the so-called “six themes of Six Sigma”: genuine focus on the customer; data andfact driven management; processes are where the action is; proactive management; boundary-less collaboration; and drive for perfection-tolerate failure [1], this paper unpacks thecollaborative processes and perspectives by which this course was developed and continues toevolve and improve. Authors suggest that collaborative industry/academic efforts may benefitby reflecting upon their work product through the six themes of Six Sigma as an alternativeassessment framework to traditional academic assessment approaches.IntroductionSix Sigma – An improvement mindsetSix Sigma is a quality management system that swept the industrial sector in the 1990’s andbecame
words in which word size reflects frequency. Page 26.957.7 Figure 1 Schematic of the relative importance and types of skills for entrylevel employees Recommendations Sabbaticals are an opportunity for renewal and growth. While faculty have many opportunities available to them during sabbatical, including research projects and different teaching experiences, the author is a strong advocate for industrybased sabbaticals, especially for those faculty who have limited industry experience or who regularly teach courses with industry connections, such as capstone design. As the author discovered on her industryimmersion
ensure teams are inclusive and diverse. With a clearmessage delivered from the leadership, student, experiential-learning, engineering competitionteams can become early incubators of the diversity and inclusion ideals that are promoted byindustry.AcknowledgmentThe authors gratefully acknowledge the funding that makes this work possible from the NationalScience Foundation's Directorate of Undergraduate Education's STEM Talent ExpansionProgram Grant No. DUE-1068453. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.Bibliography1. National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics