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Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2 - Student Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University
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Track 1 - Student Development
value.Shallow forward inferencing was credited to the student if the student selected a  Forces or Moment equation that could immediately yield a value for a variable in the problem (the firstcriterion above) but one or more of the other criteria was lacking.The following predictions were made for this study:  IIT-KGP students would show relatively strong evidence of deep forward inferencing  deep forward inferencing is a sufficient, but not necessary, marker of problem solving ability  deep forward inferencing would be associated with high ability, as reflected in cumulative grade-point averages (GPA).The reasoning for these predictions is as follows. The first prediction was made because thestringent admission standards
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2 - Student Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Jennifer DeBoer, SPEED
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Track 1 - Student Development
both. Increasingly, debates around quality and adherence todifferent development goals, economies, and technology widely-accepted standards serve to create a consensus aroundenvironments all lead to and indicate different purposes for how much theory and how much practice is needed in theeducation. Some nations built their engineering training engineering curriculum. Accreditation efforts and increasedsystems to serve a more vocational/technical focus, while connectivity between training programs reflect broader pushesothers focus on practical, R&D preparation, and still others for more national education standards in general and coherencefocus on scientific training of advanced
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2 - Student Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Susan M Lord, University of San Diego; Yongming Tang, Southeast University; rong wang, Southeast University; Shen Xu, Southeast University, China
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Track 1 - Student Development
the instructor well. One-third said it was more difficult than expected. Studentsliked the communication in the classroom highlighting the introductions, the relaxed and activeatmosphere, and interaction between teacher and students. About half the class cited Englishlanguage problems as a challenge. Some students admitted that they had forgotten some materialfrom the previous circuits class so had trouble with the in-class problems. Reflections from theinstructor, assistant instructors and administrators showed that the teaching method wasappealing to the students and that the students were able to actively participate in the activelearning activities.IntroductionActive learning is well established as an effective pedagogy in many parts of
Conference Session
Track 1 - Student Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
D. N. Reddy, Indian Society for Technical Education
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Track 1 - Student Development
Universities, Industries and the Government and can expedite the collaboration processes. Project competitions and Conferences and Seminars can facilitate this overcoming of limitations of Formal Education.3.0 Conclusion: Transformation of an Engineering Student to a Global Engineer is much needed to reflect the challenges and opportunities of the unprecedented changes World-Wide. The constraints and barriers that Engineering Education operates in should not be allowed to reduce the pace of this transformation. Professional Societies, through International Collaborations can become key enablers in embedding this dimension at all levels of Engineering education.References : 1. Profile of