EvaluationDr. David S. Knight, The University of Texas at El Paso David Knight is Associate Director of the Center for Education Research and Policy Studies and assistant professor in the department of Educational Leadership and Foundations at The University of Texas at El Paso. His research examines educator labor markets, school finance, and cost-effectiveness analysis. He received his PhD in urban education policy and MA in economics from the University of Southern California and bachelor’s degrees in economics and anthropology from the University of Kansas.Mrs. Elizabeth Fomby Hall, The University of Texas at El Paso Elizabeth Hall, M.A., serves as manager for the CAHSI INCLUDES Alliance, as well as assistant direc
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ResearchInfrastructure Improvement Award # IIA-1348352. We would like to thank the UNHCooperative Extension field specialists Sarah Grosvenor and Claes Thelemarck for theircurriculum development work and inquiry-based teaching methods utilized in the summerprogram. We are also thankful to all participating CTE directors' support and collaboration.References[1] S. Grover and R. Pea, "Computational Thinking in K–12: A Review of the State of the Field. Educational Researcher," vol. 42, issue 1, pp. 38-43, 2013.[2] J. Peckham, L. Harlow, D. Stuart, B. Silver, H. Mederer, and P. Stephenson, "Broadening participation in computing: issues and challenges," In Proceedings of the 12th Annual SICSE Conference on Innovation and technology in computer science
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