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Effectiveness of Traditional, Blended, and Online Teaching of Electrical Machinery Course

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Utilizing Digital Technologies in Classroom and Distance Learning in ET Programs

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Tagged Topic


Page Count


Page Numbers

26.583.1 - 26.583.14



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Paper Authors


Aleksandr Sergeyev Michigan Technological University

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Aleksandr Sergeyev is currently an Associate
Professor in the Electrical Engineering
Technology program in the
School of Technology at Michigan Technological
University. Dr. Aleksandr
Sergeyev earned his bachelor degree in
Electrical Engineering at Moscow University
of Electronics and Automation in
1995. He obtained the Master degree
in Physics from Michigan Technological
University in 2004 and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering
from Michigan Technological University in 2007.
Dr. Aleksandr Sergeyev’s research interests include high
energy laser propagation through the turbulent atmosphere,
developing advanced control algorithms for wavefront sensing
and mitigating effects of the turbulent atmosphere, digital
inline holography, digital signal processing, and laser spectroscopy.
Dr. Sergeyev is a member of ASEE, IEEE, SPIE and
is actively involved in promoting engineering education.

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Nasser Alaraje Michigan Technological University

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Dr. Alaraje is an Associate Professor and Program Chair of Electrical Engineering Technology in the School of Technology at Michigan Tech. Prior to his faculty appointment, he was employed by Lucent Technologies as a hardware design engineer, from 1997- 2002, and by vLogix as chief hardware design engineer, from 2002-2004. In 2009, Alaraje was awarded the Golden Jubilee by the College of Engineering at Assiut University, in Egypt. He has served as an ABET/IEEE-TAC evaluator for electrical engineering technology and computer engineering technology programs. Dr. Alaraje is a 2013-2014 Fulbright scholarship recipient at Qatar University, where he taught courses on Embedded Systems. Additionally, Dr. Alaraje is recipient of an NSF award for a digital logic design curriculum revision in collaboration with College of Lake County in Illinois, and NSF award in collaboration with University of New Mexico, Drake State Technical College and Chandler-Gilbert Community College, the award is focusing on expanding outreach activities to increase the awareness of potential college students about career opportunities in electronics technologies.

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Effectiveness of Traditional, Blended and On-Line Teaching of Electrical Machinery CourseWith an increasing emphasis on student learning outcomes and assessment, educators constantlyseek ways to effectively integrate theory and hands-on practices in inventive course designmethodologies. Critics of engineering education argue that educational programs focus too muchon the transmittal of information through static lecture-discussion formats and routine use ofoutdated laboratory exercises. On the other hand, that active learning, learning that involveshands-on experience, significantly improves student comprehension and proficiency. It is clearthat understanding and retention are greatly enhanced when students engage in active learning.While theoretical knowledge remains a fundamental component of any comprehension process,the underpinnings of proficiency development seem to increase best through active learningpractices. What remains less clear is the “gold standard” for pedagogical approaches thatcombine theory and hands-on learning.In this article we describe the development and implementation of three models of ElectricalMachinery course offering: traditional, on-line, and blended. The traditional way of teaching ofElectrical machinery course for EET and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) majorshas been conducted for years and therefore provides us with significant statistics on students'comprehension of the subject. The goal of a blended approach is to join the best aspects of bothface-to-face and online instruction: classroom time can be used to engage students in advancedlearning experiences, while the on-line portion of the course can provide students with content atany time of day allowing for an increase in scheduling flexibility for students. We share the datacollected over several years of teaching all three models. To effectively assess the courseoutcomes the direct and indirect assessment tools have been implemented. Analysis of theindirect data reveals some contradiction in students’ responces: "they learned a great deal fromthe course" at the same time stating that they "had a hard time" earning high grades. As part ofthe direct assessment tool, we used the average and standard deviation results of the final examscores, as well as a final grade distribution as a rubric for this assessment. We also comparedthese data with the ones available from the previous years when the course was taught utilizingtraditional model. The direct assessment of these data reveals very interesting results. Eventhough the students' perception of the blended version of the EM course was not exceedinglypositive, the direct assessment demonstrates that the students' performance participating in theblended learning was either the same or even better comparable to traditional and hybrid models.This fact almost looks like a negative correlation between the students' feedback and their actualperformance in the class.In this articles we discuss the structural details of all three course models, including thetheoretical topics and experimental exercises of the course, the technology that has been used forthe on-line materials development, implementation of the assessment tools to evaluate thestudents progress, and students' perception of all three models.

Sergeyev, A., & Alaraje, N. (2015, June), Effectiveness of Traditional, Blended, and Online Teaching of Electrical Machinery Course Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23921

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