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Changes in Student Perceptions of Engineering Design During the Completion of a Solid Modeling Course

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Design Pedagogy and Curriculum 1

Tagged Division

Design in Engineering Education

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.285.1 - 23.285.16



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Paper Authors


Steven Joseph Kirstukas Central Connecticut State University

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Steve Kirstukas is an Assistant Professor at CCSU, where he teaches courses in solid modeling, MATLAB programming, and engineering mechanics. He is exploring the use of virtual reality to enhance the engineering design process. He has degrees in civil and mechanical engineering, with a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Steve has worked in industry as a civil engineer, software developer, biomechanics researcher, and mechanical design engineer.

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Nidal Al-Masoud Central Connecticut State University

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Dr. Al-Masoud, Associate Professor, earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York in 2002. Dr. Al-Masoud has taught at both graduate and undergraduate level courses at University at Buffalo, he joined Central Connecticut State University as an Assistant Professor in 2003. At CCSU, he teaches courses at all levels in the three major areas in mechanical engineering, namely: mechanics, Thermo-fluid, and Control Systems and Dynamics. Dr. Al-Masoud research interests are in the fields of Control Systems and Dynamics, HVAC systems, and Engineering Education. He has numerous journal and conference proceeding publications in the aforementioned area, and was the winner of the ASEE Mechanics Division Best paper Award in 2006. He has an extensive experience in Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) design.

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Changes in Student Perceptions of Engineering Design During the Completion of a Solid Modeling CourseAbstractFor several years, we have used evaluations of students’ work in a solid modeling course as partof an assessment and evaluation method for ABET learning outcomes C and K; the ability ofstudents to design a system, component, or process, and to use modern engineering toolsnecessary for successful engineering practice. The evaluation process focuses on the students’ability to apply a specific software package (NX, formerly known as Unigraphics) in asophomore-level course entitled “Computer Aided Design and Integrated ManufacturingCAD/CAM/CIM” where they work on assignments and a self-selected project that involve usingthe software efficiently, creating the correct geometry in both shape and size, and employingconstraint-based solid modeling to transfer design intent from drawing to model. The creation ofpart models, assemblies, and layout drawings is covered. While it is clear and measurable thatstudents come a long way towards mastering these concepts, what we have not known is howtheir perceptions of engineering design have changed during the semester in which theycompleted the solid modeling course. In this study, we follow a cohort of students through afifteen-week solid modeling course. The identical web-based survey is administered during thefirst week and after the fifteenth week of classes. The survey is composed of several open-endedand multiple-choice questions that asks students what they feel are important attributes in solidmodeling and engineering design. Our goal is the development and refinement of a tool that canmeasure the progress of students as their understanding of engineering design evolves from arelatively immature state to a more advanced understanding.

Kirstukas, S. J., & Al-Masoud, N. (2013, June), Changes in Student Perceptions of Engineering Design During the Completion of a Solid Modeling Course Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19299

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