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Development of an Online High School Multivariable Calculus-themed Introduction to Engineering Course

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Mathematics Division Technical Session 3

Tagged Division


Page Count


Page Numbers

23.430.1 - 23.430.6



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Paper Authors


Samantha Nacole Andrews Georgia Institute of Technology

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Samantha Andrews obtained her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University in 2010. Currently she is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology where she focuses on science education and outreach. Her work includes conducting teacher professional development workshops and developing online science courses for students and teachers for the Race to the Top grant.

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Greg Mayer Georgia Tech

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Greg Mayer is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), at Georgia Tech. Greg develops curriculum for online professional development for teachers and high school students. He assists with the delivery of an online calculus course through facilitating synchronous online recitations, also for high school students.

Prior to working at CEISMC, Greg was developing curriculum for distance and blended learning courses at The University of Waterloo and The University of British Columbia. Greg received his education from Canada: an undergraduate in Geophysics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Western Ontario, a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Calgary, and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo. He is currently pursuing a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Technology-Based Learning from Athabasca University, Canada.

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Rui Hu CEISMC, Georgia Institute of Technology


Connelly Hunter Connelly Google, Inc.

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Daniel is a software engineer at Google, working on Chrome and Chrome OS in Munich, Germany. He previously studied for an MS in computer science and a BS in applied mathematics at Georgia Tech, worked at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and taught math at a charter school in metro Atlanta.

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Nathaniel William Tindall III


Neva Rose Georgia Institute of Tecnology - CEISMC

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Ms. Neva Joyce Rose is a program director at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing. She is a graduate of Paine College and the University of Georgia University of Georgia. She has worked in science education for 37 years.

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Development of an Online High School Multivariable Calculus-themed Introduction to Engineering CourseThis abstract focuses on the process of developing of an online high school multivariablecalculus-themed introduction to engineering course. The course is the first of its kind and isdesigned for students who have completed Advanced Placement Calculus BC. The students willbe exposed to activities that are typically used in a college-level engineering class, such as agroup design project. The course design team consists of a biomedical engineer, mathematician,instructional designer, and two engineering graduate students. The course is divided into fiveunits that teach the principals of engineering using the multivariable calculus GeorgiaPerformance Standards. To enhance their learning experience, the students will use open sourcetextbooks, graphing software and calculators, and an online cad program. Tutorials will beprovided to aid in the learning of the course tools.For the class, the students are first introduced to their design project assignment in which theywill design a water filtration device for a rural Kenyan village. The project is due at the end ofsemester and requires group work and the use of an online cad program to a build a prototype.The first unit has lessons on the history of engineering and exposed students to the variousengineering disciplines. The second unit introduces multivariable calculus and working in threedimensions. In unit 3-5 students will content multivariable calculus concepts to environmental,biomedical, and materials engineering. Throughout the course the students will be given projectmilestone assignments so that they will work on their project throughout the course. The studentswill be assessed through exams, weekly homework assignments, online quizzes, and discussionboard posts. The course will be completed in December 2012 and first offered to students inJanuary 2013.

Andrews, S. N., & Mayer, G., & Hu, R., & Connelly, C. H., & Tindall, N. W., & Rose, N. (2013, June), Development of an Online High School Multivariable Calculus-themed Introduction to Engineering Course Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19444

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