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Creating a Seamless Pipeline into B.S. Degree Programs for Place-bound ET Students via a State-wide 2+2 Articulation Agreement

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

ETD Design I

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.352.1 - 25.352.14



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Paper Authors


Austin B. Asgill Southern Polytechnic State University

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Austin B. Asgill received his B.Eng. (honors) (E.E.) degree from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, his M.Sc. (E.E.) degree from the University of Aston in Birmingham, and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of South Florida. He is currently a professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Southern Polytechnic State University (SPSU). Prior to joining the faculty at SPSU, he was an Associate Professor of Electronic Engineering Technology at Florida A&M University (FAMU), where he served as Program Area Coordinator and Interim Division Director. With over 22 years of teaching experience in electrical/electronic engineering and engineering technology, he currently teaches in the areas of networking, communication systems, biomedical instrumentation, digital signal processing, and analog and digital electronics. He has worked in industry in the areas of telephony, networking, switching and transmission systems, and RF and MMIC circuits and system design. Asgill also has an M.B.A. in entrepreneurial management from Florida State University. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the ASEE, and a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state of Florida.

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Jeffrey L. Ray Southern Polytechnic State University

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Jeffrey L. Ray, Ph.D., is Dean of the School of Engineering Technology and Management at Southern Polytechnic State University (SPSU) in Marietta, Ga. Prior to joining SPSU, he was the Director of the School of Engineering at Grand Valley State University. Ray’s attraction to engineering technology is the applied, project-based nature of the discipline and the needs of employers who need engineers to hit the ground running in their organizations. He holds both B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from Tennessee Technological University and a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. Ray has been a member of ASEE since 1994, active in many activities including publishing and presenting papers at regional and annual conferences, paper reviewer for the Engineering Technology and Engineering Research Divisions, and currently serves as Chair of the Engineering Technology Council and ASEE Board of Directors.

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Thomas Reid Ball Southern Polytechnic College of Engr and Engr Tech

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Creating a Seamless Pipeline into BS Degree programs for Place- Bound ET Students Via a State-Wide 2+2 Articulation AgreementAbstractEngineering Technology (ET) programs around the US have been struggling in recent years tomaintain their identity, viability, and continued relevance in the face of decreasing enrollmentscoupled with a harsh economy, and competition from Engineering programs. While someschools with ET programs have resorted to switching their programs entirely from ET toEngineering, others have resorted to developing highly innovative and specialized new curriculathat seek to differentiate the ET programs from Engineering programs, and to entice potentialstudents into their programs. Yet others have sought innovative ways to develop a pipeline forgraduates from two-year ET degree programs to matriculate into the ET programs at theirinstitutions in order to complete the upper division work leading to a BAS or BS degree in ET.______ ______ ______ University is one institution that has adopted this latter approach. Theuniversity has recently completed and signed a novel state-wide 2+2 articulation agreement withthe Technical College System of _______ for its BS programs in EET, IET and MET. Theagreement benefitted from the timely coincidence of being worked out at the time the _______was switching from the quarter-based system to a semester-based system. ______ was able toplay an instrumental role in assisting the ______ with this conversion process which greatlyfacilitated the smooth articulation of the programs. This agreement is in line with the missionsof both the _____ and the ______ , and is in line with the State's goal of providing state-of-the-art high-technology programs to its residents in the rural areas. The agreement calls for thedelivery of the upper-division curricula in EET, IET, and MET to students at the ____ schoolsvia distance learning. The students register for the program at the _____ and upon completionof the first two years, they will have received approximately sixty credit hours towards the BS ETdegree. They then matriculate into ____ and complete the upper division requirements for theirparticular degree program via distance education courses offered by the faculty at _____. Thispaper details the articulation agreement, discusses the benefits of the agreement for both types ofinstitutions, and examines some of the challenges presented in offering a predominantlylaboratory-intensive curriculum at a distance. Some preliminary enrollment data is alsopresented that provides an early indication as to the future viability of the articulated programs.

Asgill, A. B., & Ray, J. L., & Ball, T. R. (2012, June), Creating a Seamless Pipeline into B.S. Degree Programs for Place-bound ET Students via a State-wide 2+2 Articulation Agreement Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21110

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