San Antonio, Texas
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
June 13, 2012
Government Policy, Manufacturing Education, and Certification
25.433.1 - 25.433.9
Marilyn Barger is the Principal Investigator and Executive Director of FLATE, the Florida Regional Center of Advanced Technological Education, funded by the National Science Foundation and housed at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Fla., since 2004. FLATE serves the state of Florida and its region and is involved in outreach and recruitment of students into technical career pathways, curriculum development and reform for secondary and post-secondary Career and Technical Education programs, and professional development for technical teachers and faculty focused on advanced technologies. She earned a B.A. in chemistry at Agnes Scott College and both a B.S. in engineering science and a Ph.D. in civil engineering (environmental) from the University of South Florida, where her research focused on membrane separation science and technologies for water purification. She has more than 20 years of experience in developing curricula for engineering and engineering technology for elementary, middle, high school, and post secondary institutions, including colleges of engineering. Barger serves on several national panels and advisory boards for technical programs, curriculum, and workforce initiatives, including the National Association of Manufacturers Educators Council. She is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Florida, a Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Education, and a charter member of both the National Academy and the University of South Florida‘s Academy of Inventors (holds one licensed patent). Barger is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida.
Richard Gilbert is a professor of chemical and biomedical engineering at the University of South Florida’s College of Engineering in Tampa, Fla. As Director of USF’s College of Engineering Center for Molecular Delivery, his research interests are focused on the instrumentation, applicators, protocols, and mechanisms for electric field mediated drug and gene delivery to targeted tumors. This NIH-supported research has resulted in many publications and patents as well is the first FDA approved drug delivery clinical trail in the United States and the first FDA approved gene delivery trial in the world. Gilbert’s education efforts include the co-creation of the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE) and a Co-PI of the NSF-ATE grant designating FLATE as a NSF Regional Center of Excellence. Gilbert together with Dr. Marilyn Barger, an ASEE Fellow, are co-creators of an entire K-5 engineering for elementary education curriculum that has been presented at the ASEE conference, adopted by D.J. Jamerson Elementary School in St. Petersburg, Fla., and modified for application in other schools throughout the country.
Peggie Weeks has twice been a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation and currently serves as External Evaluator on four Advanced Technological Education projects and centers. She was on the faculty at Corning Community College for 16 years. Prior to teaching, she was employed as a Process Engineer with Corning, Inc. She has a master's degree in ceramic engineering from Alfred University and a bachelor's degree in metallurgy and materials science from Carnegie Mellon University.
DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR U.S. M ANUFACTURINGTECHNICIAN STUDENTSThe Florida Advanced Technological Education Center-FLATE, The Regional Center for NextGeneration Manufacturing (RCNGM), both National Science Foundation Regional Centers ofExcellence for Advanced Technological Education (NSF-ATE) took the challenge from theNational Science Foundation Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) andAdvanced Technological Education (ATE) to develop international programs of student forstudents enrolled in technical 2 year associate of science degree programs. FLATE partnered withTknika in the Basque County of Spain and RCNGM partnered with two Cooperative StateUniversities in Germany, Mosbach in Mosbach and Baden-Wurttemberg in Mannheim. to developtheir programs. Both NSF ATE Centers missions are focused on supporting manufacturingeducation at for technicians (2 year associate level) and developing robust career pathwayscontinuously integrated with regional manufacturers’ needs.The objective of these international education projects is to lay the ground work of strong andfeasible education and training program for U.S technician students at institutions in WesternEurope to provide our future workforce with global perspectives of the industry they will beentering, allow them to experience a foreign education system, and spend significant time workingside by side with students from another country. The centers designed the basic framework of theirprojects the same way and, therefore will be able to use the same evaluation tools when the projectis completed. Phase one of both projects is to take a cohort of Community College faculty to therespective destinations, providing significant professional development and the opportunity for thefaculty to work together with the European institutions to define a program that will both align withthe courses of study at their home institution as well as keep its hosts educational culture. Phase twowill have small cohorts of students going overseas to experience technical education in a differentcountry and culture.Currently, the centers are half way through the project, FLATE and RCNGM will provide aninterim report of this project. This presentation and paper will focus on the faculty experiences inSpain and Germany, lessons learned, and the differences of the education systems they will besending students to in the summer of 2012. The curriculum development process for the studentcohort will be outlined as well the student recruitment strategies for the challenging non-traditionalstudents that make up a large percentage of the student base at all 2 year institutions.
Barger, M., & Gilbert, R. A., & Orozco, D., & Wosczyna-Birch, K., & Weeks, P. (2012, June), Developing International Education Opportunities for U.S. Manufacturing Technician Students Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21191
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