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Effective Practices in Multidisciplinary Teamwork

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

NSF Grantees Poster Session

Tagged Topic

NSF Grantees

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.536.1 - 22.536.7



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Paper Authors


Mo Ahmadian Eastern New Mexico University

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Tom Brown, Eastern New Mexico University
Tom Brown is a professor of Computer Science and the chair of Mathematical Sciences Department at Eastern New Mexico University. He received his B.S. in Mathematics Education and M.S. in Mathematics with an emphasis in statistics from the Illinois State University and his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the University of New Mexico. Prior to joining ENMU he worked as a senior scientist for Schafer Corporation and MZA Associates Corporation for a few years.

Mohamad H. Ahmadian, Eastern New Mexico University
Mohamad H. Ahmadian is a professor of Electronics Engineering Technology at Eastern New Mexico University. He also serves as ABET/TAC program evaluator for electronics and computer engineering technology programs. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Before starting Ph.D. work, he worked three years as a project engineer.

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Effective Practices in Multidisciplinary TeamworkAbstractThis article presents a model that provides students with: skills in job interviewing, teamingexperience, learning about the future job market and some business experience. The article willalso examine the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams, and will assess the growth ofindividual team members. The model encourages students to hone their oral communicationskills through multiple team presentations. Students are grouped in teams of 4 to 5 students fromsciences, mathematics, engineering technology and computer information systems disciplines.In addition to class meetings, students regularly meet outside the class to discuss their findingsand to create their PowerPoint presentations. Students progress in understanding of teamingconstructs and comprehension of issues involved in having a successful business are monitored.If progress is not as effective as expected, suggestions are made by the instructor.The students are recipients of the NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics (S-STEM) grant and as scholarship recipients they are required to register for aone-credit project course.The model carries out in four phases: 1) Job Search Skills: to increase student’s job interviewing skills; students are required to provide an updated resume; to give a presentation about their professional achievements; research the future job in which they are interested; and discuss in details why they are the best candidate for the job. At the end of the presentation each student is interviewed by the instructor and the audience in a question/answer session. 2) Development of Teamwork Skills: A guest speaker is invited to class to provide a lecture on how to be an effective member of a team, and how everyone should be equally involved in accomplishing the task. 3) Research a Company: each team is given the task of choosing a company that might be of interest to their future employment, arrange for a video or telephone interview with a company representative, and as a team give a presentation about the company. The presentation includes but is not limited to products, global activities, market competition, worker’s loyalty, future needs, strengths and weaknesses of the company, etc. 4) Assess the individual teamwork growth of each team through an assessment tool. A questionnaire is developed to receive inputs from students to evaluate the effectiveness of teamwork. Also, one meeting is designated to discuss the effective teamwork features and what worked and did not work for each team.

Ahmadian, M. (2011, June), Effective Practices in Multidisciplinary Teamwork Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17817

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