measure several factors related to how students felt about their place in the engineeringcommunity, their attitudes towards engineering, and their perceptions about their future inengineering. In this study, we examined survey data for a subset of the population, first-generationcollege students. Students were asked to indicate their parents’ level of education, and those whoreported both parents/guardians obtained “less than a high school diploma,” “high schooldiploma/GED,” or “some college or associate/trade degree” were classified as first-generationcollege students. Students who reported parent(s)/guardian(s) completed a “bachelor’s degree” or“master’s degree or higher” were classified as continuing-generation college students. Of the
, students indicated whether they had no computer science,introductory computer science, or advanced/PA computer science and if they had taken the APComputer Science A or Computer Science Principles and/or IB Computer Science exams andtheir score(s). For Physics, …. Students in both courses indicated their highest level of highschool mathematics (algebra; geometry; trigonometry/pre-calculus; calculus; advanced calculusor higher) and whether they had taken an AP examination in Calculus and/or an IB exam inMathematics and their score(s). Participants then completed the measures of efficacy, mindset, belongingness, and goalaffordances described above. 2) Post-exam survey. Participants who had completed the intake survey received anemail