Seattle, Washington
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
June 17, 2015
26.425.1 - 26.425.10
Inna M. Gorodetskaya is associate professor at the Department of Engineering Education and Psychology of the Kazan National Research Technological University (Russia). She has PhD in Social Psychology and also works as a Head of minor degree program in Psychology at the university. Scientific interests: motivation, value system, psychology of innovations, diversity
Cross-cultural communication training of future engineers for development of academic mobility Nowadays global communication and interaction between different nations and culturesoccur in professional and personal lives more and more often. However there are still a lot ofchallenges in cross-cultural contacts originating from low level of cross-culturalcommunicative competence, intolerance, prejudices and lack of knowledge concerningcultural diversity. Contemporary world is characterized by a strong tendency for globalizationon the one hand, and simultaneous increasing of national feelings, self-comprehension andethnic identity of many peoples on the other hand. Development of mankind, moderntechnologies and increasing influence of global communication requires open mind and cross-cultural communicational competence, especially for future engineers. Labor and academicmobility is one of the key factors of global scientific and technological development. Topromote international educational programs in engineering universities is it necessary todevelop cross-cultural competence of students and researches. Humanities, especially psychology and language courses as academic disciplines play animportant role in developing cross-cultural competence. Humanities in the engineeringeducation allow students to evaluate significance of innovations, implement them andovercome obstacles and difficulties in social contacts. Besides education in psychology andlinguistics reveals potential for personal growth, influences motivation, general outlook,values, and consciousness as a whole. Therefore humanities contribute to the development ofindependent, creative, socially active personality and thus respond to the leading trend of theglobal civilization process. Although Russian Federal State educational Standards for universities allow includingsome disciplines aimed, among others, at development of socio-psychological (includingcross-cultural) competence of future engineer, it is evident that typical engineering curriculumdoes focus on arts and social sciences and pays main attention to engineering. Lack of academic hours for cross-cultural development may be solved in the process ofadditional to higher professional education (APE) – Russian equivalent of minor degree. Inthe contemporary context APE is an effective tool to develop significant social competencesthat cannot be fully developed in the engineering major. To increase the externalcompetitiveness of graduates the Faculty of Additional Education (FAE) of the KazanNational Research Technological University introduces courses aimed at development ofcross-cultural competence. Such courses are suggested in the following curriculums:“Professional psychology”, “Human resources”, “Enterprise management” and “Professionaltranslation and interpretation”. Besides there is an option for all the University students totake a 24-hour long group training “Cross-cultural interaction and interculturalcommunication” at the FAE. The authors worked out a survey to evaluate the level of cross-cultural competence ofengineering students and their readiness for international integration. Cross-culturalcompetence was considered an integral part of socio-psychological and communicativecompetence is one of determinants of efficient academic mobility process. Empirical data wasacquired in the sample interview of 86 engineering students (43 of them attended theaforementioned FAE coursed and 43 were only enrolled in the engineering major). In thegiven research it was shown that being more flexible in curricula and syllabus, additional tohigher professional education is an effective instrument to develop cross-cultural competenceof students.
Gorodetskaya, I. M., & Shageeva, F. T., & Valeeva, E. (2015, June), Cross-Cultural Communication Training for Future Engineers – A Model Developed at the Kazan National Research Technological University to Prepare Students for Mobility Programs and the Global Marketplace Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23764
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