Vancouver, BC
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
June 29, 2011
Outreach Projects: Promoting Energy Efficiency and Education in General
Energy Conversion and Conservation
22.168.1 - 22.168.7
Ashley is a Masters student at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, graduating in May of 2011. As a graduate research assistant at the Center for Technology Enhanced Learning, Ashley has developed a passion for the fields of usability and educational research. She has worked on educational course evaluation of two research grants, both in engineering education. In her spare time, she enjoys studying the subjects of human factors and leadership.
Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has over 10 years of research experience in power electronics and automotive systems. He has been involved in many research and educational projects including his NSF CAREER grant which was the first federally-funded research activity in the field of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Dr. Ferdowsi has over six years of teaching experience. He received the Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Award in the 2005 - 2006 academic year. He is a member of IEEE and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and the International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
An Evaluation of an Electric Drive Vehicle Program Based on Student Motivation and Learning EffectivenessElectric drive vehicles (EDVs) are becoming more and more prevalent in today’smarketplace. As such, there is a growing demand for engineers and mechanics thatunderstand these specific types of systems. The U.S. department of Energy recentlyawarded a Midwestern technological research university and partners funding to developa large scale training project. The project includes the development of undergraduate andgraduate curricula and programs at the university level and for community collegevocational programs for mechanics. The project also includes a public disseminationcomponent, including partners from a science center in a large metropolitan area in theMidwest. This program began recently, in the fall of 2010.The purpose of this research is to provide an initial evaluation of the program. A numberof courses will be evaluated, ranging from freshmen to graduate – many being taught forthe first time. Since studies have shown that students who are more motivated andengaged in their major of study have a higher probability of degree completion in thatmajor, this program will be evaluated on not only its educational value, but also itsimpact on student motivation and interest in the field of EDVs. A survey instrument willbe distributed to students enrolled in each course. These will be used for a quantitativeevaluation of learning effectiveness and student engagement. Interviews will beconducted with a random sample of students in each course. Data collected in interviewswill be evaluated qualitatively using Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory approach toidentify key themes in responses and formulate theories to compare with known literatureon engineering motivation.
Banaszek, A., & Hall, R. H., & Ferdowsi, M. (2011, June), An Evaluation of an Electric Drive Vehicle Program Based on Student Motivation and Learning Effectiveness Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17449
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