on the Drexel NAE Grand Challenges NSF GK12 Program. In this role, Jared has spent the past three years bringing modern scientific perspectives to Philadelphia High Schools and Secondary Schools in East Africa.Ms. Jamie Lyn Kennedy, Drexel UniversityJessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng.)Dr. Adam K Fontecchio, Drexel University (Eng.) Page 21.21.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Engineering Visiting Fellows: A modular, low-cost model for scalable, university-facilitated international K-12 partnerships in engineering
Page 21.55.2partnerships and collaborations”. The strategic plan went on to say that, “As science and1engineering (S&E) expertise and infrastructure advance across the globe, it is expected that theUnited States will increasingly benefit from international collaborations and a globally engagedworkforce leading to transformational S&E breakthroughs.”6 The 2010 Globalization of Scienceand Engineering Research report further highlights how the data show a global recognition ofthe need to move towards knowledge intensive economies and the important role that scienceand technology plays in “generating new jobs, economic prosperity, responses to national issuesand/or global challenges, and global competitiveness”7The importance of placing
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://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/reports.shtml2. Chen, Shaohua and Ravallion, Martin, The Developing World is Poorer than We Thought, But No Less Successful in the Fight Against Poverty. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4703, 2008. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=12595753. C.K.Prahalad and A. Hammond, Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably. Harvard Business Review, September 20024. Yunus, Muhammad, Building Social Business. (PublicAffairs, New York, 2010, ISBN 978-1-58648-824-6.)5. Polak, Paul, Out of Poverty. (BK, 2008, ISBN 978-1-57675-449-8.)6. S. Keates, P.J. Clakrson, L. Harrison, P. Robinson, Towards a Practical Inclusive Design Approach, CUU '00 Proceedings on the 2000 conference on Universal
] Joyce Lau, “Bigger Proportion of US Students Interested in Going Overseas, Bigger share of students in U.S. might study abroad,” The New York Times, March 11, 2013[16] Kishore Mahbubani, “5 Lessons America Can Learn From Asia About Higher Education,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2010[17] SUNY Korea official web site, http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr[18] C. Capria and I. Kao, “International Research and Education Collaboration and the Game of Baseball Have Much in Common,” in the International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2009), Seoul, Korea, August, 2009[19] I. Kao, C. Capria, and S. H. Chang, “International Research Collaboration in Engineering: academic and cultural enriching experience in research and