Daniel Schrage, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael Richey, The Boeing Company; Kenneth McPherson, The Boeing Company; Xavier Fouger, Dassault Systemes; Cedric Simard, Dassault Systemes
Xiaobo Peng, Prairie View A&M University; Katie Grantham Lough, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Benjamin Dow, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Edward Lumsdaine, Michigan Technological University; Josh Loukus, Michigan Technological University; Jason Dreyer, Michigan Technological University; Steve Chenoweth, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Monika Lumsdaine, E&M Lumsdaine Solar Consultants, Inc.
Ibibia Dabipi, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Bryan Burrows-McElwain, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Anthony Stockus, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Christopher Hartman, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore