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ArchiGaming: Finding the Overlap

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs I

Tagged Division

Computing & Information Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

24.193.1 - 24.193.20



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Paper Authors


Jeffrey Chastine Southern Polytechnic State University (ENG)

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Dr. Chastine has both academic and industry experience in mobile and interactive system development. He served as Chief Software Architect at a Manhattan-based mobile media development company developing augmented reality systems. He has also designed and implemented numerous mixed-reality systems for a variety of platforms and clients, including the British pop phenomenon, Duran Duran, and is currently developing augmented reality games for mobile platforms. Academically, he is an active researcher with several ACM and IEEE publications in virtual and augmented reality and has recently published a book chapter in the Handbook for Augmented Reality (Springer). As a graduate student in the Graphics, Visualization, and Usability (GVU) Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology, he contributed to early research in the nascent field of self-harmonizing karaoke software. He currently serves as an Associate Professor in Computer Game Design and Development, teaching courses such as Computer Graphics (OpenGL), 3D Modeling and Animation, and Production Pipeline & Asset Management. He has served in a variety of capacities academically including Interim Department Head, Associate Dean of the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences as well as the Graduate Program Director of the Masters of Archival Studies at Clayton State University

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Charles Richard Cole Southern Polytechnic State University

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Richard Cole is a professor and dean of the School of Architecture and Construction Management at Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, GA. He has been an educator for thirty years and has maintained an architectural practice for thirty-five years. His interest in cross-disciplanary design has led him to the investigation of computer game design as a new paradigm for articulating architectural design and presentation.

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Christopher Welty Southern Polytechnic State University

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ArchiGAMING: finding the overlap {Author information removed}Abstract In academic settings, students and researchers are often encouraged to participate in inter-disciplinary collaboration. In practice, one of the challenges that these groups face is the ostensiblydisparate set of expectations of project goals and outcomes. To be successful, collaborators must be bothaware and sensitive to the needs of those outside their discipline. One example of such collaboration isthe integration of gaming elements into different disciplines, commonly known as gamification. Thistopic is relatively new in academia - as is awarding university degrees in computer game design; thediscipline of game design has largely been an investigation within the discipline itself. Likewise,architecture, though much older as a degree-granting discipline, has also used, primarily, conventionalarchitectural projections of orthographic projection and perspective and, more recently, animation. Theunderlying argument of this paper is that a collaborative, cross-disciplinary approach to a design andpresentation project - specifically, architecture and game design - has a synergistic value in the “overlap”or common area of the process and goals of the respective disciplines. This paper reports the concept, process, and results of a multi-year, student/faculty universitycollaborative to explore the potential synergy of digital game design capstone projects and architecturalthesis projects. The research intent of the collaboration was two-fold: establishing a framework thatallowed interdepartmental student and faculty exchange and, more importantly, the manifestation of anew area where the two disciplines cross-pollinate - what the collaborators referred to as “the overlap” orthe identification of the middle ground. It was this interstitial piece between the two disciplines, the zoneof intellectual inquiry and application, that added value to each discipline’s goals. The contributions ofthis paper include an analysis and discussion of this overlap, the procedural framework as well as thecollaborative outcome and perceived value of the exercise. The challenges of communication, meetingthe goals of each discipline, sharing information, team organization, and workflow between two distinctdisciplines are discussed as well. The presentation of this paper will benefit others who desire to advancethe knowledge of gamification of applicable aspects of a discipline through a thorough review of acollaborative process with clear articulation of discipline-specific project goals, design of processes, andbest practices.

Chastine, J., & Cole, C. R., & Welty, C. (2014, June), ArchiGaming: Finding the Overlap Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--20084

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