Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
NSF Grantees Poster Session
23.296.1 - 23.296.9
Dr. Weizhao Zhao's fields of study include medical imaging and image processing, image-guided surgical intervention, medical imaging simulation for BME training. At the University of Miami, Dr. Zhao has been the director of the Bioimaging Laboratory; the co-director of the Medical Physics Graduate Program; and an associate professor of Biomedical Engineering, Neurology and Radiology.
Associate Professor Dr. Anthony McGoron received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA and post-doctoral training in Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics from the University of Cincinnati. His first faculty appointment was at UC’s Department of Radiology. He joined FIU in 1999 and was instrumental in the development of the academic programs in Biomedical Engineering (BME). He led the design and implementation of the B.S. in BME program in 2002, its initial ABET accreditation in 2005, re-accreditation in 2008. He served as the founding advisor for the student chapters of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and the Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB) Biomedical Engineering Honor society. In 2010 he was elected National President of AEMB. He served as the interim chair of BME from 2007-2010. The primary focus of Dr McGoron’s research is drug delivery and molecular imaging, primarily for cancer, and specifically the development of multimodal drugs that simultaneously image and provide therapy. Efforts include the development of tissue or cell specific contrast agents and probes (both optical and radioactive) for noninvasive molecular imaging of cellular and tissue characterization, for monitoring toxicity, for tracking the biodistribution of known toxins and drugs, and image guided therapy. Dr McGoron is also developing tools for automatic segmentation and registration of organs and tumors to accurately determine tumor functional and anatomical volumes which is required for accurate dosimetry calculations for image guided therapy and Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) planning.
Dr. Rhodes is a professor of Computer and Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University. His other titles include professor emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, past director of the Georgia Tech Center for Optical Science and Engineering, past director of the Florida Atlantic University Imaging Technology Center, past research director of the Georgia Tech Lorraine, past director of the Georgia Tech Research Institute Electro-Optics Laboratory, editor-in-chief of the Springer Series in Optical Sciences, and editor of the Springer Graduate Texts in Physics series.
Collaborative Development of Internet-Accessible, Interactive, Medical Imaging Teaching Courseware and Application to Undergraduate CurriculaMedical imaging education is interdisciplinary in many engineering programs, most typicallyBiomedical Engineering. Medical imaging techniques involve physics principles, mathematicalderivations, and engineering implementations for image generation, reconstruction, andinstrumentation. Obstacles to medical imaging education include 1) class hours required becauseof the interdisciplinary features, 2) sophisticated mathematical modeling required for manyimaging systems, 3) inaccessibility or local unavailability of the imaging devices. Finding anefficient way for instructors to deliver medical imaging knowledge and establishing an effectivelearning environment for students, especially at institutions without associated medical schoolsor hospitals, have long been goals for medical imaging educators.In our own approach, we were motivated by the pedagogical theory, “What you hear, you forget;what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand.” We proposed to develop an Internetaccessible, interactive medical imaging teaching system serving the courseware for medicalimaging classes. Interaction is the most important feature of the proposed courseware. We wishto promote teaching efficiency and learning effectiveness through interaction with medicalimaging animations and simulations. Supported by a series of NSF CCLI/TUES grants throughstages of proof-of-concept, creation of prototype, and expansion of application, we havedeveloped courseware titled “Medical Imaging Teaching Software (MITS) and DynamicAssessment Tracking System (DATS)”. The MITS/DATS system provides background review,text description, figure illustration, interactive animation, dynamic simulation, and applicationdemonstration for teaching five commonly used medical imaging modalities (X-ray, CT, MRI,PET, and Ultrasound).Three institutions in South Florida, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International Universityand University of Miami, have participated in the development and application of this system.Our effort has been focused on the creation of animations for physics/chemistry principles andsimulations for engineering implementations. The animations or simulations are interfaced withuser-adjustable parameters or settings so that the physics/chemistry/engineering principles can bedynamically demonstrated. A “live” medical imaging device or component can be presentedwithout accessing the real equipment. We have created over thirty animations/simulationscovering five commonly used medical imaging modalities. The MITS/DATS system isintegrated by the open source MySQL database software that manages updating teachingmaterials and also tracks student’s learning gain through different assessments. Instructorsreceive instant feedback on the topics delivered through their lectures when students work on thesystem.We have opened this teaching/tracking system in different size classes (FAU:12, FIU:40, UM:50,per semester) on all or selected imaging modalities during the last few years. More than 200students in three institutions have accessed the Website. The assessment result (pre/post) showsincreased learning gains, especially significant in concept understanding. We plan to test thesystem further and experiment with its use at other institutions.
Zhao, W., & Bessell, A. G., & Erdol, N., & McGoron, A. J., & Rhodes, W. T. (2013, June), Collaborative Development of Internet-Accessible, Interactive, Medical Imaging Teaching Courseware and Application to Undergraduate Curricula Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19310
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