Paper ID #242512018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and ComputingDiversity Conference: Crystal City, Virginia Apr 29A Review of Bias in Peer AssessmentJacklin Hope Stonewall, Iowa State University Jacklin Stonewall is a Ph.D. student in the Departments of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engi- neering and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. Her research interests include: gender HCI, decision support systems, sustainability, and the creation of equitable cities and classrooms.Prof. Michael Dorneich, Iowa State University Dr. Michael C. Dorneich is an Associate Professor at Iowa State
science courses with content only 10% to Hispanics/Latinos [5]—these numbers are farrelated to biology, (2) cohorts of students that progress lower than one would expect based on these groups’ sharethrough the program together, and (3) a small group peer of the population. Indeed, today CS remains one of thementoring environment, and (4) facilitated least diverse STEM disciplines. In addition to signaling ainterdisciplinary research projects. Graduates from this substantial problem with educational equity [6], societyprogram, referred to as "PINC" - Promoting INclusivity in has increasingly come to realize that this lack of diversityComputing - will receive a
having “complained” about white,heteronormative masculinity in mathematics and: According to Professor Luis Leyva, children are implicaitly taught from an early age to associate innovate problem-solving with masculinity while viewing conformity and "meekness" as feminist traits.14 [sic]The piece contains so many typos it is unintelligible and Leyva’s actual argument is renderedunrecognizable. There was a time when we would have ignored or dismissed such arguments asinvalid, and such shoddy and sloppy writing as drivel. However, many students struggle withinformation literacy and are still developing their ability to evaluate the quality of informationand argument; we cannot afford to ignore this reality. 22It is crucial in our