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Development of an Open-Source Concurrent Enrollment Course that Introduces Students to the Engineering Design and Documentation Process

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Design Pedagogy and Curriculum 2

Tagged Division

Design in Engineering Education

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.431.1 - 23.431.21



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Paper Authors


Richard Cozzens Utah Educational Network

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This paper will be presented by four of the TICE Grant Curriculum Development Team members:
Richard Cozzens Professor at Southern Utah University
Jeremy Farner Professor at Weber State University
Thomas Paskett PhD
Isabella Borisova Professor at Southern Utah University

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Jeremy Ray Farner Weber State University

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Assistant Professor
Design Engineering Technology
Weber State University, Ogden Utah

Bachelors in Design Engineering Technology (Weber State University)
Masters in Construction Management (Purdue University)

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Thomas James Paskett Weber State University

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Dr. Thomas J. Paskett. I have a Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Adult Organization and Learning from the University of Idaho. I also have a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Architectural Studies from the University of Utah. My drafting experience began with my Associate Degree in Architectural Drafting Technology from Ricks College, now Brigham Young University-Idaho.
I have been designing residential buildings since 1992 and have had home plans built for the Salt Lake County Parade of Homes. It is my intent to teach you the skills needed to be a residential designer and begin a career in residential architecture. The skills you gain from the courses in the Drafting Program are transferable to almost every profession and can be a source of income for you as you continue your education.
I have taught drafting on the college level for ten years with high expectations and rigor.

I currently teach Design Engineering courses at both Fremont and Bonneville. I also teach Driver Education for Fremont High, as well as mathematics and interior design courses for BYUI, architecture courses for Weber State University, and graduate level courses in Business and Education for Argosy University. I am currently the president elect for the Idaho Life-long Learning Association in my spare time.

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Elias V. Perez Utah State University Eastern

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Isabella Borisova Southern Utah University

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Development of an Open-Source Concurrent Enrollment Course that Introduces Students to the Engineering Design and Documentation ProcessThe technology used to generate mechanical drawings has evolved significantly in the last fewyears. The CAD (Computer Aided Design) software not only provides fast and efficient tools togenerate these mechanical drawings but provides tools for design review and evaluation. Thedesigner of today must understand the design intent and constraint requirements of the partand/or assembly being created. It is critical that these concepts be incorporated into the existingdrafting and design course without neglecting the fundamental concepts traditionally taught inthis course. Time in the class room remains constant but the content has increased to include theuse of software. Although the technology has evolved significantly the fundamental principles ofdrafting and design have not changed and will not change. This course was designed to coverthe fundamental concepts of drafting and design while incorporating the forward thinking andpreplanning the part and/or assembly required by the new CAD technology.For this purpose the Curriculum Development Team was composed of selected instructors fromacross the state to create a web-based book (PDF and/or ebook) that teaches the principles ofdrafting and design at the process level to promote curriculum acceptance and implementationfrom K-12 to Post-Secondary Education. This will provide a method for every school in thestate to use the same book, same objectives, and same outcomes for a concurrent enrollmentclass accepted by every state college/university. This will provide the link to a higher educationalpath for high school students wanting to enter a career in an engineering profession early in theireducation regardless of their geographic location. Given that this book focused on the processlevel it can be used without going out of date. The components in each lesson have appliedtechniques that can be applied to any CAD software and any version (release) of that software.The book will be accessible through (online course delivery). The entire course was developedaround the state objectives for both the pre-engineering and drafting technology programs.The drafting and design world have undergone drastic technological changes. These changeshave had a huge effect on technology and engineering education. The course objectives andassessments at the state level has been a subject of discussion for several years particularlybecause of the fast pace change in technology and how it is reshaping the industry. Thispresentation will explain how the use of online course content and the flipped classroom modelwas used to increase the amount of material presented in the classroom and enhanced thelearning and understanding of the student with applied skill development.

Cozzens, R., & Farner, J. R., & Paskett, T. J., & Perez, E. V., & Borisova, I. (2013, June), Development of an Open-Source Concurrent Enrollment Course that Introduces Students to the Engineering Design and Documentation Process Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19445

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