Indianapolis, Indiana
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
June 18, 2014
24.278.1 - 24.278.8
My name is Homaira Fayez. I am currently instructor at Herat University Egineering Faculty in Architecture Department. I have received my masters degree from University of Hartford.
Dr. Keshawarz is Professor and Chair of the Civil, Environmental, and Biomedical Engineering at the University. He has led the collaboration efforts between Herat University and the University of Hartford assisted by his colleges at both universities.
Relevant Sessions:1. International Collaboration , Experiences, Partnerships, Service Learning2. Engineering education in developing Countries3. Capacity Building in Engineering in developing countries Collaboration of Afghan and American Universities in Developing a Modern And well Equipped Architecture Program at Herat University in Herat, AfghanistanAbstractHerat architecture in Western Afghanistan has seen better days through its history than what isbeing practiced now. Its civil infrastructure during the Timuried Dynasty 500 years ago wasstructurally sound and aesthetically more pleasing as we see them in the splendid remnants ofthat era. The war of occupation by the Russians and the ensued civil war damaged or destroyedwhatever was left of an architectural style peculiar to Herat. Migration to the neighboringcountries during the war years has brought a hodgepodge of architectural styles from theneighboring countries which do not flow with its environment. One can see examples of RomanArchitecture, Iranian Architecture, Pakistani Style building, and there are some which is hard totell what architectural style has been followed.Through a concerted effort, Herat University in collaboration with the University of Hartford andfunding from the World Bank, USAID, and US Army Corps of Engineers, established anarchitecture program at Herat University in 2010. One of the goals was to educate architecturalprofessionals who would reintroduce unique aspects of Herat architecture into the modern stylesof building design, not only in Herat, but throughout Afghanistan.The first batch of graduates form this program will be graduating in 2014. Unlike other programsin the Faculty of Engineering at Herat University where students are absorbed based on thecapacity of that program, almost all architectural students are admitted based on their ownchoice. The program is very popular with female students with an overall female studentpopulation of 30 percent distributed throughout the three years as 24 percent sophomore, 67percent juniors, and 33 percent senior. The Department Head and one of the professors arefemale who received their master’s degree from the University of Hartford. It is believed thathaving female professor who would be looked at as role models will have a strong effect inattracting such a large percentage of female to the program.This paper will outline in more detail the collaboration between the Herat University and theUniversity of Hartford in establishing the architecture program, its curriculum, student body,equipment, and lessons learned from the collaboration.
Fayez, H., & Keshawarz, M. S. (2014, June), Collaboration of Afghan and American Universities in a New Architectural Engineering Program at Herat University, Afghanistan Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--20169
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