en- gineering college teachers and industry professionals, nationally and internationally. He is also in charge of the newly formed Teaching Learning Centre, arguably the first such centre among the institutes of higher technical education in the country. The Centre has organized programs which enhance the teach- ing learning process among the faculty and students of the Institute, like the Faculty Development and Teaching Assistant Training Programs. He is also Professor in Charge of the IIT Madras Heritage Centre and founder-convener of the IIT Madras Energy Forum.Prof. Pramod S. Mehta, Indian Institute of Technology Madras Professor Pramod S. Mehta is presently a senior professor in the Department of Mechanical
presidentiste@gmail.com Abstract Technology has been changing very rapidly during the last few decades. Thisrapidity of change brings tremendous pressure on the educational system to identifywhat is basic and must be taught & learnt, and what needs to be imparted through selflearning or continuing education programs. The challenge for India is to build technicalskills into the mindboggling mass of working age professionals. It is clear therefore thatthe prospect of economic prosperity for India is critically predicated on the strengths ofIndia‟s technical education. Milton Freedman, a Nobel Prize winning economist observedthat, “the great untapped resource of technical and scientific knowledge available
of SEEM, Fellow of IETE. Revised ” A Text-Book of Electrical Technology-Transmission, Distribution and Utilisation”: Volume III by B.L.Theraja for M/s. S.Chand and Publication, New Delhi. Page 17.41.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES IN INTERNATIONALCOLLABORATION IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION – FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Prof. Mohan Khedkar, Vice-Chancellor, Sant Gadge