but I think sometimes the joking around or pushing each other around can come in many forms and it’s not always just physically pushing each other around, it can kind of be like a mental push around too. Girls and guys can have different levels of experience or strength in either of those.From this analysis, the spectrum for this dimension is a little more nuanced than the previoustwo. Understanding of systems of power necessitates the identification of the individualisticframework Brett is operating from in the scenario, while examining the scenario itself from asystems framework (such as in S4’s response). Lower levels of understanding would entail anidentification of both frameworks but an inconsistency in which they use those
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made to the transcript with the participants’ comments, and itdramatically changed the meaning of the focus groups.Missed Opportunity: The participants had to reach out to us to suggest member checking. We couldhave been proactive on this front.Communication & Dissemination ScenarioOne of our colleagues did research on AIDS in S. Africa and created a public health pamphlet todistribute based on the findings. (success!)Two of us did not deliver results from our dissertations to the communities involved in a timelymanner, even though there were actionable recommendations embedded in the results. (missedopportunity)Critical Research Question Guide Engagement 25 minutes(5 minutes) Participants will be prompted to read through CRQG, considering
).EverydayCognition:ItsDevelopmentinSocial Context,Cambridge,MA:HarvardUniversityPress. Secules,S.,A.Gupta,A.Elby,E.Tanu,SupportingtheNarrativeAgencyofa MarginalizedEngineeringStudent,JournalofEngineeringEducation107(2),1-33, 2018 Turner,D.W.,III(2010).Qualitativeinterviewdesign:Apracticalguidefornovice investigators.TheQualitativeReport,15(3),754-760 U.S.CentersforDiseaseControl(2016).YouthRisksBehaviorSurvey. Woods,D.R.(1994).Problem-BasedLearning:HowtoGaintheMostinPBL, Waterdown,Ontario:D.R.WoodsPublishing. 17