) for the RIT NSF ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant. The goal of this large-scale ($3.4M), multi-year university-level organizational transformation effort is to increase the representation and advancement of women STEM faculty. At the university level, she serves as Senior Faculty Associate to the Provost for ADVANCE and co-chairs the President’s Commission on Women.Prof. Maureen S. Valentine, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST) Professor Maureen Valentine, P.E. has been a faculty member at the Rochester Institute of Technology for 23 years. She has served in many rolls, including teaching faculty, Department Chair, Director of Women in Technology and Associate Dean of the College of Applied Science and
instruction. College teaching, 44(2), 43-47. 2. Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. PNAS 11 (23), 8410- 8415.3. Jungst, S., Likclider, L. L., & Wiersema, J. (2003). Providing Support for Faculty Who Wish to Shift to a Learning-Centered Paradigm in Their Higher Education Classrooms. The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3(3), 69-81.4. Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (1996). Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction. College teaching, 44(2), 43-47.5. Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research
information science; her industry experience includes systems analysis and cognitive science applications. She is one of the Principal Investigators on two NSF S-STEM and one NSF ADVANCE-PAID grants. With a life-long interest in technology and its potential for enhancing human capabilities, her research includes advances in analytics, motivated system energetics, and other topics relative to knowledge-intensive systems.Dr. Karinna M Vernaza, Gannon University Dr. Karinna Vernaza joined Gannon University in 2003, and she is currently a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department and Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Business. She earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University
increase the representation and advancement of women STEM faculty. At the university level, she serves as Senior Faculty Associate to the Provost for ADVANCE and co-chairs the President’s Commission on Women. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Into the Light: Diffusing controversy and increasing transparency in the faculty salary equity study processABSTRACTWomen are underrepresented in most science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)disciplines within academe and the workforce. In response, the National Science Foundationlaunched the ADVANCE grant program in the early 2000’s to fund efforts which increase therepresentation of women STEM faculty and academic leaders
any credence or acknowledge it. We’rehere to do a job.” However, she stated that at times she felt like she was “back in the 1980’s.”However, another faculty member said that she had not felt either advantaged or disadvantagedfor being a woman in engineering. Finally, an associate professor in a different department alsoreported a strong amount of support from both male and female colleagues at ResearchUniversity I. Yet, she described a “systemic bias” during her graduate and postdoctoral careerthat caused some of her female peers to decide not to seek a faculty position. She recalled, “I hada lot of friends who wanted to be faculty and they just got tired. They got tired of constantlyfighting.” At Research University III, women faculty
racial and ethnic microaggressions scale (REMS): Construction, reliability, and validity. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 470–480.8. Pierce, C., Carew, J., Pierce-Gonzalez, D., & Willis, D. (1978). An experiment in racism: TV commercials. In C. Pierce (Ed.), Television and education (pp. 62–88). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.9. Harwood, S. A., Choi, S., Orozco, M., Browne Huntt, M., & Mendenhall, R. (2015). Racial microaggressions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Voices of students of color in the classroom. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL.10. Sue, D. W. (2010). Microaggressive impact on education and teaching: Facilitating difficult dialogues on race in the classroom. In
about your engineering workplace experiences. • Tell me about critical moments for you related to engineering. What experiences have tended to draw you towards, or push you away from, engineering? Phase 2 • What led you to your original degree ? • Does anything tempt you to leave your position as ? • Could you describe in as much detail as possible your present work environment? • What is the worst work environment you’ve ever had? What made it “the worst”? • What do you see as barrier(s) to advancement in your present workplace
top researchers across the country. It is preciselythis type of success that ADVANCE grants like ours are designed to foster. Supporting thesuccess of women faculty increases the success of us all. We are thrilled to have been one ofthe catalysts of this effort.” It is the hope that the events that have been created will serve asa model for students, new faculty, and other universities to pursue their passion, collaboratewith colleagues across departments, and engage with the community to create a rich,dynamic, and energizing academic culture.References:1. Anderson, W.A., U. Banerjee, C. Drennan, S. Elgin, I. Epstein, J. Handelsman, G. Hatfull, R. Losick, D. O'Dowd, and B.M. Olivera, Science education. Changing the culture of
, Susan; Wiens, Gloria J.; Kazerounian, Kazem; Allen, Janet Katherine; and Jacobson, Kathy. Broadening Participation: A Report on a Series of Workshops Aimed at Building Community and Increasing the Number of Women and Minorities in Engineering Design, .Mechanical Engineering Conference Presentations, Papers, and Proceedings 2013, Paper 11.3. Williams, W. M. & Ceci, S. J. National hiring experiments reveal 2:1 faculty preference for women on STEM tenure track. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 5360-5365, doi:10.1073/pnas.1418878112 (2015).4. Hager, M. A., Engagement Motivations in Professional Associations. Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol 43 (2S), Pg. 39S-60S (2013).5. Parker, M., Welch