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Conference Session
Technical Session M1
2022 First-Year Engineering Experience
Erica J Marti, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Works In Progress
,contract grading is associated with building equity and inclusion [9]. However, not all authorsagree on the merits of contract grading [10].Contract grading has been used more often in writing courses and is notably promoted by AsaoInoue [1,9]. In examining existing literature, there are very few examples of contract grading inengineering courses [11]; no published articles from the United States were found. However,contract grading is especially applicable in process-oriented courses, and it may increase studentaccountability since they know the requirements at the onset of the class. In addition, contractgrading systems where students can repeat an assignment that falls below a threshold (i.e.mastery learning) may be advantageous for students in