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Computer Engineering Technology Program: A Curriculum Innovation Initiative

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Recruiting, Retention, and Diversity in Engineering Technology

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.363.1 - 22.363.11



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Paper Authors


Omer Farook Purdue University, Calumet

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Omer Farook, Purdue University, Calumet.

Professor Omer Farook is a member of the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University Calumet. Professor Farook received the Diploma
of Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering and B.S.M.E. in 1970 and 1972 respectively. He further received B.S.E.E. and M.S.E..E in 1978 and 1983 respectively from Illinois Institute of Technology.
Professor Farook’s current interests are in the areas of Embedded System Design, Hardware – Software Interfacing, Digital Communication, Networking, Image processing and Biometrics, C++, PHP, and Java Languages. He has a keen interest in pedagogy and instruction delivery methods related to Distance learning.

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Chandra R. Sekhar Purdue University, Calumet, Department of Technology

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Chandra R. Sekhar, Purdue University Calumet Professor Chandra R. Sekhar is a member of the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University Calumet. Professor Sekhar earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from the University of Madras (India), a Diploma in Instrumentation from Madras Institute of Technology and Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Pennsylvania. Professor Sekhar’s primary teaching and research focus is in the areas of Biomedical and Process Control Instrumentation and Clinical Engineering.

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Jai P. Agrawal Purdue University, Calumet

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Jai Agrawal is a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University Calumet. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois, Chicago, in 1991, dissertation in Power Electronics. M.S. and B.S. also in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in 1970 and 1968 respectively. His expertise includes analog and digital electronics design, power electronics, nanophotonics and optical/wireless networking systems. He has designed several models of high frequency oscilloscopes and other electronic test and measuring instruments as an entrepreneur. He has delivered invited short courses in Penang, Malaysia and Singapore. He is also the author of a textbook in Power Electronics, published by Prentice-Hall Inc. His professional career is equally divided in academia and industry. He has authored several research papers in IEEE journals and conferences. His current research is focused on renewable energy technology, smart energy grid.

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Essaid Bouktache Purdue University, Calumet

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Ashfaq Ahmed P.E. Purdue University, Calumet


Hassan Moghbelli Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics

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Hassan Moghbelli received his B.S., in electrical engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in 1973, his MS in electrical engineering from Oklahoma State University in 1978, and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering with specialization in electrical drives and power electronics from University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) in 1989. Dr. Moghbelli was an instructor at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) from 1978 - 1984, an assistant professor at Purdue University, Calumet (PUC) from 1989 - 1993, and an Associate Professor in IUT and IUST from 1989 - 2002. He has done several projects in the area of electrical drives, power electronics, and hybrid electric vehicles. He served as the Head of School of Railway Engineering at IUST from 2000 - 2002. He served as a consultant at Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District from 1991 - 1993 and at Isfahan and Tehran Regional Metro Companies from 1993 - 2002. He has directed several projects in the area of electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles. He also was a research associate in the Advanced Vehicle Systems Research Program in the department of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University from 2002 to 2004. Furthermore, he successfully implemented the Hybrid Electric Vehicles on a Saypa mini bus which was funded by Ministry of Industry in Iran. He was a senior lecturer in Math department at TAMU during 2004-2006. He joined the Math and Science Department at Texas A&M at Qatar in January of 2007 and he is working on NPRP2 research project for Qatar Foundation. His research interests are mainly the control, electric drive train, power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles, CNG vehicles, alternative energy, and power systems. He has published more than 95 scientific papers in these areas. He is a member of SAE, ASME, and IEEE.

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Computer Engineering Technology Program - A Curriculum Innovation InitiativeThe paper expounds the Computer Engineering Technology (CET) program that is designed tomeet industry’s over-whelming need for employees with an in-depth knowledge of bothhardware and software. There is a shortage of individuals who could implement hardware-software integration in design and development. This BS degree curriculum plan bridges the gapbetween these two disciplines, and thus provides the students a solid foundation in each. TheCET curriculum integrates the knowledge in the areas of electronics, computer and software withintensive classroom and laboratory experiences.From a software perspective, the proposed curriculum draws its resources and includes most ofthe existing courses from the Computer Science curriculum. Students gain proficiency insoftware design and development using programming languages currently used in industry. TheCET curriculum allows the students to draw courses from the areas like Algorithms, ImageProcessing, Distributed Systems, Automata and Computability, Database systems, ComputerGraphics, Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Analysis. Students learn industry standardapproaches to application software development as well as state-of-the-art problem solvingtechniques.The hardware focus of the CET curriculum draws its resources and includes most of the existingcourses from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology curriculum. The curriculumprovides a totally fresh look at Electrical Engineering Technology curriculum from theperspective of System Design. It examines the subject areas that prepares the student to pursuethe discipline of System Design from at least four different perspectives; via: 1) PLD/FPGAcentric system design, using Hardware Description Language (HDL) 2) Microcontroller basedEmbedded System Design, 3) PC based Network-oriented Distributed System Design and 4)DSP based Real-time Processing based System Design. The hardware focus in the areas of PLDdesign, Analog Electronics, Embedded System design, Electronic fabrication, BiomedicalElectronics, Computer Networking, Distributed Systems and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) areall furnished by courses in ECET Program.This ECET curriculum emphasizes on both disciplines (Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology and Computer Science), along with a solid math, science and general educationbackground, to enable industry ready students to tackle the challenges of the future. Thisintegrated approach of CET curriculum empowers the students to embark upon the path of a LifeLong Learning. Thus this paper provides a road map for other educators to follow in redressingthe problems of falling enrollment in many of the Electrical Engineering Technology programsalong with addressing the need of producing industry ready workforce which can tackle thechallenges posed by the integration of software and hardware at every level.

Farook, O., & Sekhar, C. R., & Agrawal, J. P., & Bouktache, E., & Ahmed, A., & Moghbelli, H. (2011, June), Computer Engineering Technology Program: A Curriculum Innovation Initiative Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17644

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