San Antonio, Texas
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
June 13, 2012
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
25.317.1 - 25.317.11
Ken Reid is the Director of First-year Engineering, Director of Engineering Education, and an Associate Professor in electrical and computer engineering and computer science at Ohio Northern University. He was the seventh person in the U.S. to receive a Ph.D. in engineering education from Purdue University. He is active in engineering within K-12, serving on the TSA Board of Directors and 10 years on the IEEE-USA Precollege Education Committee. He was named the Herbert F. Alter Chair of Engineering in 2010. His research interests include success in first-year engineering, introducing entrepreneurship into engineering, and engineering in K-12.
Closing the Assessment Loop: A Faculty Training ProtocolRubrics provide a powerful tool for assessing the effectiveness of class activities designed toadvance specific student learning outcomes. “Closing the loop,” or leveraging assessment datato identify deficiencies in class activities, courses, or programs, and as a guide on how to addressthose identified deficiencies, is a frequent weakness of assessment programs. This paperdescribes a faculty training protocol designed to demonstrate (a) how to assess (score) studentartifacts with a rubric, (b) how insights gained from the assessment can guide programimprovement by identifying weaknesses and suggesting solution paths. For example, is a newassignment needed or does an existing assignment need to be modified?The faculty training protocol requires (a) selecting a rubric for a specific student learningoutcome and (b) an assignment relevant to the learning outcome, and (c) at least two examples ofstudent work generated by the assignment. The student work examples are selected such that oneillustrates high proficiency where the other illustrates low proficiency relative to the learningoutcome. Faculty are first asked to familiarize themselves with the rubric. They then read thestudent assignment. With this foundation in place, faculty are then asked to use the rubric toscore each of the student artifacts. The scores are then aggregated and displayed visually to thefaculty group and used to stimulate discussion. Discussion prompts include: What do you noticeabout the distribution of scores? What do you notice about student artifact X? What do younotice about student artifact Y? What have we learned about the effectiveness of this activity forfurthering the target student learning outcome? What might we change -- i.e., how might we“close the loop” -- as a result? Data and insights from application of this protocol using rubricsassessing student entrepreneurial characteristics to a group (n=23) of faculty will be detailed inthe paper, which will provide a foundation for programs introducing rubrics for assessment.
Reid, K., & Kleine, R. E. (2012, June), Closing the Assessment Loop: A Faculty Training Protocol Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21075
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