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Delivering Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Concepts in a Typical Manufacturing Course

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Latest Trends and Implementations in Manufacturing Education

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Page Count


Page Numbers

26.443.1 - 26.443.10



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Ismail Fidan Tennessee Technological University Orcid 16x16

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Currently, Dr. Fidan serves as a Professor of the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology and College of Engineering-Faculty Fellow in Innovation and Techno-Entrepreneurship at Tennessee Technological University. His research and teaching interests are in additive manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, distance learning, and STEM education. Dr. Fidan is a member and active participant of SME, ASEE, ASME, and IEEE. He is also the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology.

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Bonita Barger Tennessee Technological University

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Currently, Dr. Barger serves as Associate Professor of Management at Tennessee Technological University. She has diverse domestic and international operations experience in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and implement effective strategic human resource management plans that further broaden corporate objectives. Strong personal initiative, effective leadership skills, ability to influence others, proven collaborative style, and adaptability to various situations. Her research interests include creating global leaders and developing organizational talent.

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Development of Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing Education--- College of Engineering has a newly developed Strategic Plan which is defined 21stCentury Renaissance Engineers Revolutionizing Engineering to Solve Societal Problems. A21st Century Renaissance Engineer brings innovation to both problem solving andtechnology that help to make the world a better place to live. It is expected that --- Engineerswill go on to be industry leaders, innovative business owners and successful entrepreneurs.The goal of the project reported in this paper is to prepare the Engineering students in threekey components of the college strategic plan. They are 1) leadership in industry, 2)innovation in business, and 3) entrepreneurial success in engineering. They are all beingimplemented in a Junior Level Manufacturing course which is called CNC MachiningPractices. This course is an industrial programming course for the automated machiningsystems like milling and turning. Students learn and practice the coding, simulating and realmachining of industrial parts and components. They also benchmark their results with theadvancing additive manufacturing technologies. This course is a required curricular coursefor the engineering technology majors and is offered almost every semester. In this project,--- students have opportunities to have guest lecturers from industrial representatives andexpert business/engineering professors on three topics, and work on team-based productdevelopment projects. And finally they enhance their critical thinking and real life problemsolving skills throughout the course and project.In this course a number of active learning and teaching with technology techniques arepracticed to increase the interaction between students, faculty and guest speakers: i.e.Clicker Tools, Socratic Questioning, Gallery Method, Service Learning, and Studio. At thebeginning of the semester, four industrial projects were developed and assigned to studentteams. Each team has five students in it. Teams have mentors from industrialrepresentatives, college of business, marketing professionals and regional engineering firmleaders/managers. Teams practice the three knowledge sets they’ve learned with realindustrial projects. Each team specifically report how they have solved their problems andenhanced their skills in 1) leadership in industry, 2) innovation in business, and 3)entrepreneurial success. At the beginning of each lecture and laboratory practice, there is ateam-time section so that any single issue faced by the teams is solved immediately.Individual team times and office hours are also held twice a week.Students’ progress on learning and practicing the core project deliverables are evaluatedusing a short pre and post survey provided by the QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan)Program that includes questions modeled on several items from the NSSE (National Surveyof Student Engagement) that also relates to critical thinking, real-world problem solving,teamwork and service to the community and profession.

Fidan, I., & Barger, B. (2015, June), Delivering Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Concepts in a Typical Manufacturing Course Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23782

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