Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
NSF Grantees Poster Session
23.432.1 - 23.432.17
Dr. Ciobanescu Husanu is an assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Drexel University. She received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University and also a M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering. Her research interest is in thermo-fluid sciences with applications in micro-combustion, fuel cells, green fuels and plasma assisted combustion. Dr. Husanu has prior industrial experience in aerospace engineering that encompasses both theoretical analysis and experimental investigations such as designing and testing of propulsion systems including design and development of pilot testing facility, mechanical instrumentation, and industrial applications of aircraft engines. In the last eight years, Dr. Husanu gained experience in teaching ME and ET courses in both quality control and quality assurance areas. Dr. Husanu has addressed a broad spectrum of students. After instructing various levels of education, she was granted experience in thermal-fluid, energy conversion and mechanical areas. She also has extensive experience in curriculum development.
Dr. Radian Belu is an assistant professor within the Engineering Technology program at Drexel University in Philadelphia. He holds the second position as research assistant professor at Desert Research Institute–Renewable Energy Center at Reno, Nev. Before Drexel University, Dr. Belu held faculty and research positions at universities and research institutes in Romania, Canada and the United States. He also worked for several years as a project manager and senior consultant. He has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate courses in electronics, power systems, control and power electronics, electric machines, instrumentation, radar and remote sensing, numerical methods and data analysis, space and atmosphere physics, and physics. His research interests include power system stability, control and protection, renewable energy system analysis, assessment and design, power electronics and electric machines for wind energy conversion, radar and remote sensing, wave and turbulence simulation, measurement and modeling, numerical modeling, electromagnetic compatibility and engineering education. During his career Dr. Belu published several papers in referred journals and in conference proceedings. He has also been PI or co-PI for various research projects in the United States and abroad in power systems analysis and protection, load and energy demand forecasting and analysis, renewable energy analysis, assessment and design, turbulence and wave propagation, radar and remote sensing, instrumentation, atmosphere physics, electromagnetic compatibility, and engineering education.
Development of Laboratory Modules for Use in Measurement and Instrumentation, and Applied Quality Control CoursesEquipping engineering students with the skills and knowledge required to be successful globalengineers in the 21st century is one of the primary objectives of undergraduate educators.Ideally, a properly trained workforce of engineers and technicians should have expert skills inquality control, measurements and instrumentation to maintain higher productivity, and toimprove safety standards in the industry. An expert can detect and/or predict deteriorating cuttingconditions through the use of his/her senses so that appropriate corrective actions can be takenbefore part quality is lost. However, this level of expertise requires many years of experience.Furthermore, machine tools should be brought to a thermally stable state by running at idle modefor several hours so that positional errors can be minimized. This requirement increases machinedown time and production costs. Machine tools have inherent geometric errors caused bymechanical imperfections in their structure, and misalignment of machine tool elements.Geometric errors are also affected by the thermal state of the machine tool structure. Henceprocess and structural factors affecting part accuracy in machining processes are quitecomplicated. CNC machine tools only minimizes a small portion of these errors since CNC oftendoes not utilize sensor data to compensate for geometric-thermal errors and errors generated bythe cutting process. Therefore, we must provide our students, through our curriculum, with anadequate level of expertise through new programs, courses and support laboratories.This paper is focused on description of new laboratory modules, teaching materials, practicalexperiments and projects developed as an integrated educational environment similar to onesused in the present day industry. The projects and practical activities are developed andimplemented around Renishaw Magnetic Double Ballbar (DBB), HAAS OM1A 3-Axis CNCVertical Machining Center and Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Course materials andlaboratory manuals are also developed, upgraded and restructured during this project. Theeducational material is implemented as course improvements in undergraduate and graduatecourses such as Measurement and Instrumentation, Applied Quality Control, EngineeringQuality Methods (graduate) and Sensors and Measurements (graduate).The experimental activities are focused on several aspects applicable in manufacturing industryconcerning measurement, instrumentation and quality control. One area where we concentratedour efforts is the calibration technology of a CNC using machined parts and a CMM. Thisapproach yields valuable information on non-repeatable errors due to cutting forces, heatgenerated by cutting, tool setup, wear, and deflection. CMM is used also as a post processconfirmation of the machined test components and other discrete parts machined in the HAAS-OM1 Vertical Machining Center. Then the deviation between the real part and the theoreticalpart is measured. Another area of focus is related to characterization of the factors and errorcomponents that contribute to machine tool errors using a DBB.
Ciobanescu Husanu, I. N., & Ertekin, Y., & Belu, R. G. (2013, June), Development of Laboratory Modules for Use in Measurement and Instrumentation, and Applied Quality Control Courses Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19446
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