +bL ) + k b N 2 The model accounts for armature inductance and resistance, gear ratio, the motor inertia androtational damping. To more accurately model the dynamics of the motor, an alternative modelthat incorporate the stick-slip torque, Tf, and the motor saturation voltage, Vsat, was implementedin MATLAB
mechanicalengineering programs1,2. It is common for the content of such a course to begin with particledynamics. For such analyses the student need only know the mass of the particle(s) involved;usually given in the problem. The course content progresses to rigid body dynamics. With theintroduction of rigid bodies, an understanding of the distribution of the mass within the body isrequired. Typically, however, that said distribution is again given or is readily determined. As aresult, students tend to view the inertial properties of a body as a trivial input to a mathematicalproblem; similar to the length of a connector or the mass of a component. In reality, determiningthe inertia properties of a real structure can be quite challenging.The project presented
(1) (2) PlannerDepartmental Responsibility P SBudget Responsibility P SLiaison with Outside Interests P SResearch Administration S PGraduate Program Conceptualization P SGraduate Program Concept Development P S SDistance Hybrid Program Development S P SPhD Program P SDistance Learning P SDistance Learning Programs
generate the results plots are also programmed intomacros.IV. References1 Wosu, S., Lovell, M., and Goldbach, R., “Pitt Engineering Career Access Program: Building aPipeline for Success through Project CARE”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference& Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, (2004).2 Leake, J.M., “Development of an Advanced Course in Computer-Aided Design, Analysis, andPrototyping”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Societyfor Engineering Education, (2004).3 Chattopadhyay, S., “Teaching of Design in Various Academic Settings”, Proceedings of the2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education,(2004).4 Hagigat, C., “Using Finite
) ( Var [ Ccrit ] = Ca + Cb + Cc − CaCb − CbCc − CaCc /18 2 2 2 ) (4)Equation 3 and 4 provide a direct method for calculating the variance of each critical element.In order to avoid complex interdependency problems that would weaken the meaning ofoutput from BCRA, one should eliminate interdependencies between critical elements [1].In this situation, one can use the addition property to summate the total variance of the totalcost for the project. Thus, for critical elements, the total variance of the total cost ( S 2 ) canbe broken down into the variance of Local subtotal cost ( S
Linguistics. 2. Brown, T. B., Mann, B., Ryder, N., Subbiah, M., Kaplan, J., Dhariwal, P., ... Amodei, D. (2020). Language models are few-shot learners. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.14165. 3. Black, S., Gao, L., Wang, P., Leahy, C., Biderman, S. (2021). GPT-Neo: Large Scale Autoregressive Language Modeling with Mesh-Tensorflow (1.0) [Software]. Zenodo. 4. Touvron, H., Lavril, T., Izacard, G., Martinet, X., Lachaux, M.-A., Lacroix, T., ... Lample, G. (2023). Llama: Open and efficient foundation language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13971. 5. Liu, Y., Ott, M., Goyal, N., Du, J., Joshi, M., Chen, D., Levy, O., Lewis, M., Zettlemoyer, L., Stoyanov, V
controlgroup of non-participants were surveyed using an amended S-STEM survey developed by theFriday Institute for Engineering Education at North Carolina State University. The generalstudent body’s perceptions decreased over time towards STEM between 6th and 8th grade forboth boys and girls; girls had lower STEM attitudes when compared to their male peers. Girlswho participated in the program over the course of at least two semesters saw an increase in theirSTEM attitudes while those who did not participate saw a decrease over the multiple semestersof surveys. Exposure to STEM through general enrichment opportunities did not show ameasurable correlation with interest and participation in STEM. Rather, the biggest indicator ofSTEM interest was access
of origami task (O-folding instructions 19 . LI-2).Modules were provided online via the course management system. Participants had one week tocomplete each module and submit the appropriate task deliverable(s) via the online system. Thedeliverable for each origami-based module was a photograph of the object(s) they created (Figure2). The deliverable for each CAD-based module was a SketchUp file of their final drawing(s)(Figure 4). Figure 4: Deliverable of CAD task (C-LI-1).Figure 3: Example of CAD task (C-LI-1) mul-tiview orthographic drawings
students’ experiences as they leave their capstone(aka senior) design courses and enter engineering workplaces. The project is currently in itsinitial phase, with instrument development and pilot testing currently underway.Multiple studies show significant gaps between school and work with respect to engineeringpractice 1-3. That gap is clear, for example, in a recent American Society of MechanicalEngineering (ASME) survey that found weaknesses among new graduates in skills includingpractical experience, systems perspectives, project management, problem solving, and design 4, 5.Equally important, industry supervisors identified such gaps more frequently than early careerengineers or academic department heads 4, reinforcing Stevens et al.’s claim
practice: Implications for engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 86(2), 133-138.[5] Pappas, J., & Pappas, E. (2003, June 22-25). Creative thinking, creative problem-solving, and inventive design in the engineering curriculum: A review. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee.[6] Dutson, A. J., Todd, R. H., Magleby, S. P., & Sorensen, C. D. (1997). A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project‐Oriented Capstone Courses. Journal of Engineering Education, 86(1), 17-28.[7] Jansson, D. G., & Smith, S. M. (1991). Design fixation. Design Studies, 12(1), 3-11.[8] Purcell, A. T
). Figure 2 shows schematically the projection of the surfaces on the planes P= const and T = const (T 0 (14) ⎢⎣⎝ ∂v ⎠ s ⎝ ∂s ⎠ v ⎝ ∂v ⎠ s ⎥⎦Applying the following Maxwell relation ⎛ ∂P ⎞ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ =−⎜ ⎟ (15) ⎝ ∂s ⎠ v ⎝ ∂v ⎠ sEquation (14) can also be represented as ⎡⎛ ∂P ⎞ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ⎛ ∂P ⎞ 2 ⎤ D = − ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ > 0 (16) ⎢⎣⎝ ∂v ⎠ s ⎝ ∂s ⎠ v ⎝ ∂s ⎠ v ⎥⎦Since ds and dv are arbitrary, it
ethics and social responsibility and how these views are influenced byorganizational/institutional cultures. We anticipate that our findings will also benefit engineeringstakeholders in both academia and industry, namely by generating new insights about what typesof learning environments and experiences have the biggest impacts on how engineering studentsand professionals perceive and practice ethics, social responsibility, and related concerns.AcknowledgmentsThese materials are based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant Nos. 1449479, 2024301, and 2130924. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in these materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views
Scholars Program” Award # 1153281AbstractThe National Science Foundation awarded the University of Southern Maine with a grant forSTEM Opportunities for Academically Capable and Financially Needy Students entitled the“University of Southern Maine STEM Scholars Program,” Award # 1153281. At the completionof our fifth year, this poster presentation provides an opportunity to present data on the successof our S-STEM program, as well as share some of the best practices learned and applied. TheUSM STEM Scholars Bridge Program has been a model for blending the elements ofrecruitment, retention, and placement into an integrated, comprehensive but non-intrusiveprogram that promotes student success in transitioning from high schools and communitycolleges
):902–18.4. Diekman AB, Brown ER, Johnston AM, Clark EK. Seeking congruity between goals and roles: a new look at why women opt out of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers. Psychol Sci. United States; 2010;21(8):1051–7.5. Cheryan S, Master A, Meltzoff AN. Cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers: increasing girls’ interest in computer science and engineering by diversifying stereotypes. Front Psychol. 2015;6:49.6. Ridgeway CL, Correll SJ. Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations. Gend Soc. 2004;18(4):510–31.7. Charles M, Bradley K. Indulging Our Gendered Selves? Sex Segregation by Field of Study in 44 Countries. Am J Sociol. 2009;114(4
results. Based on the emergence of multi-disciplinary storiesrelated to access, pathways, and persistence, it seems likely that this work will need to bepublished in multiple papers.Conference PresentationsTo reach key stakeholders who teach subdisciplines of engineering, we have had our proposals topresent panels sessions at ASEE 15 accepted for Chemical Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, and Industrial Engineering. Page 26.11.7Publications Related to this GrantJournal Publications1. Ohland, M. W., S. M. Lord, and R. A. Layton, “Student Demographics and Outcomes in Civil Engineering in the U.S.,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering
multilevel signaling (8-PAM) scheme in system reduces the channel symbol rate to one third of that of a conventional 2-PAM transceiver. iii) This symbol rate reduction lowers both the intersymbol interference (ISI) in the channel and the maximum required on-chip clock frequency. iv) In the Data Transceiver System, the receiver oversamples with three fully differential 3-bit ADCs. The dataflow will transmit up to 1.3 Gb/s. v) The transmission will be tested, measured and analyzed according to bit error rate of pattern bit sequence transmission, to evaluate the performance of the prototype5. System ArchitectureFigure 1 shows the block diagram of the transceiver operational chip-to-chip
length of the data presented. Thisindicates that models optimized with cognitive features are particularly adept at distinguishingbetween binary outcomes. The most accurate predictions were made by ChatGPT 4.0 (as shownin Figure 3(b)), achieving an accuracy of 67% with 2-week data, and improving to 69% accuracyfor both 4-week and 8-week datasets. Nonetheless, when tasked with a more nuanced four-classclassification using only cognitive features, the accuracy across all three datasets falls below50%.The incorporation of background features (C + B) notably enhances binary classificationaccuracy. For example, ChatGPT 4.0’s accuracy for 2-week data improved to 73%, and furtherincreased to 75% and 77% with 4-week and 8-week data, respectively. Gemini
curriculums during 1990‘s. Students’ conceptual view of the functionwas defined in [5] that relied on Piaget’s study of functions in 1977 that helped forming action-process-objectidea in mathematics education [15]. In 1996, APOS theory is applied in [1] to mathematical topics (mostlyfunctions) and the theory is explained to be the combined knowledge of a student in a specific subject based onPiaget‘s philosophy. The main idea of APOS theory is to observe conceptual construction of subjects on sub-concepts and schemas and the construction of a specific concept depends on knowledge of other concepts. Forinstance, the differential of a composition function would require the conceptual understanding of functions,composition of functions, domain of a
autonomy and UAV dynamics. They alsolearned to do the scientific literature review, and had an opportunity to improve written and oralcommunication skills. The participants were required to present a poster, give an oralpresentation of the research, and submit abstract (s) to student and/or professional conferences[1].In addition, the students participated in a series of research symposium and seminars designed toexpose them to a range of research topics, and engaged in professional development activitiesSeveral workshops were conducted throughout the 8- or 10-week periods that included Ethics inEngineering and Science, Graduate School Application Process and Financial Support, ResumeBuilding, Improving Oral and Written Presentation Skills, and
Paper ID #37470WIP: Incremental innovation training as a means forpercolating faculty teaching culture change-A First LookRujun GaoM Cynthia Hipwell (Oscar S. Wyatt, Jr. '45 Chair II Professor)Chris Seets naMindy BergmanArun R Srinivasa (Assistant Professor) Dr Srinivasa is the Holdredge Paul professor and Associate Head of the Department for the UG progam at the Mike Walker '77 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. He obtained his Phd in Mechanics from UC Berkeley and has been active in pedagogical research and faculty development apart from his research work in Mechanics. He was the
(FYEE) Conference Facilitating Pathways to Engineering: First Year Summer ExperienceProposal AbstractThe [SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING] is a limited enrollment program at the [UNIVERSITY].Unfortunately, not all students who are interested in studying engineering are directly admittedinto the [SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING], but instead are admitted into [UNIVERSITY]’sDivision of Letters and Sciences (L&S). There are many students of minoritized identities (suchas women and racial/ethnic minoritized students) who are not directly admitted into the[SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING], but instead are admitted to the L&S division. Students notdirectly admitted will later have the opportunity to re-apply to the
. Figure 3. Block diagram and SIMULINK model for the 1DOF systemAssume the mass of a printed circuit board (“PCB”) board M is 25 gram and the spring constantK is 40 N/mm. The input half-sine function is defined by the JEDEC standard as peakacceleration A0 is 1500 Gs and time duration ϖ is 0.5 milliseconds. With these parameters definedin the MATLAB/SIMULINK model, the input pulse and system dynamic response for the outputdisplacement and acceleration are obtained in Figures 4-6. The horizontal axis is time (s) and thevertical axis is the input excitation corresponding to Gs, displacement (m), and acceleration (Gs),respectively. The output displacement oscillates up and down with the same peak value
no practical reason why the broadeneddefinition cannot be applied to B4.1 as well, the B4.1 standard is intended for cylindrical partsonly.When utilizing the metric system it is important to provide students with an understanding of thepreferred numbering system. The preferred numbering system in the inch system is a bitconvoluted. The inch system actually has two preferred numbering systems: • Fractional based: We prefer whole numbers to fractions. We prefer 1/2’s to 1/4’s; 1/4’s to 1/8’s; 1/8’s to 1/16’s, etc. • Decimal based: We prefer whole numbers to decimal increments. We prefer .1’s to .01’s; .01’s to .001’s; .001’s to .0001’s, etc.Knut O. Kveneland is the chair of the ANSI B4.2 standard and the author of Metric
consists of course-level grade-book entries, Term GPAat MSOE and FHL, and Cumulative GPA at MSOE. The data then is compared to the data ofnon-exchange students at MSOE and FHL, respectively. This allows a one-to-one comparisonbetween exchange and non-exchange students without the need of additional academicperformance assessment measures and procedures. Since the curriculum of the exchangeprogram underwent a major change in 2001, only cumulative data from 2003 onward isdemonstrated here. This corresponds to data of 58 MSOE and 31 FHL exchange students.The Term GPA and Cumulative GPA of all MSOE exchange students is shown in Figure 5. Thehorizontal axis gives either the corresponding academic quarter at MSOE (F - Fall, W - Winter, S- Spring) for
research and a fertile newway to understand the underlying social, motivational, and cognitive dimensions of conceptualchange.References 1. Streveler, R., T. A. Litzinger, R. L. Miller and P. S. Steif (2008). Learning conceptual knowledge in the engineering sciences: Overview and future research directions. Journal of Engineering Education 97(3). 2. Brown, S. and D. Lewis (2007). Student Understanding of Normal and Shear Stress and Deformations in axially loaded members. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, KY. 3. Brown, S., D. Montfort and K. Findley (2007a). Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Bending Stress Tutorial. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Milwaukee, WI
of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Educationacetate in water as the feed. The mixture flowed upward in the packed bed at varyingtemperatures from 22°C to 60°C at increments of 5°C and at feed flowrates between 1.0 mL/s and3.5 mL/s. At steady state, about 100mL of the effluent was collected in a graduated cylinder foreach run and the solution was titrated with Sodium Hydroxide to determine the outletconcentration of acetic acid, from which stoichiometry provided the concentration of ethylacetate. To determine the RTD, about 15 liters of deionized water was poured into the feed tankand was run through the reactor. For a specified feed
analysis should be always performed in the following order: 1. Biasing point calculation 2. Calculation of small signal parameters 3. Gain, input and output resistance calculationThis paper is also organized in that way. iD D G + + VGS - S VGX RS - X Fig. 1
‟s College and University(larger programs) by the Carnegie Classifications system. With the vision of becoming ametropolitan research university of distinction, BSU is transforming from a teaching-based to aresearch-based university. Embracing this transformation, BSU‟s College of Engineering seeksto establish balanced workloads between teaching and scholarly activities among its faculty byproviding appropriate evaluation, rewards, and support. During the 2009-2010 academic year,the college‟s Teaching and Learning Committee conducted a survey with the full-time facultymembers to better understand their perceptions about the current workload ratio betweenteaching and scholarly activities, the current evaluation and reward systems, and
M , is given by M = n 2 (n 0 1)2 . 15 2 Let [(s; t); (x; y