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Development of Green Technology Curriculum

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Green Renewable Energy

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.494.1 - 22.494.19



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Paper Authors


Deepak Gupta Southeast Missouri State University

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Deepak Gupta is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial & Engineering Technology department at Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. He is a Qualified Specialist in Process Heating, Steam, and Compressed Air Systems (certified by the U.S. Department of Energy), a Certified Quality Engineering (ASQ-CQE), and a Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. His research interests include Industrial Energy and Waste Reduction, Industrial Productivity Enhancement, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Lean Manufacturing, and Quality Control.

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Ragu Athinarayanan Southeast Missouri State University

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Ragu Athinarayanan is a Professor and Chair of the Industrial & Engineering Technology department at Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Science (Electrical Engineering Concentration) from Southern Illinois University. He is also the Associate Dean of the School of Polytechnic Studies. His research interests include modeling and control of underactuated robotic manipulators, self organizing systems, and machine vision. He received “2009 Governors Award for Excellence in Education” and “SME 2002 Educator of the Year Award.”

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Bradley J. Deken Southeast Missouri State University

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Bradley J. Deken received a B.S. in 2003 and M.S. in 2004 in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla where he was a recipient of the NSF IGERT fellowship. In 2007 he received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. His interests include energy sources and systems, electric machine optimization, numerically efficient modeling techniques, engineering education, and reaching out to youth through the FIRST Tech Challenge. Brad is currently an Assistant Professor at Southeast Missouri State University.

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Development of Green Technology Curriculum This paper will discuss the development of a training program for area professionals and a BSdegree in Sustainable Energy Systems Management at ______________ University. Thecurriculum is designed to serve as a career pathway toward developing a future workforce ingreen energy technologies. The process involved the assessment of needs of the region, selectionof advisory board members, identification of core competencies, development of course and labcurricula, development of training modules for business and industry professionals, and purchaseof necessary equipment. The green technology skills that were targeted were energy efficiencyand management, planning and design of sustainable facilities, sustainable and greenconstruction, sustainable and green manufacturing, and renewable energy sources such asbiomass, solar power, and wind energy technologies.The curriculum development effort was partially funded by a grant exceeding $200,000 from theWorkforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED), a Department of Labor(DOL) agency. Per the requirements of the grant, the curriculum development also involvedcollaboration with two community colleges in the region. The degree program was designed in away so that students completing a certificate and/or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degreeat the two colleges could seamlessly matriculate to the BS Technology degree.The target audiences for the proposed program are students from the region who wish to pursuethe 4-year BS degree, students who already completed the 2-year program at one of thecommunity colleges identified as partners in this effort, and business and industrial personnelseeking training programs to immediately impact the regional economy.All curricula were modeled around the body of knowledge for certification programs throughagencies such as US Department of Energy, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Association ofEnergy Engineers, National Association of Home Builder’s National Green Building Program,and US Green Building Council. 

Gupta, D., & Athinarayanan, R., & Deken, B. J. (2011, June), Development of Green Technology Curriculum Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17775

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