Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
23.284.1 - 23.284.11
Prof. Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito is professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently Brito is the president of Science and Education Research Council (COPEC), president of Fishing Museum Friends Society (AAMP), president of (Brazilian) National Monitoring Committee of "Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik" (IGIP) and vice-president of International Council on Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH), vice-president of Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization (SHERO), vice-president of Word Council on Communication and Arts (WCCA) and vice-president of Réseau Carthagène d`Ingénierie (Cartagena Network of Engineering). He is chair of Intersociety Cooperation Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc); chairman of Working Group "Ingenieurpädagogik im Internationalen Kontext;" member of the International Monitoring Committee in IGIP, member of the Board of Governors of "International Council for Engineering and Technology Education" (INTERTECH); member of the Board of Governors of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) from 2001 to 2004, from 2008 to 2011, and from 2011 to 2014; member of the Strategic Planning Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc); board member of “Global Council on Manufacturing and Management" (GCMM); and director of Brazilian Network of Engineering (RBE). He was president of Brazilian Chapter of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc); regional secretary of SBPC - Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science; adviser for International Subjects of the Presidency of Brazilian Society for Engineering Education (ABENGE); dean of International Relations of SENAC School of Engineering and Technology; member of Executive Committee of Asociación Iberoamericana de Instituciones de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería – ASIBEI (Iberian-American Association of Engineering Education Institutions); councilor of Urban Development City Council (CMDU); and councilor of Economics Development City Council (CDES). He is member of IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education), SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), INTERTECH (International Council for Engineering and Technology Education) and RCI (Cartagena Network of Engineering). Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito has received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, B.S. in Mathematics, B.S. in Physics, M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering all from the University of São Paulo. His biography has been published in "Who's Who in the World," "Who's Who in America," "Who's Who in Science and Engineering," "Five Thousand Personalities of the World," "Dictionary of International Biography," "Men of Achievement," and various other similar publications. Although born in São Paulo, he received the title of "Santos Citizen” from City of Santos and he was also the first American professor to receive the title of "International Engineering Educator" of IGIP. He has received several international medals, including two by appointment of Queen Elizabeth II of England. He has received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and Technological Cooperation among them: the IEEE Education Society Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award, the IGIP Meritorious Service Award, the Centennial Medal of the Polytechnic School, Award of the International Council on Engineering and Technology Education, Award from the International Council on Engineering and Computer Education, Award from the Global Council on Manufacturing and Management, Award from the Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization, Award from the Word Council on Communication and Arts, Medal of the International Biographical Association, Medal of the International Biographical Centre, Medal of the New York Academy of Sciences and he is in the "Hall of Fame" of The American Biographical Institute. He has over three hundred and fifty published articles in several conferences and journals.
Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently is the President of Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization (SHERO), President of Word Council on Communication and Arts (WCCA) and Vice-President of Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik – IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education), Vice-President of Science and Education Research Council (COPEC), Vice-President of Fishing Museum Friends Society (AAMP). She is Co-Chair of Intersociety Cooperation Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc), Co-Chair of Working Group "Ingenieurpädagogik im Internationalen Kontext" and Member of Executive Committee of IGIP, Member of Board of Governors of "International Council for Engineering and Technology Education" (INTERTECH), Member of Board of Governors of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) in (2002-2005), (2005-2008) , (2009-2012) and (2012-2015), Member of Strategic Planning Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) and Board Member of “Global Council on Manufacturing and Management" (GCMM) She was President of Brazilian Chapter of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc), State Councilor of SBPC - Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science and Manager of International Relations of SENAC School of Engineering and Technology. She is Member of IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education), SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), INTERTECH (International Council for Engineering and Technology Education) and RCI (Cartagena Network of Engineering). She was the first American woman who has received the title “International Engineering Educator” of IGIP. She received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and Technological Cooperation among them: the IEEE Education Society Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award, the IGIP Meritorious Service Award, Award of the International Council on Engineering and Technology Education, Award from the International Council on Engineering and Computer Education, Award from the Global Council on Manufacturing and Management, Award from the Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization and Award from the Word Council on Communication and Arts. She has over two hundred published articles in several conferences and journals.
Vasconcelos has been the associate professor at the Department of Textile Engineering since 2005. She earned a degree in Textile Engineering by the University of Minho. Vasconcelos has been a professor at the University of Minho since 1984. She earned her Ph.D. in Engineering –Technology and Textile Chemistry by the University of Minho in 1993 and the Rieter Award in 1993.
Vasconcelos is responsible for several curricular units in the integrated study cycles; in Textile Engineering and Engineering and Industrial Management; in the 1st cycle courses of Design and Fashion Marketing; and in the 2nd cycle courses of Fashion Design and Communication, Textile Chemistry, Advanced Textiles and Design and Marketing.
Head research and research member of several R&D projects, Vasconcelos has presented many dozens of scientific journal papers and communications in international conferences as either main author or co-author.
Vasconcelos is the president of the Pedagogical Council of the School of Engineering and vice-dean of School of Engineering since 2011.
Born in 1960, Amaral holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems obtained at University of Minho in 1994. He is an associate professor at Department of Information Systems in the School of Engineering of University of Minho where he teaches courses on information systems management and information systems planning to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. He is also involved in research projects in the area of methodologies for organizational intervention activities such as; Information Systems Management, Information Systems Planning and Information Systems Development. Other topics of interest are the adoption process of IT applications by organizations and the curricula for Information Systems professionals. Since 2005 Amaral has been the president of the board of directors of CCG - Centro de Computação Gráfica; Pró-Rector of University of Minho between July 2006 and October 2009; and president of the National College of Informatics (Order of Engineers) since March 2010.
Prof. Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros is a professor at Brazilian Federation of Library Associations, Institutions and Information Scientists (FEBAB). Currently Barros is a researcher professor at Advanced Center for Continuing Education of Teachers of Basic Education (FORMA/IFG) and researcher professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Goias (PUC-GO). Barros is the editor-director of the Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE) and editor-director at the Journal of Education, Technology and Society (JETS). Barros is the editorial chair of the following: Safety, Health and Environment World Congress (SHEWC), International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), World Congress on Communication and Arts (WCCA) and International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH). Executive Secretary of the Science and Education Research Council (COPEC). Barros is a member of the following: the Research Team of Center for Studies and Research Interaction and Food Plants (NEPIAP), Center for Studies and Research in Science Teaching (NEPEC), Center for Research in Education, Management and Environment (NEPEGEM). He has more than 80 papers published in several congresses. He has worked for the development of teaching materials/ instructional in the areas of Computer Science, Information Systems, Digital Institutional Repositories, Information Technology in Education, Distance Learning, Assistive Technology, Inclusive Education, Environment Education, Engineering Education and Applied Probability & Statistics. He has organized more than 20 congresses. He was professor at Goias Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology – IFG and professor at e-learning center E-PROINFO/MEC/UFG that belong to Brazilian government.
CHALLENGING TIME FOR ENGINEERINGThe present world full of challenges and crises of deep consequences to society aswell to environment has a strong incidence in terms of decision making in any field. Itmeans that it is becoming more and more complex and difficult to take decisions dueto the fact that the implications are felt in a faster way and in a larger community. Forengineers the decision process is even more complex once the implications haveserious impact not only to the target customers but also to the society as a whole andto the environment. This is an aspect that shows the necessity for engineers to searchfor the acquisition of an ability to respond to social necessities having in mind thecultural aspects when developing a project. The effects of this aspect in engineeringformation implies in a different approach providing the future engineers a notionabout policy, ethics and social sciences, so important to prepare them to the futurework market that will require the respect and promotion of society and environment asassets. Most of social groups have ambiguous understanding about science andtechnology; some understand it as responsible for the environmental deterioration andthe voracious capitalism and others as the ones responsible for the better quality oflife with the improvement of health systems, agricultural production and otheraccomplishments. Both perceptions are not far from the reality. In any case theimpacts can be seen along the history and more recently with the sophistication of theso called “information society”. This particular “information society” shows howstrong can be the impact of any technology introduced in the society. Real timecommunication, brutal amount of information available have changed drastically howpeople relate, make business and study. Engineering occupies an important role in this“brave new world” and it is in fact crucial for the development of science andtechnology and more important it is responsible for the delivery of such technologieson the service of the betterment of humanity. This aspect may lead to the notion thatengineers should be aware of the responsibility to society as they contribute to itsdevelopment. It is to be aware of the impacts not only environmental but also social ofthe outcomes of projects. Looking closer to the formation of engineers, there is still aprevalence of good technical formation without thinking of a broader knowledgeachievement. This broader achievement is not a recent idea; the French School ofEngineering implemented under Napoleon governance formed the “Mr. Engineer”that prepared leaders with high profile of technical knowledge. Even after theglobalization phenomenon, with all the discussions about introducing humanisticcourses in engineering programs, the results are humble. There is still a difficulty forengineers to address technology to solve social issues rather than to apply technologyregardless social needs. The other point is that the design of a project now for the“informed society” has to take into account the social impacts as well as theenvironmental. So the question is the engineering school preparing the future engineerto perform in the new challenging social environment? If it is possible to suggestsome actions the key is to prepare the future engineers to learn how to work close tothe communities and the governments, addressing the outcomes of the projects tosolve sociotechnological problems.
Brito, C. D. R., & Ciampi, M. M., & Vasconcelos, R. M. C. F., & Amaral, L. A. M., & Barros, V. F. D. A. (2013, June), CHALLENGING TIME FOR ENGINEERING Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19298
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